Tag Archives: reiki share

Report on the 2012 National Gathering

Well, that was quite an event. October 6th saw 140+ Reiki people from all over the country descending on Baden Powell House (right next to the Natural History Museum in South Kensington) for a day of fun, learning new things and making new friends. We had workshops and distant healing and Reiki shares, Reiju empowerments for all, and kotodama chanting. The venue was nice, light and airy, with a lovely atmosphere, and as the day progressed the place just buzzed with energy.

A few highlights of the day for me were seeing every one of the ‘Reiju’ seats occupied, with a queue of people waiting for their turn for a dose of blissfulness, or seeing everyone basically ‘take over’ the on-site café and turning it into a Reiki café, chatting on comfy sofas over tea or coffee, or maybe that experience of oneness at the close of the day, after that fantastic chanting!

It was great for me to get to meet and spend time with so many lovely Reiki people, and to publicly show my appreciation to my team of fantastic teachers.

What we did

Workshops featured Tina Shaw (“Discover your intuitive self”), Martine Moorby (“EFT for personal transformation”), Irene Forsyth (“Seeing auras”) and Marilyn Harvey (“Reiki meditations”). We were also lucky enough to have two separate QiGong sessions, the first hosted by Rhonda Bailey and the second hosted by Thalbert Allen and Maggie Tarling from the College of Elemental Chi Kung.

Attendees joined in Reiki sharing sessions and there were Reiju empowerments for anyone who wanted one (lots of people wanted one!), given by our team of lovely teachers. We held a couple of ‘chat to a Reiki teacher’ sessions and we had ‘en masse’ sessions in the Main Hall where we sent distant healing and chanted a sacred sound which elicits a state of oneness.

Useful links

Tina is now running special courses in Developing intuition and using a pendulum, which you can read about here: Special courses.

Martine teaches Emotional Freedom Technique in North Yorkshire and can be contacted here: Martine Moorby.

Rhonda teaches Tai Chi, QiGong and meditation in Kent, and you can find her here: Rhonda Bailey.

I particularly wanted to thank Thalbert for coming to our gathering to run a session for us. Thalbert Allen is co-founder and Director of the College of Elemental Chi Kung in Finsbury Park, and you can read more about the College here: Elemental Chi Kung.

Next year’s gathering

Very shortly I am going to be announcing the venue and the date for the 2013 National Gathering, and I look forward to seeing many familiar faces there next year; it can’t come quickly enough as far as I’m concerned!

Here’s a photo of me with 15 of my team of teachers:

Reiki Evolution 2012 National Gathering is starting to book up!

Taggart King

Hi Guys,

The Reiki Evolution 2012 National Gathering will be held on Saturday October 6th in Central London, and it’s starting to book up! We have received 85 confirmed bookings so far, only a week after the 2011 Gathering, so if you’d like to attend, may I suggest that you reserve your place sooner rather than later!

We had a great time at the 2011 Gathering and I’m already excited, planning what we can do at a bigger venue next year. More talks, more workshops, time to chat and make new friends, energy work, and most probably more chanting! There will be a main hall, several seminar rooms, morning tea, coffee and biscuits included and inexpensive overnight accommodation available on-site, for people who need to stay over.

If you have any ideas about what you’d like to do, or hear about, or learn about, please let me know by e-mailing me on Taggart King.

So, anyone who has me in their Reiki lineage qualifies to attend, and it would be great to see you there.

Reserve your place now

You can reserve your place by visiting 2012 National Gathering.

Here’s a reminder of what we got up to last weekend:

Reiki Evolution National Gathering 2011

Taggart KingHi Guys,

Well, that was an amazing day! On saturday October 29th we held the first ever Reiki Evolution National Gathering at Regent’s College in Central London. 80 Reiki Evolution students came together for a day of learning, fun, friendship and energy work, some coming from as far as France, Spain and even New Zealand! It was a real honour for me to spend time with such a lovely group of Reiki people and the day all seemed to end far too quickly: I could have camped there all weekend!
Continue reading Reiki Evolution National Gathering 2011

Reiki Evolution teacher get-together

reiki master teachers from reiki evolution

On June 1st we held our first get-together of Reiki Evolution Reiki Master Teachers, in central London. About half of the team were able to meet and it was a real pleasure to spend time with a group of such lovely, talented, positive, creative RMTs. I feel really honoured to have these people as part of my team. The room fairly crackled with energy as we did a Reiki circle, chanted the kotodama and gave each other empowerments, and it was great to chat, share ideas and experiences, to get to know each other and to plan how we are going to move Reiki Evolution forward together.

We talked about blogging and creating podcasts, shared ideas for courses and explained the ways that we made our own courses distinctive. We laughed, we chatted, and we really came together as a group, which was excellent. We all learned from each other and it was great to be amongst people who were so open and accepting.

The most amazing experienced was when we chanted the kotodama together (Reiki mantras that pre-date the use of symbols within Reiki and which were taught by Usui Sensei to most of his students). I didn’t realise how many strong voices there would be, and there were such harmonies! It was gorgeous to take part in and listen to, and we would have carried on forever I think, though eventually people would have fallen off their chairs from the hyperventilation! Sitting, basking in the energies we had elicited, I certainly just wanted to stay there undisturbed with a silly grin on my face. What an experience! So powerful.

We finished the day giving empowerments to each other and it was a very special time, supporting and empowering each other as a team. The room was sizzling with energy! Everyone decided that they wanted to meet again, and not in a year’s time, so looks like we shall be getting together later in the year.

Workshops for National Gathering 2011

reiki share, reiki gathering, reiki festival
2011 Gathering in Regent's Park, London

Right, that’s sorted out now. For our first ever Reiki Evolution National Gathering at Regent’s College, London [October 29th] we are having six workshops, three in the morning and three in the afternoon. We had offers of eight workshops from my team of teachers, so I canvassed all 80 people who had booked to see what their preference was, and this was the result. The six workshops at the 2011 gathering will be:

Discover your intuitive self (Tina Shaw)
Health at your fingertips (Hannah Shine)
Working with sound (Mel Diamond)
Taoist yin yoga (Sue Norman)
Shamanic healing ritual (Kay Gillard)
Reiki and crystals (Linda Vickers)

All I need to do now is to work out who is going to attend which workshop, based on their preferences, which is giving me more of a headache than I had anticipated, so I know what I am going to be doing this Bank Holiday weekend: sitting on the floor surrounded by little pieces of paper, shifting them around from one pile to another as I try and accommodate everyone’s preferences as far as I can without blowing a gasket! 🙂

And I still have to announce what speakers we are going to have. There will be one or two. So watch this space!

We were overwhelmed by the response from Reiki Evolution students who wanted to attend. Since this was the first event of it’s kind we didn’t know what size venue to book – there’s no point in booking the Albert Hall if there’s just going to be tumbleweed drifting across the empty rows! – so it was a big surprise to find that all 80 tickets sold out in three days. In 2012 – and I’m fairly sure we’ll repeat the event – we’ll book a bigger venue!