When I arrived in Singapore in October 2011 I began my search for a local Reiki Community of like-minded folk. As Divine synchronicity would have it, my search led me to find voluntary work by connecting me with the Red Cross Reiki Team and, as I had time to give on my hands, I contacted them. The Team were set up a few years ago by Anne Richardson and activities are now run by Bronagh Tucker, both Reiki Masters with a generous Spirit and hearts of gold.
The Team meet deliver Reiki to the mentally and physically handicapped men, women and children of the hospital for a couple of hours a week. Such encounters are not for the faint-hearted and many volunteers come and go, either through choice or destiny, but there are a core group of about 7 who are able to attend most weeks.
The Red Cross Reiki Team, Singapore 2012
Right to Leftt: Frances, Ying, Wendy, Sham, Anna, Bronagh and Debbie (Elaine sadly absent)
The hospital is multi-cultural and observes a ‘non-religious’ approach in order to maintain polite neutrality (known affectionately by many expats as the Singapore PC!). As such, there are clear boundaries we must not cross, some are obvious but others, at times, has resulted in a faux pas or 2 on our part (!) as we unwittingly upset the Singapore PC applecart.
Of course, all Reiki Practitioners understand that Reiki is not about religion but, as yet, the general public don’t, on the whole, and we must recognise and honour this (Humour and humility!)
Luckily Bronagh is wonderful and is able to undo any wrongs with the ease and Grace of a true Diplomat 🙂
Enough of the background and on to the main blog
By the time I arrived in Singapore, in October 2011 I thought that, over the last few years, I’d learned all there was to learn about humility and being humbled
Oh how wrong I was!
For those who haven’t yet experienced true humility, or don’t need to as you are already simply ego-less, this is when the ego is well and truly reeled in and silenced! Mine can be a feisty little so and so, but I’ve learned to laugh at it now
My first time at the hospital was memorable indeed.
Now, you would have thought with nearly 30 years of Nursing experience, and more latterly Midwifery, that I would have seen pretty much everything humanity and the human condition has to offer……….. I certainly thought I had!
But, oh how wrong I was!
The sheer number of beautiful Souls trapped inside mis-formed bodies and ill-communicating minds, simply blew me away. Had I not been working with Anne that day, I think I would have snuck away and shed a million tears in the ladies toilet then made a hasty exit!
The disabilities do, of course, vary from person to person but many of them have severe physical disability and most have communication problems of one sort or another. On reflection perhaps one might recognise it as actually us, and not them, who have the communication issues as many of those less ‘dis-abled’ seem very able to communicate with each other with great ease and, I suspect, at times that the joke may even be upon us 😉 (Humour)
Humanity: so good at jumping to conclusions, so good at judging still!
Maybe it is us who are trapped within our own perceptions and mis-perceptions of who and what we are and just what ‘life, the Universe and everything’ is really all about! (Humility)
I had no idea how to start working with these beautiful Souls, but as Reiki does the doing, really that’s all you need to do, simply channel, with no pre-conceived outcome, and allow the non-religious ‘Source’ (whoever or whatever that is) to do the rest
For, without getting religious or too philosophical, we do not know what Soul contract they may have has that brought them to this life the way they are.
I began to learn that many of these lovely Souls can indicate whether they want healing and where they want it, which is clearly a bonus! Not many of them can walk but there are a few who can drive their own wheelchairs better than most Singapore taxi drivers can drive their cars (!) and some even come and ‘join in’ when you are giving Reiki to another person. They are naturally intuitive in the same way that children and animals are when it comes to energies because they don’t have the left brain butting in and demanding ‘proof’ or explanation like the rest of us do!
At other times it’s useful to scan first in order to pick up areas that are ‘shouting’ for Reiki so working with the Byosen is a more useful way of working, particularly with limited time for treatments.
(If anyone would like a recent article on working with the Byosen, please contact me by email which is below the blog)
It’s a delight to see Reiki being well received as some respond by becoming calmer and begin to drift off into that blissful space that most of us know well, the ‘Reiki zone’. It affords you the time to ‘just be’ with them, on a different plane. For those who are more sensitive, this is a space where you can meet aspects of them that exist outside of the 3D we know and are familiar with. A space where their true Soul exists without dis-ease, without dis-ability.
YES, another very humbling and beautiful experience, one that teaches you that, actually, all really is well and we are all merely playing out the game of choice (Ascension) in our way and at our own pace.
