Hello, my name is Ann Bellows and I teach Reiki training courses in Hampshire, based on the Reiki Evolution teachings. I live on the borders of the amazing counties of Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire in the little village of Damerham close to the New Forest.
About me
I came to Reiki in what I think was an amazing situation. I was living and travelling on a canal boat and we were moored in a remote spot in the Midlands when another boat moored behind us. On board was a lone woman who wanted to moor near us for security. She had a sign on her boat saying she gave Reiki and Reflexology treatments. The next day I woke with one of my severe migraines and asked her if Reiki would help me, as my prescription tablets were not doing what it said on the packet. She came aboard and gave me Reiki and afterwards I was relaxed enough and had stopped being physically ill, to enable me to go to sleep. When I awoke the migraine was gone and I was feeling calm and well.
After this experience I decided to learn Reiki for ‘me’ as I was repeatedly suffering migraines and wanted to control/heal them myself. I took a Reiki I Course with a teacher I found locally. He taught totally in the Western way and I knew that this was not for me. I took out of the lessons what I felt I needed and just changed things to suit me. Reiki still ‘worked’ and not only did it sort out my migraines but also my asthma.
For three years I worked with my Reiki 1 and then decided I wished to progress but not in the way I had originally been taught. I went onto the Internet and found Bath Reiki run by Jay and reading through his site I realised that this was going to be for me. With Jay I then took my Reiki II, Deepening and then Reiki Master Teacher Course.
I was still living on a boat and therefore did not have the room to teach people but I did give many treatments in the tranquil surrounds of my boat and the canal. Eventually circumstances changed and I moved into a house in a beautiful part of the world not far from the New Forest and then decided to start teaching and organised a regular Reiki Share.
Throughout my learning I have received continued support from Jay who has become a friend as well as my teacher and also from Taggart and the Reiki Evolution site. Its nice to know there is always someone I can phone or email to discuss topical areas with as there is such a network of friendly, helpful members.
Reiki Courses in Hampshire
My Courses are run regularly and are small, friendly and relaxed. I encourage discussions and questions and exploring each other’s experiences and ideas. I contact my students before the Course and stay in touch afterwards by email and make it clear that I’m available via email, text or the phone for questions, support or just to chat about experiences. I never teach more than four students at a time and I’m happy to teach on a one to one basis – I have several volunteers I can call on to come in for the practical demonstrations.
Reiki Shares
My Reiki Shares are on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm at Damerham. All Reiki levels and lineages are welcome to come and share experiences, discussions, Reiki Energy and mediation. I try and explore/discuss/experiment with something different each month whether it’s through sound, crystals, and various religions or any idea that someone wishes to bring into the Share
Can Anyone Learn Reiki?
Reiki suits anyone and everyone – as long as you wish to embrace it then Reiki will embrace you. Reiki has changed my life in so many positive ways and it is so easy to integrate Reiki into daily life and routines. The Reiki Energy works and continues to work in all aspects of my world and for the many people I connect to.
I love to ‘give’ the energy to people I meet and wild animals and pets – no special training is needed to treat animals, just an affinity and understanding of the animal you are giving energy to. The power of the human touch and the power of intent have boundless possibilities and the energy we harness is all-powerful and healing on all levels. I cannot imagine living without Reiki in my life now – can you?
Annie Bellows