Use Reiki Evolution Manuals & CDs for Your Own Reiki Courses
Here are a whole range of items that will help you with your Reiki teaching.
On this page you can order discounted professionally-printed Reiki manuals, Reiki Journals & Planners and half-price Reiki audio CDs with commentary and guided meditations, to use on your own Reiki courses.
So instead of having to start from scratch in putting together your own course books, and working out how to make an audio CD for yourself, you can use the resources that we have developed over many years.
You can also order gorgeous Reiki precepts prints, and Reiki postcards, to give as gifts to your students.
Our goal here is to try and make it as easy as possible for you to set up and run professional Reiki courses.
Why do Reiki Masters order course materials from Reiki Evolution?
Take a look at this page, where you can read case studies of different Reiki Masters who are using Reiki Evolution materials for their own courses, and why they decided to do this:
Reiki Masters using Reiki Evolution course materials
Discounted Reiki Manuals in packs of Four
Our Reiki manuals are professionally printed and bound, with a glossy and attractive front cover. They are available to purchase in the UK and also in the USA/Canada/Australia.
For all orders, we need to have your telephone number, which will be requested when you place your order using PayPal. Our printer will only accept orders if accompanied by a telephone number for the recipient, so that they could contact you about any problems with delivery, which is highly unlikely.
First Degree
Reiki “Shoden” Manual

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This Reiki book explains clearly and simply:
- What Reiki is
- Where Reiki comes from
- How you can use Reiki for yourself
- How to use Reiki to help other people
This comprehensive manual is exactly the same as the manual used on Reiki Evolution’s live and home study courses and shows you how to use Original Japanese Reiki for self-healing, spiritual development and to produce ‘the Reiki effect’ in your life: that feeling of being calm, content, serene, more positive and better able to cope.
This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 170 A4 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to the UK/USA/Canada/Australia.

UK Price:
£39.97 for a pack of 4 (£9.99 each) + p&p
$48.99 USD for a pack of 4 ($12.25 each) + p&p
Second Degree
Reiki “Okuden” manual

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This Reiki book explains clearly and simply:
- What the Reiki symbols are and how to use them
- How to carry out Symbol meditations to deepen your self-healing
- How to free yourself from standard hand positions & work intuitively
- How to use intent to enhance your treatments
This comprehensive manual is exactly the same as the manual used on Reiki Evolution’s live and home study courses and shows you how to use Original Japanese Reiki for self-healing, spiritual development and to help other people in a powerful and elegant way.
This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 110 A4 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to the UK/USA/Canada/Australia.

UK Price:
£34.67 for a pack of 4 (£8.67 each) + p&p
$36.99 USD for a pack of 4 ($9.25 each) + p&p
Master / Teacher
Reiki “Shinpiden” manual

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This is a major work, dealing with both Western and original Japanese approaches to energy work at Reiki Master Teacher level.
While many Reiki Master courses just deal with ‘how to attune people’, this is just a small part of the RMT course with Reiki Evolution.
This comprehensive and detailed manual deals with a whole range of practices, including:
- Western attunements
- Japanese ‘Reiju’ empowerments
- Self-empowerment methods
- The use of symbols
- The use of kotodama (Shinto mantras)
- The importance of intent
- Working with intuition
- Working with the hara
- Meditations to enhance healing and spiritual development
Using text, summaries, illustrations and images, the manual details everything you need to know to practise confidently as a Reiki Master Teacher.
This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 230 A4 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to the UK/USA/Canada/Australia.

UK Price:
£54.99 for a pack of 4 (£13.75 each) + p&p
$58.67 USD for a pack of 4 ($14.77 each) + p&p
Discounted Reiki CDs in packs of Four
Our Reiki CDs are professionally printed and come in a slimline hard case with card insert. They are available to purchase in the UK only.
All CDs last for approx. an hour and you can see the track listings below.
UK Price (UK orders only)::
£28.74 for pack of 4 (£7.20 each) + p&p
For All Levels
Reiki Meditations CD

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Runs for 55 minutes.
This is by far our most popular audio CD, used by Reiki people, Practitioners and Masters all over the world, and given to Reiki students on courses all over the world.
The “Reiki Meditations” CD contains four guided meditations that are essential for anyone who is serious about getting the most out of their Reiki.
Start by letting Taggart King talk you through “Hatsurei ho” and Mikao Usui’s “Self-Treatment Meditation“, two daily energy exercises that will make such a difference to you.
And as you progress with your Reiki, Taggart will guide you through a Distant Healing session, suitable for people at all Reiki levels, and a special Symbol meditation that echoes the founder of Reiki’s approach to working with the energy.
The CD lasts for over an hour and complements the First Degree manual perfectly.

UK Only:
First Degree
Reiki “Shoden” CD: audio commentary

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Runs for 70 minutes.
Find out all about Reiki: what it is, where it comes from and what it can do for you.
Hear about the Reiki precepts and Mindfulness, and discover how to use Reiki for yourself and to help the people around you.
The CD lasts for over an hour and complements the First Degree manual perfectly.

UK Only:
First Degree
A Guided Reiki treatment

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Runs for 57 minutes.
For those of you who are just starting to give Reiki treatments, or people who need a bit of help building their confidence when treating others, this CD is designed for you.
Taggart talks you through a full treatment, getting you started, guiding you through the hand positions and letting you know when to move on, so you don’t have to worry about anything: you can just merge with the energy and let the energy flow, with Taggart as your guide.

UK Only:
Second Degree
Reiki “Okuden” CD: audio commentary

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Runs for 60 minutes.
Find out about about earth ki and heavenly ki and how to use them for your own benefit and to treat others.
Embrace a state of oneness and practise distant healing.
And finally, explore intuitive working and the power of intent.
The CD lasts for over an hour and complements the Second Degree manual perfectly.

UK Only:
Master Teacher
2 Shinpiden CDs & DVD set

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Master Teacher Audio Commentary CD
The Reiki Master Teacher CD was recorded by Taggart King, founder of Reiki Evolution, and you can hear him talking you through the main principles and practices of the Reiki Evolution RMT course.
Experience the energies using Symbols and Sacred Sounds (kotodama); explore the power of Intent and Develop your Reiki Intuition; find out about Western attunements, Reiju empowerments and the Original Japanese system.

Master Teacher Guided Instructions CD
This CD contains four tracks. The first two talk you through carrying out a Reiju empowerment and a Western-style Reiki attunement so that you can listen and visualise, or listen and carry out the necessary movements on a willing subject or teddy bear.
Two further tracks talk you through an important exercise called the “Frequency scale meditation”, created by Taggart, and talk you through the best way to approach intuitive working (Reiji ho) when you treat others.

Master Teacher Attunements & Empowerments DVD
This DVD provides clear video demonstrations of the sequences to be followed when giving Reiju empowerments and Western-style Reiki attunements. You can watch each stage and listen to simultaneous commentary recorded by Taggart King, Reiki Master Teacher, who has a lot of experience of talking people through these sequences!
European PAL format.
UK Only::
£86.40 for pack of 4 sets:
4 x CD#1, 4 x CD#2, 4 x DVDs (£7.20 each) + p&p
Discounted Reiki Journals and Planners in packs of Six
Our Reiki Journals and Plannersare professionally printed and bound, with a full colour and attractive front cover. They are available to purchase in the UK only for the time being.
For all orders, we need to have your telephone number, which will be requested when you place your order using PayPal. Our printer will only accept orders if accompanied by a telephone number for the recipient, so that they could contact you about any problems with delivery, which is highly unlikely.
The Reiki Reflective Journal
Record | Reflect | Refine

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The Reiki Evolution “Reiki Reflective Journal” was designed by International Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King to help his students to get the very best out of their Reiki.
This Journal helps you to keep track of what you have done, what you have experienced and what thoughts, questions and insights have come to you as you have worked with the energy in different ways.
This Journal focuses on these four areas:
- Working on yourself
- Treating other people
- Exploring mindfulness
- Focusing on the Reiki precepts
… and each area of practice has its own record sheets so you can keep track of exactly what you have done.
Not only that, but we have included ‘review’ sheets where you can look back at what you have achieved over a number of days or weeks, see where things have changed, or stayed the same, and ponder the improvements, the insights and the developments in your energy work.
This Journal is suitable for Reiki people at all levels, whether First Degree, Second Degree or Master level, and complements all the other Reiki resources that you can find at Reiki Evolution
This professionally-printed Reiki Journal has 88 A4 pages, a soft cover and is available in the UK only at this time.
UK Price:
£41.99 for a pack of 6 (£6.99 each) + p&p
The RMT Course Planner
Create | Review | Develop

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The Reiki Evolution “Reiki Master Teacher Course Planner” was designed by International Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King to help RMT students to set up and run their own Reiki First and Second Degree courses and to continually develop their courses over time.
This Planner helps you to:
- Establish your teaching goals
- Focus on what you want your students to have experienced
- Decide what you want your students to know how to practise
- Set down the important principles you want to convey.
You will find course planning sheets, blank course schedules, and places to make notes on each aspect or technique you want to include, including hand position ‘blanks’ for you to draw and make notes on each hand position you teach.
And once you are running courses for yourself, you can use our Course Records to keep track of each course you run, noting any highlights or challenges and any interesting questions or experiences. When you have run a few courses, you can then use our Course Review sheets to look back, to see what’s working well and what needs tweaking, and you can then use your insights and learnings to plan how to make your courses even better.
The goal here is continual development and improvement!
This Planner is suitable for Reiki people at Master Teacher level, and complements all the other Reiki resources that you can find at Reiki Evolution.
This professionally-printed Reiki Journal has 100 A4 pages, a soft cover and is available in the UK only at this time.
UK Price:
£43.99 for a pack of 6 (£7.33 each) + p&p
Reiki Postcards to give to your Students
This is something that we have done for a long time now. When people book on our Reiki 1 courses, we send them a copy of the Reiki precepts on a large postcard that they can Blu Tak on the wall or a filing cabinet, to remind them.
And when they finish their First Degree course, we give them a postcard print of Mikao Usui’s image, so they can frame it and display it in their treatment room or area if they like.
We also give them an A4 print of the Reiki precepts; you can read about those further down the page.
Postcard prints of Mikao Usui

Pack of 24 A6 size prints.
Glossy image. Sepia tint.
UK only:
£14.40 for pack of 24, + p&p
Postcard prints of the Reiki Precepts

Pack of 24 A5 size prints.
Glossy image.
UK only:
£14.40 for pack of 24, + p&p
Gorgeous Japanese Reiki Precepts prints to give your Students

This is something that we have done for a long time now. When students finish their First Degree course, we give them a postcard print of Mikao Usui’s image, so they can frame it and display it in their treatment room or area if they like and we also give them an A4 print of the Reiki precepts in gorgeous Japanese Calligraphy.
And when students complete their Reiki Master Teacher course, we send them a big, A3 print for them to frame.
The prints are wonderful!
A4 Art Prints for all your students
These Reiki precepts prints are displayed on thick 260 gsm ivory card with a linen effect.
These are ideal to give as gifts to all your Reiki students at the end of their course, or as gifts to your Reiki friends.
We are offering these to you in bulk: you can order a set of twelve A4 prints for only £12.99.
The prints will be posted to you in protective packaging.
UK only
£12.99 + p&p
A3 Art Prints in Bulk
If you would like to give the A3 precepts prints as a special gift to your students then we can offer them to you in bulk at a reduced price.
We give them to students attending our Master/Teacher courses.
You can order a set of four prints for only £29.98, which is less than half price.
The prints will be posted to you in protective packaging.
UK only
£29.98 + p&p
Author: Taggart King