- 8-10 weeks duration
- 30+ hrs of energy work
- Very practical course
- Progress at your speed
- One-to-one support by e-mail
- Comprehensive manual
- Audio CD
- Distant empowerments
- Certificated
Reiki people all over the world can now benefit from Sarah Berrisford’s special Reiki system for horses
The Equine Reiki Practitioner Home Study Course is open to anyone who has experience of horses, has completed Reiki 1st Degree (Shoden) and has a passion for horses. Course participants need to have access to at least two horses – these may be your own horses or other peoples.
The course encompasses the exercises we work through during Equine Reiki 1: The Basic Equine Reiki Course and Equine Reiki 2: The Advanced Equine Reiki Course. It consists of projects to work through at your own pace, after each project, written feedback is sent to Sarah Berrisford via email.
This is a comprehensive course and by the end of it you will have spent a vast amount of time working with Reiki on horses – this home study course is not the easy option.
The course itself
The Equine Reiki online course will take approx. 5-7 weeks to complete, and is based on carrying out a series of graded ‘energy projects’ totalling 28+ hours of practical energy work, which constitutes far more energy work than students carry out on live Reiki training courses. You will be doing something with energy most days, and you will also be working regularly on your horses. You can take your time with the course, though, and work at a pace that is right for you. We won’t be clockwatching.
We will provide you with distant empowerments.
Receive one-to-one support as you work through your course
It would not really be good enough to just give a student some training materials and tell them to get on with it. We think that it is very important to make sure that our home study students have carried out all the practical exercises that they need to carry out in order to feel confident in what they are doing, and it is important that we are on hand to answer and questions or queries that our students have, and to advise them and support them as they progress through their course.
What we do is to break the course down into a series of stages, or ‘projects’, where for each stage the student does some reading, listens to the audio commentary, carries out practical energy exercises and then sends us feedback by e-mail to let us know what they have done and what they have experienced. We can then gear our support to what the student has done and what they need. Training is one-to-one.
Strengthen your connection to Reiki
During your course you will receive several distant empowerments, sent to you specially by Sarah Berrisford, and these empowerments enable you to ‘hold’ and channel more energy than you were working with before.
The Audio CDs
The Equine Reiki Practitioner distance learning course uses two audio CDs. The first is a ‘course companion’ CD containing various commentary tracks, helping to focus you on the main points and themes of the course. The second CD contains is a ‘chakra meditation’ that you will be using during the course. By having on CD the main things that are said to you on a live course, you really receive a version of ‘live’ training, but in the comfort of your living room, or your car, or on a walk (using an MP3 player) or wherever you choose to listen to your CD. You can, in effect, ‘replay’ your teacher again and again!
The Equine Reiki Course Manual
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual that covers everything we teach during your course, and more besides. Sarah Berrisford’s ‘Equine Reiki Handbook’ runs to 100 pages; it provides you with a permanent record of your training and is a useful reference volume.
The Certificate
The Equine Reiki Practitioner home study course is accompanied by an attractive certificate signed by Sarah Berrisford, your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and empowerments and have satisfied the requirements of the Equine Reiki Practitioner course.
Course Fees
The fee for the Equine Reiki Practitioner Home Study Course is £297.00 paid in two monthly instalments of £148.50 each. Go to this page Home Study Enrolment to enrol on this course.
Equine Reiki Distance Learning Course Overview
Here is an overview of the way that the Home Study course will work, showing in general terms what you will be doing during each of the stages of the course.
