Here is another instalment in a new series of blogs that I have put together, where I will be focusing on a particular area of Reiki practice or teaching and detailing any useful blog posts that I have written, and any useful resources I have to help you.
Today we focus on teaching Reiki again, but this time focusing on ways in which you can support your students.
Useful blogs
The basics
Supporting students
“Doing your 21 days”
Reiki shares
How to run a Reiki share (part i)
How to run a Reiki share (part ii)
Reiki practice days
How to run a Reiki Practice Day
Distant empowerments
Receive distant Reiju empowerments every week
Resources to help you…
“Liberate Your Reiki!” