Animal & Equine Reiki Practitioner Course in East Midlands

animal reiki course

Train at the Epona Equine Reiki Centre

The Animal & Equine Reiki training courses are run by Vicky and Sarah Berrisford; both are Professional Horse Trainers, BHS Stage 3 and Reiki Master/ Teachers.

Read student testimonials here:

Animal Reiki Course Testimonials
Equine Reiki Course Testimonials

The Animal & Equine Reiki Courses are open to anyone who has completed Reiki 1st Degree (through any lineage). One must complete the Foundation Animal & Equine Reiki Course before moving on to the Animal & Equine Reiki Advanced Practitioner Course.

Students may attend the courses on consecutive days or with their course dates further apart.

Experience with animals is not essential in order to attend, so long as course participants have a love for animals.

Foundation Animal & Equine Reiki course

animal reiki trainingThe main theme of this course is to focus on the approach we take when giving Reiki to animals, allowing our intuition and the animals behaviour to guide our decision.

The course consists of 1 full day of practical training and during the day you will be working with dogs, rabbits, pygmy goats and horses, all on a 1:1 basis.

A manual ‘The Complete Guide to Animal Reiki’ is provided before the course, this manual serves both courses and is the perfect course companion.

Animal & Equine Reiki Advanced Practitioner course

The ‘Animal & Equine Reiki Advanced Practitioner Course’ is the next step in using Reiki with animals. The Advanced Practitioner course is for people wishing to learn more techniques and further themselves in the field of Animal Reiki. The Advanced course consists of one full day, plus re-reading ‘The Complete Guide to Animal Reiki’. This course consists of 1 full day of practical training, plus 3 case studies to be completed after the course on animals of your choice.

On completion of this course, persons with Reiki 1st degree plus Animal & Equine Reiki can work on their own animals. Students with Reiki Second Degree plus Animal & Equine Reiki could work on the public’s animals, providing they have the appropriate insurance.

The Certificate

reiki for animals classes workshopAll courses are accompanied by an Animal Reiki Practitioner and an Equine Reiki Practitioner certificate provided by Sarah Berrisford.

Course location

We are based in the picturesque village of Gedney Hill in South Lincolnshire, 20 minutes from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. 20 minutes from Spalding, Lincolnshire. 15 minutes from Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

We are opposite ‘North View Fishing Lakes’ which is adjacent to ‘Gedney Hill Golf Club’

Course Fees

The fee for the either Animal & Equine Reiki Course (Level 1 or Level 2) is £190, with a £40 deposit paid in advance, and the balance paid to Sarah Berrisford on the day of your course.

Schedule for the Animal & Equine Reiki Foundation course:

learning animal reiki for animalsOpen to anyone who has completed Reiki First Degree.

Note: Start at 10.00am. Finish approx. 4.00 – 4.30pm

  • Introduction
  • Animal Reiju empowerment
  • Small animal approach, handling & safety
  • Small animal practical
  • Small animal practical
  • Experience share
  • Animal Reiju empowerment


  • Meet your animal spirit guide: Drumming journey
  • Equine approach, handling & safety
  • Equine Reiki practical
  • Distant healing
  • Animal Reiki discussions, including intent, different types of animals and how to approach them
  • The animal:human connection
  • Veterinary permission

Schedule for the Animal & Equine Reiki Advanced Practitioner course:

learn animal reikiOpen to anyone who has completed Reiki First Degree and the Foundation Animal & Equine Reiki course.

Note: Start at 10.00am. Finish approx. 4.00 – 4.30pm

  • Introduction
  • Animal Reiju empowerment
  • Feeling what the animal feels
  • Healing with love
  • Animal Reiju empowerment


  • Intuitive exercises
  • Using symbols in treatments
  • Drumming journey to aid your healing work
  • Animal communication

Ongoing Support and Advice

Once you’ve been on your Animal & Equine Reiki course we want you to know that your teacher will be on hand to deal with any questions or queries that you might have at any point in the future.

Sarah offers free advertising on her website for Animal Reiki Practitioners, a handy Animal Reiki Leaflet and Animal Reiki Review Sheet for you to use as you wish once you have completed the course.

Reserve Your Place Here

Foundation Animal & EQUINE Reiki course (Level 1) Enrol on course here:

  • Jul 18 (Thu)
  • Sep 26 (Thu) – FULL
  • Oct 30 (Wed)


  • Apr 29 (Tue)
  • May 22 (Thu)
  • Jun 25 (Wed)
  • Jul 17 (Thu)
  • Sep 25 (Thu)
  • Oct 23 (Thu)
Level 1 costs £190. You pay a deposit of £40 now and a further £150 to your teacher on the day of your course. We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your booking is subject to our Terms & Conditions.

To enrol, consent to our use of your data (see Privacy Policy)
You also need to agree to our Terms & Conditions
Then type the course date:

Animal & EQUINE Reiki Advanced Practitioner course (Level 2) Enrol on course here:

  • Jul 19 (Fri)
  • Sep 27 (Fri)


  • Apr 30 (Wed)
  • May 23 (Fri)
  • Jul 18 (Fri)
  • Sep 26 (Fri)
  • Oct 24 (Fri)
Level 2 costs £190. You pay a deposit of £40 now and a further £150 to your teacher on the day of your course. We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your booking is subject to our Terms & Conditions.                         

To enrol, consent to our use of your data (see Privacy Policy)
You also need to agree to our Terms & Conditions
Then type the course date:

Using your data

When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address) and we will ask you for your telephone number. We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and we need to send your details to the Reiki teacher so that they know who you are and when you are booked to attend, and so they can contact you to introduce themselves, and in extreme circumstances they might need to call you to cancel a course at the last minute (though this hardly ever happens). We also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.

If you’re not happy with your data being used in this way then please do not enrol on a course with us, because we can’t enrol you without using and holding that information.