About Reiki Evolution: Original Japanese Reiki Courses

Discover what makes Reiki Evolution unique

If you are thinking about training with us, whether on one of our live courses or through one of our multimedia home study courses, you’ll probably need to know a bit more about us and our courses to see whether we feel ‘right’ for you.

So you can get to know us a little better, and understand why we do things the way that we do, we have provided some links below which you can follow, to find out how Reiki Evolution came into being and how we ended up running Reiki training courses the way that we do.

You can read about background of Taggart King (founder of Reiki Evolution), the way that we ensure our courses are good quality, and the way that we have incorporated into our courses traditional Japanese Reiki methods that are not taught in most Reiki classes.

Useful links

Providing Quality on Reiki Evolution training courses

The way that we include Japanese-style Reiki on our courses

Where Reiki Evolution came from

Taggart’s background

A message for you, from Taggart


