To qualify for listing as a Practitioner on the Reiki Evolution web site you need to have trained to at least Second Degree and you need to have trained either with Taggart King (on a live or home study course) or with one of our team of teachers. If you don’t fall into these categories but you do have Taggart in your Reiki lineage then we may be able to list you but you’ll need to contact us about it.
You also need to have current Reiki practitioner insurance.
We have set up a special “Google Map” which members of the public can use to find a Reiki practitioner in their area, and by clicking on the little “balloon” they can find your details and contact you to arrange a treatment with you.
Your special entry in the Google map will display your name with a head and shoulders picture of you, together with your e-mail address, telephone number, web site address (if you have one), and your general location (town, county).
A very popular web site
We have worked hard over the years to ensure that the Reiki Evolution web site is very well placed in search engines, and many people booking on our courses say to us “we were looking for information about Reiki and your web site seemed to be everywhere!”. So, for example, over 40,000 people a year are looking at our “Reiki Teacher” Google map. The site is easy to navigate and is well regarded, with many sites all over the world linking to us.
Subscribe to your practitioner listing now
To get your listing up and running now, you need to do two things.
(1) Firstly you need to send us your annual fee for the listing, which is £24.99, which is equivalent to less than 7p a day, or under £2.00 per month.
How many Reiki treatments will you need to perform in order to recoup this investment? One or two I should think!
Click on this link now to set up a recurring annual subscription:
(2) Then you need to send us an e-mail giving us these details:
- Your name (first name and last name)
- Confirmation that you hold current Reiki practitioner insurance
- A digital image (JPEG) of you, showing your head and shoulders
- Your location (town, county)
- Postcode of the place where you give treatments
- Your telephone number
- Your e-mail address
- Your web site address (if you have one)
- Your Reiki lineage so that we can see that Taggart is in your lineage.
We will then acknowledge receipt of your subscription and put you up on the site as soon as we can.