Category Archives: Uncategorized

AI Podcast talks about Reiki Evolution’s Second Degree Courses!

I thought you might like this. I have been experimenting with “NotebookLM” a Google-based AI that is able to create a full podcast based on information that you send it.

I uploaded information about Reiki Evolution’s particular style of Reiki courses – Second Degree in this case – and here is the result: a positive, chatty, informative and insightful podcast that discusses the Reiki Evolution Second Degree course.

I hope you find this as informative and fun as I did 🙂

AI Podcast talks about Reiki Evolution’s First Degree Courses!

I thought you might like this. I have been experimenting with “NotebookLM” a Google-based AI that is able to create a full podcast based on information that you send it.

I uploaded information about Reiki Evolution’s particular style of Reiki courses – First Degree in this case – and here is the result: a positive, chatty, informative and insightful podcast that discusses the Reiki Evolution First Degree course.

I hope you find this as informative and fun as I did 🙂

AI Podcast talks about Reiki (Second Degree)

I thought you might like this. I have been experimenting with “NotebookLM” a Google-based AI that is able to create a full podcast based on information that you send it.

I uploaded my Second Degree manual and here is the result: a positive, chatty, informative podcast that talks about Reiki in general and Reiki Second Degree in particular.

I hope you find this as informative and fun as I did 🙂

AI Podcast talks about Reiki (First Degree)

I thought you might like this. I have been experimenting with “NotebookLM” a Google-based AI that is able to create a full podcast based on information that you send it.

I uploaded my First Degree manual and here is the result: a positive, chatty, informative podcast that talks about Reiki in general and Reiki First Degree in particular.

I hope you find this as informative and fun as I did 🙂

The Five Elements & Reiki: Fire = Joy

reiki five elements fire joy agitation

I mentioned in my earlier post “An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine” that I have created a Reiki healing system based on working with the “Five Elements” of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In a series of articles I’m going to be talking about different aspects of the Five Elements and how they impinge on people’s lives: how imbalances in the five elements can show themselves as physical conditions and particular emotions and states of mind.

I have written about how the elements support and control each other through the nourishment and control cycles, I’ve spoken about the meridians and body organs that relate to each element, and outlined the main emotions that derive from Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

Today we are going to focus in more detail on the emotion of Fire…

About Joy

In Chinese medicine the concept of Joy refers more to a state of agitation or over-excitement rather than our more passive notion of deep contentment, and Joy is related to the Heart. An imbalance in Fire will show itself as a lack of joy, or joy in excess, and both are harmful.

If someone has an insatiable desire for permanent joy, and this is pursued relentlessly through work or play, then this can put too much stress on Fire and lead to, for example, palpitations and high blood pressure. Fire also governs the blood vessels.

Excessive striving for joy is not healthy, and the stress involved may include a great deal of sexual frustration. An imbalance in fire almost always revolves around a relationship in the person’s life, according to one author.

Since the elements are connected, and Wood supports Fire, a lack of chi in Wood – leading to suppression of anger – can also lead to a suppression in joy, so a person who is unable to properly express anger may be unable to fully experience joy.


Did you like this blog?

If so, you are going to love this book…


Five Element Reiki

Excellent and informative book. Great guidance and exercises to follow with ease.

As a 5 Element Acupuncturist and Reiki Master Teacher, I can only say I would have loved this to have been a course support book on my TCM Degree.

It has been a wonderful refresher and one to keep close with those few special books that need picking up all the time. Once started I found I needed to keep reading, it was like a breath of fresh air, the author has gathered and passed on some gems on 5 Elements and Reiki. It has been a pleasure to read and review this book.”

Ann Charlton

Five Element Reiki

A Unique & Powerful Healing System for All Reiki Practitioners

Five Element Reiki is a unique way of working with Reiki. It’s acupuncture without needles, or acupressure without pressing on anything, and without having to learn about or focus on the body’s meridians or their acupoints.

This system, created by Taggart King, is a way of working with the energies of the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine so that the meridians and organs ‘resonate’ with the energy you channel, removing blockages and bringing a state of balance on all levels.

You’ll use special symbols and creative visualisation, focus your intent and hone your intuition through a whole series of practical exercises found in this comprehensive guide. You’ll learn the essence of five element theory and understand how imbalances show themselves in your body, emotions and states of mind.

This book will be of interest to anyone who is interested in exploring and experimenting with the energy and who wants to learn a unique and powerful system for self-transformation.

This professionally-printed Reiki book has 292 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 292 pages.

Price: £13.99 + p&p

Or Download a PDF version now for only £10.99











Picture credit: Håkan Elfving


Something new for you: “Precepts Rehearsal”

reiki precepts rehearsal meditation

A powerful new way to experience the Reiki precepts

I thought I would share with you a technique that I created, something that allows you to really embrace one of the Reiki precepts, in fact any of the precepts that you feel would benefit you more if it could become more fully a part of how you are.

I call this method “Precepts Rehearsal” and it is a form of meditation based on a powerful hypnotherapy technique called ‘future pacing’.

Future pacing is all about getting yourself into a meditative state (or a trance state: they are the same thing) and spending some time imagining yourself behaving in a way that shows your subconscious mind how you want to be… you are rehearsing being the person that you wish to be, the person that you are becoming.

How to carry out Precepts Rehearsal

So, let’s assume that you would like to experience compassion more in your life.

Continue reading Something new for you: “Precepts Rehearsal”

Your 10 Day Reiki Challenge: the “Releasing Exercise”

reiki meditation

What is the Releasing Exercise?

I love the way that the Reiki precepts, and the effects of learning Reiki, blend and merge with each other. So if you could encapsulate in words the effects of Reiki on a person, you would probably say that they were largely free from anger and worry and that they were more mindful.

And at the same time we have a set of precepts that encourage us to be mindful, and to let go of worry and anger.

Mikao Usui’s precepts are such an important part of the original system and something that can sometimes become overlooked during the head-long rush to get to all the cool energy stuff! But they are really the foundation of Reiki, there to guide us and also to represent and give form to the many changes that Reiki can bring us.

And that got me thinking about whether there was a way of actually using the energy of Reiki to directly experience a precept.

What I came up with was my “Releasing Exercise”.

The Releasing Exercise is a way of directly experiencing the effects of a precept in terms of energy flow and the people that I have shared this with have found it to be very powerful.

Maybe you’ll find it powerful too.

I am setting you a challenge: to carry out my Releasing Exercise each day for 10 days.

How to perform the Releasing Exercise

I would like to suggest that you do the following, for a couple of minutes at a time, twice a day, for ten days: Sit with your eyes closed and your hands resting in your lap, palms up. You are going to be releasing energy through your hands.

Stage One

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and your hands resting in your lap, palms up. Take a few long deep breaths and feel yourself becoming peaceful and relaxed. Your mind empties. Say to yourself “I now release all my anger…”; say this three times to yourself if you like. Allow energy to be released through your palms, and be still until the flow of energy subsides. This may take a little while, particularly the first time you try this exercise.

Stage Two

Now say to yourself “I now release all my worry…”; say this three times to yourself if you like. Again allow a flurry of energy to leave your hands and be still until it subsides. Again this may take a little while, particularly the first time you try this exercise.

Try this variation

I really like this variation: try carrying out the releasing exercise in time with your breath. Breathe in gently, say to yourself “I now release all my anger…” and then breathe out, allowing your anger to flood out of you on the out breath, flooding out of your palms. Gently breathe in, and repeat.

Let Taggart Talk You Through It

If you’d like me to talk you through the exercise, use the audio track below. Click play and then get yourself comfy during the several seconds of silence that begins the track:

Here’s what people experienced

I have included some representative feedback below, so you can see the sort of thing that the exercise has done for people.

Here’s what I received from Loretta in Iowa, who has started to use the exercise with her clients:

“I use the release in the morning as I lay in Relaxation pose after finishing yoga and when I feel an emotion I need to work with during the day. I use it for more than anger and worries and the feeling leaving my hands is very emotional. I have also begun using in it in my Reiki practice. I take my clients through breathing exercises and relaxation steps and depending on what is going on with them I introduce the releasing exercise either before the Reiki session or at the end of the session.

Practicing the release is so healing on many levels, it allows us to focus on one issue at a time, allows us to take time for ourself, to dig deep on issues we may want to push to the background. This process makes my day wonderful, I feel so much more on an even keel with the world and with myself.”

Emma in Scotland has experimented with the exercise, focusing the energy on releasing other emotions:

“I have tried the 10 day releasing exercise and found it really beneficial – I’m going to continue doing it everyday. It’s really effective and so simple! I have a lot of bottled up emotion and I feel much more relaxed after doing this and feel quite a powerful flow of energy leaving my body.

I have tried other variations which also seem to work such as saying “I release sadness” or “regret” or sometimes even “I release any unnecessary or unhelpful emotion”. I even tried it lying down imagining the energy flowing out through the soles of my feet so that I could do it last thing at night before going to sleep. I’m not sure that’s as effective but I did feel relaxed! Anyway, thank you for the idea and I will continue to use it.”

Here’s what I received from Vivien in the UK, who found the exercise worked well when dealing with a difficult issue that arose:

“Well your exercises arrived at a very good time for me. We had a very difficult “political/social” issue at work whereby I got so angry (on someone else’s behalf). This person had offloaded her problems to me and I was surprised how angry I felt inside at the injustice that she had suffered. It was one of those situations I took home with me.

I did offer her advice and suggested various courses of action which helped her but, despite that, I still had this real burning anger inside me which I took home with me on a Friday. I did your ‘anger releasing’exercises on the Friday and over the weekend and it certainly helped! I practiced it a few times each day and hey presto, I was chilled by the Monday and everything has now been resolved thankfully!

I didn’t need to do it for 10 days but in future if I find myself in a similar situation, I will know what to do. I will also try out the others. So a big thank you!!!!”

Teresa in the UK sent me her feedback, and she found that the exercise helped her to just ‘be’:

“This is a wonderful exercise for letting go of anger and worry. The more I practised this the more I became lighter and freer in my thoughts and actions. Being in the present, no past, no future, simply alive in the moment.

Thank you very much for this.”

Paul from the UK contacted me to say that the exercise helped to change his perception of things:

“I’m very new to Reiki and started your releasing exercise as another “string to my bow”. Before starting my Reiki journey, I was already practicing mindful meditation. I’ve found your release exercise a natural extension of this.

I work in a quite highly stressed office environment, a place where small irritations can rapidly grow into something more. I’m generally very relaxed and laid back anyway, but over the last ten days my colleagues have seen fit to comment about how even MORE laid back I seem to have become.

I’ve been self-reflecting on this. At first I thought the exercise was helping me become more tolerant, but I now realise that’s not the case at all. “Tolerance” is more about “putting up with the irritation”. I think I would say I now have more “acceptance”. Because I’m free from anger and worry, I can “accept” things that would have been seen as irritants. Because I “accept” them, I don’t have to “tolerate” them.

I’ve passed your exercise to a number of my Reiki friends who expressed an interest. I’m waiting to hear back from them.”

Pat explained how the exercise has helped her with two specific situations recently:

“I started the releasing exercise before Chistmas and have found it very effective. I felt the release of energy in my palms and very often in my third eye area. I sometimes felt warmth, almost like a hot flush!!!

Two things happened during the time that I was doing the exercise which would have normally been very upsetting under normal circumstances but I dealt with it using this practice. I have tried both ways of the practice as you suggested and they were both equally effective.

The first situation that I mentioned above was a very cutting comment made by someone which was hurtful and as soon as it happened, I did the release exercise and the effect was very comforting. The second was some health news that made me angry and concerned. I again used the practice to release the anger, worry and blame. I found the exercise very helpful in both of those situations.

I have continued to do the practice and yesterday started to add fear as well as anger and worry to my routine. I will definitely continue with this exercise. I am very grateful to you and thank you very much for telling us about this.”

Finally, Marilynne explains how she feels that this exercise is very much in line with the way that we do things at Reiki Evolution:

“I have not done the releasing exercise regularly over 10 days. However when I do use it, it is very effective in releasing thoughts of both worry and anger, the two detrimental, mischievous little devils that can be so disruptive in their negativity. I cherish the precepts and accept them as powerful ideals and daily reminders. I have just had my Reiki 2 session last weekend and feel the energy so much stronger now through my hand and down to the tan-den. The releasing exercise seems so natural, and very much ‘in tune’ with all that I have learned and experienced through Reiki Evolution. Practicing control of the flow of Reiki energy, including the release of worry and anger, is just a wonderful privilege.”

Time For You To Take The 10 Day Releasing Exercise Challenge!

So now it’s over to you: your turn to carry out my releasing exercise for ten days, if you want to!

Post your feedback below to let me know what you did, how it went and how you feel now.


Pass this exercise on to another Reiki person!

Make sure that you pass this exercise on to another Reiki person: someone you meet or someone who you are in contact with over Facebook or Twitter or other Interweb thingy.

Show them or tell them how to do the exercise, and see how they get on with it.



Photo credit: Marina Boyarkina

Tune Into Our Weekly Distant Reiju Empowerments

reiju empowerments reiki attunements

Bliss out on our distant Reiju every week

For the benefit of Reiki people who are not able to get along to a Reiki share to receive a regular Reiju empowerment, or for people who simply do not even know anyone who can carry out Reiju empowerments on them, I have decided to provide Reiju at a distance.

In the original Japanese form of Reiki, empowerments would have been received week in, week out, throughout a student’s life with Reiki, at First Degree, Second Degree and beyond.

And some people are making Reiju empowerments available at their Reiki Shares by way of echoing this tradition, but not all students can attend evening get-togethers.

Many people within the Reiki world do not have access to empowerments at all: maybe their Reiki Master has not learned the technique yet, or maybe they have lost contact with their teacher.

