About Zoe Smith: Essex Reiki Training Courses

Hello, my name is Zoe Smith, I am very honoured to offer Reiki Evolution training courses in the delightful village of Tiptree, situated between Maldon and Colchester, approximately 10 miles from Colchester and close to the A12.

I love working with energy, it is my pleasure to teach the Reiki Original Japanese System with Reiki Evolution and provide Reiki & Reiki Drum treatments to clients.

“Energy is Eternal Delight” William Blake – English poet and painter.

I am also a qualified Yoga teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga and teach weekly classes of Mixed ability Hatha Yoga and Chair Yoga.

How My reiki Journey Began

It seems strange to me now, but at that time I booked my first Reiki Course – Shoden (Reiki I) in 2005, I had never experienced a Reiki treatment or even knew anyone who had!

After searching the Internet, I was drawn to Reiki Evolution – Reiki courses, specifically because the system was described as a simple and uncluttered practice. I liked the information that was provided on the website, and knew intuitively this was something I wanted to explore further and learn a lot more about.

Looking back, I envisioned this as a personal practice to incorporate in to my life, to bring about balance, and be a tool that I could use for myself. As it became part of my daily practices it evolved into so much more, allowing me to share the experience of Reiki energy with others and eventually teaching training courses.

Supportive environment

My Reiki Evolution teacher Sue Jones was inspiring and very supportive; we kept in touch on a regular basis. Now I had a connection to this wonderful Reiki energy, I knew I wanted to cultivate it further, exploring how it could be of benefit to others. I completed my Okuden (Reiki II) Course with Sue, 5 months later – along with most of the same students, who were with me on the Shoden course.

Reiki Shares

Reiki is a good way to meet and connect with like minded people, I joined a local Reiki Share and was able to regularly practice giving treatments to others. When I emigrated to Christchurch, New Zealand in 2007, I knew no-one there (except my Husband, Tim and Dog, Hendrix who came with me). Reiki was an invaluable way for me to connect with others and build long-term friendships.

Reiki Shares are usually held once a month, so you can stay practiced in giving treatments and also enjoy having Reiki treatments yourself.

Home Study, living in New Zealand

I was so thankful to have found Reiki and made it a part of my life, I was enthused to share this wonderful, beautiful gift with others. Because my Reiki Teacher and friend, Sue was now too far away – on the other side of the world, I decided to continue the Shinpiden (Reiki III Master/Teacher) Course in 2010, via distant learning with Taggart King. I felt strongly that I wanted to continue my studies with Reiki Evolution – rather than changing to a different flavour and style of teachings. I trusted the course would be well supported even with the distance; in fact it was amazing, a real journey of discovery. I had the advantage of taking my time to really experience, know and understand the different energies and information for myself. It took approximately 8 months to complete, during which time I had regular feedback and support from Taggart. It was also a very emotional time for me, my Nan was poorly with Cancer in the UK and I felt the distance from family, I was also unfortunate enough to experience a major earthquake, umpteen aftershocks and witnessed first hand the destructive force, and disruption to daily life this natural disaster caused. I was privileged in providing complimentary Reiki treatments, with a compassionate group of healers and therapists for organised healing events. Which offered valuable support and comfort to the community at this difficult time.

The Heartbeat of the Drum

After much soul searching the decision was made to return to the UK to live in 2012. Happily I could now take advantage of a Reiki Drumming Course offered by Catherine Birkinhead, in Eaton Bray. I was interested in the healing aspects of the drum, especially as I have interest in Shamanic teachings and I also play the bass guitar. I love my drum (which was supplied by Catherine) and use it a lot during my healing treatments. The vibration of the sound waves over the body feels powerful and has the potential to move, clear and balance the energy. The meditations we did on the course were intense and powerful for all of us; I can still recall mine with vivid detail.

Reiki For Everyone

Reiki is an invaluable tool for anyone to use, it is always there – I have found it to be reliable, dependable and simple. It flows where it is needed and is guided with intent. (Our intention is for the highest good)

Anyone can learn Reiki healing, Reiki is not attached to any religion or any belief system, it does not conflict with an individual’s religious beliefs, or lack of religious beliefs.

Reiki and Yoga

I love the way Reiki and Yoga practices are complimentary to one another, both encourage balance in the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Cultivating focused concentration, mindfulness and intention to promote our well being.

The Courses

It is wonderful to share these Reiki teachings, it is a lovely gentle, powerful energy. Students are connected to Reiki energy with a series of empowerments which are given during the live course, which in turn allows the energy to reach and help more people as the students then give Reiki treatments to their circle of friends, loved ones, clients and pets.

The media pack provided is a very useful reference guide throughout your study, and beyond.

There is also a on line support group you will be invited to join on completion of your course, which connects you to a vast nurturing Reiki community – at your fingertips.

I look forward to sharing Reiki with you.

In Love & In Light.


Zoe Smith’s Reiki training room in Essex