What strikes me even more, whilst in this space, is the ever increasing feeling of Unity Consciousness. That ‘oneness’ and how it opens your heart and allows you to give, to be generous of Self, to share. For this is our true nature, not one of fear and recoil, withdrawal from Self and others as we try to hang on for dear life to what we have and what we are. When all we really need to do is to ‘let go and let God’
These beautiful Souls continue to teach me that, no matter what the circumstances of our lives, Love and Joy can shine through in a simple smile and Light up the world! (Humour)
Despite their disabilities (should we even call them that?) Perhaps I will say ‘differences’ and possibly true to say ‘limitations’, it’s such a joy to get a smile out of them. When they smile, it’s genuine, no hiding behind a painted smile for them, oh no, unlike the rest of us sometimes! (Humility and a generous lashing of humour)
We are, of course, unsure of the overall long-term effects, but those who have been visiting the hospital for a while say that they have noticed marked differences in some of the people there.
What we do know is that their joy is infectious and yes, another humbling moment as you consider their lot compared to yours and the sheer number of times we whinge about the most minor inconveniences in our lives!
I realise now that they are teaching me, so the least I can do is offer what I can in return:
Reiki and a smile 🙂
Singapore, February 2012
I honour deeply the work that the team are doing and the wonderful individuals who make up that team. It is my great pleasure to share with you some of their own words and experiences to end this blog
The Red Cross Home for the Disabled relies on volunteers to support the work they do. Passing on small gifts with Reiki is truly a special experience. My time with the residents giving and sharing from the heart is something very meaningful. I am very fortunate to be able to volunteer at the Red Cross Home, it has definitely enriched my life.
Whether it’s providing a full-body treatment or simply holding a hand and singing some songs, each visit to the Red Cross Home for the Disabled is different.
What I love about Reiki is that it transcends any physical or mental disabilities that the residents may have, and any preconceptions or beliefs I may hold. To be able to connect with the residents – energy to energy, spirit to spirit – is both a rewarding and humbling experience.
The most touching experience I’ve had was seeing the resident I was assigned to give Reiki to playing a sort of peek-a-boo game to cheer up and calm down another resident who was highly distraught . I’m in awe of the huge compassion these residents show to others and am truly humbled when I reflect on myself. I look forward to my weekly visits to the Red Cross because every visit is an opportunity to learn from these beautiful residents lessons on gratitude, humility and compassion.
Volunteering for Red Cross Disabled Home has been the most humbling experience in my life, and while I give the residents reiki, they have given me so much more! They have so little, yet so little makes them happy. They teach me how to truly experience happiness, and appreciate and be thankful what I have in my life.
I feel the residents are especially sensitive to reiki, almost like children in their innocence. As such, they definitely reap the lovely benefits very quickly 🙂
Website: www.reiki-glow.com
Mobile: 9488 2454
As a South African living in Singapore, I was truly honoured to have been led to give Reiki to the mentally and physically disabled at the Red Cross Home and also honoured to work with my wonderful Reiki colleagues, who hail from many different countries around the world, uniting in administering universal life force energy to the men, women and children of the home. However, the most rewarding part of this work is when a resident’s condition improves and they recognise your voice, straining to see you from their beds or you receive a hearty wave in recognition. These people are very special beings.
Frances Lingris
Usui Reiki Master /Teacher and a Karuna Reiki Practitioner
Reiki Evolution in Singapore
Debbie McDougall is one of the Reiki Evolution team of teachers offering training in the East Coast region of the exotic city of Singapore
I began my Reiki journey in 2004, eventually leaving the NHS in 2008 after nearly 30 years as a Nurse, and more latterly, a Midwife.
I also trained in other forms of Holistic healing and started my own business in Salisbury, UK, teaching Reiki Evolution Reiki and running regular workshops & groups designed to empower others to heal themselves and take control of their lives and their destiny.
I left the UK in September 2011 following my husband to Singapore where I continue to teach as a Reiki Evolution Teacher (currently the only one in Singapore!)
I also run Munay Ki workshops to pass on the beautiful and profound Ascension Rites of the Incan Shamanic lineages and I write my monthly ‘Earth Change Updates’ and Newsletters available on my website.
Email: DebbieMcDougall@heaven-wisehealth.co.uk
Mobile: (+65) 81686460
Visit Debbie’s website & sign up for her Newsletters here:
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