Distant attunements or empowerments work incredibly well: they provide you with a lovely ‘boost’. They are not essential, but a lovely way to ‘re-set’ and help you on your journey with Reiki

What to do to receive your distant Reiju

Each week I will perform a distant Reiju empowerment, done with the intention that it will be received by any Reiki person who wants to ‘tune themselves in’ to the ‘broadcast’. The empowerment can be received any time on a Monday, whenever that is, local time.

This is what you can do to receive the empowerment:

  • If you know about Hatsu Rei Ho, the basic energy exercises of Japanese ‘Gakkai’ Reiki, then go through the sequence as normal. When you have performed Seishin Toitsu for a few minutes, stay with your hands in Gassho and say to yourself ‘I will receive my empowerment from Taggart now’.
  • If you are not familiar with Hatsu Rei Ho, simply get yourself comfortable in a chair, with your eyes closed and your hands in the prayer position. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, and then say to yourself ‘I will receive my empowerment from Taggart now’.

You may notice a lot happening; you may notice very little.

What you notice may continue for less than minute, or you might be experiencing things for 5-10 minutes.

What might you experience?

You might notice a lot happening, you might notice something happening, you might notice very little, you might notice nothing!

It varies.

To give you an idea of the sort of things that you might experience when on the receiving end of Reiju, here are some recent comments from some of my students who were on the receiving end of a Distant Reiju ‘Experiment’:

“… at 9:00pm waves of energy washed over me. Hardly any vibrating, just a light, fizzy energy. My hands and feet were full of Reiki.”

“I sat down a little before 9.15pm cleared my mind…. there was a wonderful feeling of being light and a faint buzzing around my head, then gentle pressure on my crown….plenty of warmth followed. As things progressed I could sense movement around me. It was as if you were standing in front of me…had the impression of gentle swaying…for a moment the room was light. I felt a need to put my hands in the prayer position…felt movement and warmth, with some tingling. Don’t remember putting my hands down, but I did!!”

“I felt very peaceful and could feel the energy coming from the front, my crown was filled with the energy expanding , then as if you were standing in front of me , the various positions with energy softly expanding. The third eye was throbbing and continued to do so after I felt the transmission was completed. I thought I had been sat for ages, when I felt the process was complete ,I thanked the Reiki Guides and realised it had only been 10 minutes from my sitting to completion.”

“I went up to bed at 8.45pm and laid down, I felt really warm and fuzzy and went out like a light!!!”

“I am going thru’ quite a sad time right now and I can feel that this reiju empowerment has given me the courage and strength I need to assist and empower me to walk peacefully thru’ this part of my journey. I could see the shimmering light come down into my crown and spread throughout my whole being, “telling me that all is well, we are with you always dearest one”. Today, there has been a lot of tears and releasing and I “know” that I am being guided out of this mist of despair.”

“After a few minutes I felt A great deal of energy, followed by a strong feeling of heat in my solar plexus amd then my heart chakra. I then saw waves of purple and greeny gold coming towards me and breaking over me,my fingers were tingling the whole time, and then it all suddenly stopped.”

“I became aware of energy at the third eye and a little later on my hands. Then the eye again, then the hands. When all the wonderful buzzing stopped, I got up, and found myself so relaxed and yet so energised. I don’t think I ever felt Reiju this strongly in person, Taggart. It was wonderful. Thanks.”

Worldwide Reiju broadcast

Here is some more feedback from people who tuned themsleves into the real Worldwide Reiju Broadcast which was carried out for the first time in 2002, and continues to this day:

“Had a wonderful experience just now. This morning I printed out your e-zine and thought I would sit and read it later with my cup of tea! I was reading the Distant Reiju section and had just finished section (1). That’s it, bang it came. A flash went through my mind “what day is it? Oh, Monday”. Never got to read section (2). I just put down my papers, put my hands in Gassho and enjoyed it. Wow! It struck me that it must have only just made it into Monday in England, actually I then worked out that it was 1am there. I would love for you to teach me how to do that, I would love to set that up for my students too.”

Karen Loaring, Australia

“I enjoyed the “Monday-Reiju”, thank you for this. Will be back next week again. ;-) I could sense every single movement you made and each position, probably because I know how the Reiju is given. I also had a feeling of being connected to Chris Marsh and could see – like in a tunnel – his lineage back to Usui Sensei in the background. I really liked the experience and I did feel a strong energy coming down. Again I had the intuitive feeling of knowing Usui personally, of having been connected before in another life. But maybe that’s just fantasy, don’t know. I am giving Reiki (western style) and Seichem empowerments, Christ Light Ceremonies and more, so I know the taste of quite a few energyfields, different atmospheres, this Reiju was different in so far that it was very much “down to earth”, less sentimental, less deeply touched in the heart (compared to angelic energyfields), a bit like Za Zen or Aikido practice with its centering at the hara/dantien and with the stress on clarity, which in the end is egolessness, nothingness. It activated a conscousness that can be described in Lao Tse’s words: without doing anything nothing is left undone. So the energy did feel more japanese, or what I imagine this to be, compared to western style Reiki.”

Einar Stier, Germany

“Dee and I tuned into your Reiju Empowerment yesterday at about 1:30pm. Dee felt a heaviness & throbbing in her head. She felt a hotness round her neck & coldness on her knees and lower back (she has an inflammation at lower back and hips). She saw a rainbow & had a feeling of peace. I also felt a heaviness & throbbing in my head at first. Then my left eye started twitching and the eye began to water. (I was at the tail end of a three-day migraine with slight pain still hovering on the left hand side above my eye.) I saw a white light and my knees felt cold. My head finally cleared and I have been fine since. Thank you so much, Taggart. I shall be tuning in every Monday. It is such a wonderful idea & so generous of you to do it for us all. We have a monthly Reiki Sharing Group which happens to fall on a Monday at 7:30pm; so if it is all right with you perhaps we could all join in.”


“I recieved your empowerment today. My hands became burning hot and fingers trembling , they were still in gasso my fingers then seperated and the palms of my hands were pushed outwards as if I was holding a ball. My hands then seperated and turned upwards as if cupping a ball and I felt a slight pressure as if something was being pressed into my hands at this moment I felt a breeze or a breathe on my crown chakra and on my face. My hands then cooled and became my own again. I carried on my meditation and could see a long crude wooden table with men dressed in black robes and wearing what can describe as pill box hats. The one at the end of the table rose and the others leant forward over the table resting their heads on their arms he then lifted his hands over them as if in blessing. Then to my asonishment he said in very plain english, You are ready you may go now, and the men got up and as they did so they faded into the stone walls and I came very quickly out of my meditation.”

Jo Jones, UK

“Thank you for the beautiful Reiju empowerment. I received you reiki e-zine today and then sat in gassho position and tuned in. The energy came immediately and is still with me as I write this. A wave of energy entered the front of my body, in particular Crown, third eye, heart and solar plexus. It immediately reminded me of what I have come to think of as the essence of reiki attunements, that is, a focussed “beingness” and love. I do not yet have the Reiju process, but as I have grown with Reiki, I now understand that intention and willingness are the essential factors in passing Reiki attunements. I sometimes describe the attunement process as the thing you do to keep your mind occupied whilst Reiki does the work. I have often had the urge to just stand behind the person and let the attunement energy pass through me, but I have followed the familiar process anyway! I wonder if this is along the same lines as the Reiju attunement. I also believe, but have yet to test this out that other healing and empowering frequencies are available in this way, without necessarily having symbols, although symbols, to me, are like transpersonal anchors to particular states of resonance. In other words, they certainly help make a swift connection. I shall wait until it feels right to learn the Japanese techniques – it’s “on the back burner” for now! I can now feel a wave of energy gently working its way down through my body. I feel set up for the rest of the day ahead. Thank you again. It’s good to see another who is taking an open and sharing approach to Reiki. Good luck and God bless!”

Dawn Salter, UK

“Thank you taggart for the reiju empowerment sent last Monday. It felt as though you were standing in the room behind me with your hands above my head. As soon as I said I was ready to receive the empowerment my head started fizzing and vibrating, then it spread down the back of my neck and shoulders. It was so intense it felt like my head was going to explode! Afterwards I felt so relaxed and at peace. What a wonderful way to start the week! love and light,”

Natalie Day, UK

“Hi taggart, yesterdays empowerment was as spectacular as the first one!”

Natalie Day, UK

“I have tuned in every week since I received your Feb. eZine. Each week, after doing Hatsu Rei Ho, I have felt a presence in front of me and tingling and pressure around my head, particularly crown, and sometimes pressure at the 3rd eye. I also see beautiful pink colours. It seems to happen more or less straightaway after I ask to receive the empowerment from you. It stops after a few minutes. Simply magical! Thanks Taggart!”