Stage 1 | This stage is where we look deeper into the horses personality and practice the various maneuvering techniques described in the manual. Learning to be safe, in a natural leadership role, without having to be harsh. |
Stage 2 | During this project we look at how to treat a horse tied up or held by his owner. You learn some hand positions that are beneficial to the horse and give you a starting place as to where to work from. |
Stage 3 | This sections deals with how to share Reiki with horses that you may not be able to approach or that it may be safer for you to treat from a distance, for example, stallions and aggressive horses, |
Stage 4 | During this section we learn all about freestyle equine Reiki, allowing the horse to roam free whilst in his company and picking up on and interpreting the signs he may show us.. |
Stage 5 | This stage is where Distant Healing is discussed and practiced, sending Distant Healing before the treatment. |
Stage 6 | During this stage you will be practising using your intent to help with issues that may be encountered. You are given various exercises to try and are free to try your own and share the responses |
Stage 7 | This stage is all about helping with Reiki whilst riding. How to give Reiki to yourself and to others. |
Stage 8 | Stage 8 is where we work on optimizing the horses chakras. With the location and description of each chakra given. |
Stage 9 | This stage is all about working with the symbols CKR, SHK, and HSZSN whilst working with Reiki on horses, when each may be used and why, and then putting this into practice |
Stage 10 | During stage 10 we are working with our intuition as to where to treat and what energy we may need to use. We focus on Reiji Ho, physically and also through visualization |
Stage 11 | This is the last part of the course where you go back through your course materials, check if there is anything you are unsure of or would like to know more about., sending any questions you have about Equine Reiki, Reiki on animals or Reiki in general to your tutor |
Home study is an effective way to learn Equine Reiki
Distant learning has become more suitable to many types of people, this course has been set up because to the huge number of people contacting Sarah from the UK and abroad wishing to learn Equine Reiki but who are unable to travel to the Epona Equine Reiki Centre. This course will be suitable for you if you have a passion for horses, have completed Reiki 1st Degree, would enjoy a in-depth study of your favourite hobby or interest, if you would like to be certified as an Equine Reiki Practitioner through a reputable centre and if you would enjoy further connection with horses and self development.
Ongoing support and advice
Once you have completed the Equine Reiki Distant Learning Course, you will receive the following:
- Equine Reiki Practitioner Certificate
- An Equine Reiki Leaflet, for you to use and edit as you wish. This is a very handy advertising aid.
- You are also invited to join the Practitioner list on www.epona-equine-reiki.co.uk. This is free and you will receive an email with details.
- An email invitation to join the Reiki Evolution Internet Discussion Group
We believe that it is very important to support our students once they have been through one of our Reiki courses, and these are the ways that we do this…
Free ongoing support and advice by e-mail
If you have a question or query about Equine Reiki then Sarah is available to deal with your questions and queries, and she is happy to do so.
Distant empowerments
The teachers at Reiki Evolution send out distant empowerments which you can ‘tune in to’. This can be done any time on the day of your choice. The current Distant Empowerment list is available on the Internet discussion group, with different teacher giving our empowerments on different days. Go through your Hatsurei, or Kenyoku/Joshin Kokkyu ho, keep/put your hands in the prayer position, say to yourself “I’m ready to receive my empowerment from “ …….” now…” and see what happens!
Quarterly Newsletters
Reiki Evolution send out e-mail newsletters every quarter to all our students to let you know what has been happening with us, to let you know about the various courses and resources that are available to you, and we also include an article about some aspect of Reiki in each issue.
Free self-help guides
Via the discussion group’s homepage you can access free guides focusing on “Getting Started with Reiki” and “Developing your Reiki Intuition”.
Enrol on your Equine Reiki Home Study Course
Equine Reiki Practitioner course, equivalent to Level I & II live courses
Price: £297.00
Paid in two monthly instalments of £148.50 each
Using your data
When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address). We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.
If you’re not happy with your data being used in this way then please do not enrol on a course with us, because we can’t enrol you without using and holding that information.
“I thought the course material was very well presented, you gave clear, concise instructions. The book is extremely clear and very useful even to people who may have no expierence with horses but who wish to train as an Equine Reiki Practitioner.
I thoroughly enjoyed your course, having always been obsessed with horse from an early age this has continued with me thorughout my life. I only got the opportunity to own my own horse about 7 years agao and have found my time with her and the others on our yard totalling fascinating. Then when I found Reiki and did the distant learing courses with Taggart (both Shoden and Okuden) and by practicing on my own horse it has opened up a new world to me. I had not hesitation in signing up for your course once I knew that I could do it as distant learning – having already bought the book. It has made dealing with horse even more pleasurable and they never cease to amaze me how they react to Reiki.
The instruction given was clear on how to use Reiki and what you may possibly feel or even see any any one time. Your comments were always encouraging and helpful, a pleasure to deal with and as far as I can see nothing needs improving.”
Lyn Rugg, Essex, February 2012
“An excellent course. I learned far more than I had expected. The course shows good planning and execution. Very good materials. Lots of helpful feedback. I signed up for it because I couldn’t find anything comparable in the States, couldn’t get to England to train in-person. The course does take commitment and work. Took me three months and was worth the time and effort.”
Diane Anderson, Woodstock, New York, USA
I really enjoyed doing the online Equine Practitioner course. I had already been attuned to Reiki 1&2 but this looked at Reiki in a much more in depth way working on intuition etc and gave me a much better understanding of working with this energy. It has really helped my relationship with my horses and I feel that we are better connected and more at peace with each other now.
Caroline Pitcher, Kent, 2016