Shirley Climpson, UK

“We tuned into your empowerment yesterday evening and could definately feel that it worked. We both felt energy flowing down through our crowns, with tingling & a heavy weight on our shoulders and necks. I felt a lot of heat mainly in the heart chakra area. Michelle said her hands began to tingle like the first time you attuned her, in the centre of her palms. We both agreed that it lasted more than a few minutes, I’d say about 10 minutes. We were very light headed afterwards & felt sort of drunk but in a nice way. Anyway, thank you very much Taggart, & we willl look forward to next Monday’s Reiju! Love from,”

Suzanne & Michelle, Spain

“At about 5.30pm I sat down and cleared my mind and very soon felt as though someone was standing behind me with hands around the side of my head, massaging my brow chakra. This continued for a few minutes and then I felt as if that ‘person’ was standing on my right side, with a hand on my forehead and another on the rear of my head. This again continued for a short while and felt good. During this time I was aware of the usual sensation in my hands which continued after I opened my eyes – again for a short while. I must admit I was a bit heady for a few moments after opening my eyes – but having said that, I had a comfortable feeling of strength. Thanks.”

Gavin Morrice, UK


What was it like for you?

Leave a message below to let us know what you noticed when receiving your distant empowerment.

It would be great to hear from you…


Picture credit: L’Ubuesque Boîte à Savon

Japanese Animal Reiki Master offers free workshop in North London

Here is a message that I received from Iyuko Miyamura…


Rie Fukui (leading Animal Reiki Master in Japan and Veterinarian) is safely arrived at UK and staying until end of September.
The first workshop I co-ordinated on 16 September 2012 was very successful!

So, we planned another session for beginner as below:

Animal Reiki Healing Basic Workshop

Date&Time: Saturday 29th September 3-5:30pm

Venue: London NW7 (address will be informed) Led by Rie Fukui (Animal Reiki Master and Veterinarian)

Free of Charge (voluntary donations are welcome)

Contact: Ikuyo (Co-ordinator) 075 2513 7817

New Reiki Synthesis course launches

Saturday September 15th saw the launch of our new “Reiki Synthesis” course, with an group of intrepid Reiki explorers coming together at Regent’s College in Regent’s Park, London, to learn all about this new way of working with Reiki. It was a tremendous day, I thought, with a lovely group of talented Reiki people who all worked very hard and got to grips with the new methods admirably.

Tina Shaw was on hand to help and be a guinea pig for me to demonstrate “Reiki Emotional Integration” – a new method that uses a guided breathing exercise and bespoke symbols to help someone to let go of negative emotions like sadness, anger, fear, guilt, low self-esteem, frustration etc

Here is what some of the attendees had to say afterwards:

“I can’t wait to put this into practice!! I think some of my clients will really benefit from this technique, especially the ones with physical problems that stem from suppressed emotions and feelings.”
Tamara Diaz Garcia

“Overall, the course has left me feeling uplifted. I enjoyed moving away from set symbols and being able to create appropriate symbols specific to individuals and/or situations/emotions. I feel the techniques will really add to Reiki treatments.”
Rhonda Bailey

“This was extremely well run. Taggart is a calm and friendly teacher, making you feel welcome and comfortable. Very well explained and lots of exercises to practise the techniques on. Excellent!!”
Jayne Diggles

“It was a very novel approach working with symbols never used before and had a powerful effect which certainly made me think. I really enjoyed the combination of NLP techniques and Reiki and can’t wait to try them out as I think each gives the other another dimension.”
Lyd Holland

This course is available to anyone with Second Degree or above and I am holding another Reiki Synthesis course at Regent’s College on Saturday December 1st. If you’re interested or intrigued, take a look at the Reiki Synthesis page, which describes the course in more detail, and you can book your place on that page too.




Bespoke symbols

The Reiki symbols can occupy a slightly difficult position for some people who practise Reiki. On the one hand, we are taught that Reiki knows where to go and what to do, drawn according to the recipient’s need, and on the other hand we are given these symbols to use when we treat people, which sort of suggests that we can do better than plain old drawn-where-it-needs-to-go Reiki. I have found a way of looking at things that reconciles these two views.

How it works for me is this: whenever we use a Reiki symbol (and at Reiki Evolution we use the symbols individually, not mixed together) we are narrowing the focus of the energy and in doing so we increase the potency of what we are doing, for example by using CKR to focus on physical healing, or by using SHK to deal with mental-emotional balancing, these symbols eliciting earth ki or heavenly ki respectively. We narrow the focus, emphasising a particular ‘frequency’, which I think is a useful metaphor, and make the heaing more intense. Ideally, instead of choosing ourselves to use a particular symbol, we should allow the energy (or allow the recipient) to guide us, so we end up working in partnership with the energy, focusing intensely on whatever aspect of the energy we are guided to emphasise when we treat someone, or when we work on ourselves.

Some Reiki courses and systems have a lot of symbols available, and to be honest I don’t really like the idea of carrying around a big bag of symbols that I have to learn when to use in particular situations: it seems very cluttered, overly complicated, not very Japanese. I like to keep things simple.

So what if there was a way to create a symbol which generated exactly what the client needed in that moment, not relying on a collection of symbols that you have to learn, but generated there and then, a perfect representation of just what the client needs in that moment, focused, intense? Wouldn’t that be a simple and powerful way to work? It would be free from clutter, a bespoke symbolic system that you could use for yourself and others, like a blank canvas, waiting for something to be created that is perfect for a person, focused and strong.

Well that is what I have been working on, and I have put together a system that achieves just that, which I call “Reiki Synthesis”.

I will be teaching the system for the first time in London on Saturday September 15th at Regent’s College, and you can find out more about the course and how to book your place by visiting this page: Reiki Synthesis.




Red Cross Reiki Singapore: “Humour & Humility”

When I arrived in Singapore in October 2011 I began my search for a local Reiki Community of like-minded folk. As Divine synchronicity would have it, my search led me to find voluntary work by connecting me with the Red Cross Reiki Team and, as I had time to give on my hands, I contacted them. The Team were set up a few years ago by Anne Richardson and activities are now run by Bronagh Tucker, both Reiki Masters with a generous Spirit and hearts of gold.

The Team meet deliver Reiki to the mentally and physically handicapped men, women and children of the hospital for a couple of hours a week.  Such encounters are not for the faint-hearted and many volunteers come and go, either through choice or destiny, but there are a core group of about 7 who are able to attend most weeks.

The Red Cross Reiki Team, Singapore 2012

Right to Leftt: Frances, Ying, Wendy, Sham, Anna, Bronagh and Debbie (Elaine sadly absent)

The hospital is multi-cultural and observes a ‘non-religious’ approach in order to maintain polite neutrality (known affectionately by many expats as the Singapore PC!).  As such, there are clear boundaries we must not cross, some are obvious but others, at times, has resulted in a faux pas or 2 on our part (!) as we unwittingly upset the Singapore PC applecart.

Of course, all Reiki Practitioners understand that Reiki is not about religion but, as yet, the general public don’t, on the whole, and we must recognise and honour this (Humour and humility!)

Luckily Bronagh is wonderful and is able to undo any wrongs with the ease and Grace of a true Diplomat 🙂

Enough of the background and on to the main blog

By the time I arrived in Singapore, in October 2011 I thought that, over the last few years, I’d learned all there was to learn about humility and being humbled

Oh how wrong I was!

For those who haven’t yet experienced true humility, or don’t need to as you are already simply ego-less, this is when the ego is well and truly reeled in and silenced! Mine can be a feisty little so and so, but I’ve learned to laugh at it now 

My first time at the hospital was memorable indeed.

Now, you would have thought with nearly 30 years of Nursing experience, and more latterly Midwifery, that I would have seen pretty much everything  humanity and the human condition has to offer……….. I certainly thought I had!

But, oh how wrong I was!

The sheer number of beautiful Souls trapped inside mis-formed bodies and ill-communicating minds, simply blew me away. Had I not been working with Anne that day, I think I would have snuck away and shed a million tears in the ladies toilet then made a hasty exit!

The disabilities do, of course, vary from person to person but many of them have severe physical disability and most have communication problems of one sort or another.  On reflection perhaps one might recognise it as actually us, and not them, who have the communication issues as many of those less ‘dis-abled’ seem very able to communicate with each other with great ease and, I suspect, at times that the joke may even be upon us 😉 (Humour)

Humanity: so good at jumping to conclusions, so good at judging still!

Maybe it is us who are trapped within our own perceptions and mis-perceptions of who and what we are and just what ‘life, the Universe and everything’ is really all about! (Humility)

I had no idea how to start working with these beautiful Souls, but as Reiki does the doing, really that’s all you need to do, simply channel, with no pre-conceived outcome, and allow the non-religious ‘Source’ (whoever or whatever that is) to do the rest

For, without getting religious or too philosophical, we do not know what Soul contract they may have has that brought them to this life the way they are.

I began to learn that many of these lovely Souls can indicate whether they want healing and where they want it, which is clearly a bonus! Not many of them can walk but there are a few who can drive their own wheelchairs better than most Singapore taxi drivers can drive their cars (!) and some even come and ‘join in’ when you are giving Reiki to another person. They are naturally intuitive in the same way that children and animals are when it comes to energies because they don’t have the left brain butting in and demanding ‘proof’ or explanation like the rest of us do!

At other times it’s useful to scan first in order to pick up areas that are ‘shouting’ for Reiki so working with the Byosen is a more useful way of working, particularly with limited time for treatments.

(If anyone would like a recent article on working with the Byosen, please contact me by email which is below the blog)

It’s a delight to see Reiki being well received as some respond by becoming calmer and begin to drift off into that blissful space that most of us know well, the ‘Reiki zone’. It affords you the time to ‘just be’ with them, on a different plane. For those who are more sensitive, this is a space where you can meet aspects of them that exist outside of the 3D we know and are familiar with. A space where their true Soul exists without dis-ease, without dis-ability.

YES, another very humbling and beautiful experience, one that teaches you that, actually, all really is well and we are all merely playing out the game of choice (Ascension) in our way and at our own pace.

What strikes me even more, whilst in this space, is the ever increasing feeling of Unity Consciousness. That ‘oneness’ and how it opens your heart and allows you to give, to be generous of Self, to share. For this is our true nature, not one of fear and recoil, withdrawal from Self and others as we try to hang on for dear life to what we have and what we are. When all we really need to do is to ‘let go and let God’

These beautiful Souls continue to teach me that, no matter what the circumstances of our lives, Love and Joy can shine through in a simple smile and Light up the world! (Humour)

Despite their disabilities (should we even call them that?) Perhaps I will say ‘differences’ and possibly true to say ‘limitations’,  it’s such a joy to get a smile out of them. When they smile, it’s genuine, no hiding behind a painted smile for them, oh no, unlike the rest of us sometimes! (Humility and a generous lashing of humour)

We are, of course, unsure of the overall long-term effects, but those who have been visiting the hospital for a while say that they have noticed marked differences in some of the people there.

What we do know is that their joy is infectious and yes, another humbling moment as you consider their lot compared to yours and the sheer number of times we whinge about the most minor inconveniences in our lives!

I realise now that they are teaching me, so the least I can do is offer what I can in return:

Reiki and a smile 🙂


Singapore, February 2012

I honour deeply the work that the team are doing and the wonderful individuals who make up that team. It is my great pleasure to share with you some of their own words and experiences to end this blog

The Red Cross Home for the Disabled relies on volunteers to support the work they do. Passing on small gifts with Reiki is truly a special experience. My time with the residents giving and sharing from the heart is something very meaningful. I am very fortunate to be able to volunteer at the Red Cross Home, it has definitely enriched my life.


Whether it’s providing a full-body treatment or simply holding a hand and singing some songs, each visit to the Red Cross Home for the Disabled is different.

 What I love about Reiki is that it transcends any physical or mental disabilities that the residents may have, and any preconceptions or beliefs I may hold. To be able to connect with the residents – energy to energy, spirit to spirit – is both a rewarding and humbling experience.


 The most touching experience I’ve had was seeing the resident I was assigned to give Reiki to playing a sort of peek-a-boo game to cheer up and calm down another resident who was highly distraught . I’m in awe of the huge compassion these residents show to others and am truly humbled when I reflect on myself. I look forward to my weekly visits to the Red Cross because every visit is an opportunity to learn from these beautiful residents lessons on gratitude, humility and compassion. 


Volunteering for Red Cross Disabled Home has been the most humbling experience in my life, and while I give the residents reiki, they have given me so much more! They have so little, yet so little makes them happy. They teach me how to truly experience happiness, and appreciate and be thankful what I have in my life.

I feel the residents are especially sensitive to reiki, almost like children in their innocence. As such, they definitely reap the lovely benefits very quickly 🙂


Mobile: 9488 2454

As a South African living in Singapore, I was truly honoured to have been led to give Reiki to the mentally and physically disabled at the Red Cross Home and also honoured to work with my wonderful Reiki colleagues, who hail from many different countries around the world, uniting in administering universal life force energy to the men, women and children of the home. However, the most rewarding part of this work is when a resident’s condition improves and they recognise your voice, straining to see you from their beds or you receive a hearty wave in recognition. These people are very special beings.

Frances Lingris

Usui Reiki Master /Teacher and a Karuna Reiki Practitioner

 Reiki Evolution in Singapore

Debbie McDougall is one of the Reiki Evolution team of teachers offering training in the East Coast region of the exotic city of Singapore

I began my Reiki journey in 2004, eventually leaving the NHS in 2008 after nearly 30 years as a Nurse, and more latterly, a Midwife.

I also trained in other forms of Holistic healing and started my own business in Salisbury, UK, teaching Reiki Evolution Reiki and running regular workshops & groups designed to empower others to heal themselves and take control of their lives and their destiny.

I left the UK in September 2011 following my husband to Singapore where I continue to teach as a Reiki Evolution Teacher (currently the only one in Singapore!)

I also run Munay Ki workshops to pass on the beautiful and profound Ascension Rites of the Incan Shamanic lineages and I write my monthly ‘Earth Change Updates’ and Newsletters available on my website.



Mobile: (+65) 81686460

Visit Debbie’s website & sign up for her Newsletters here:

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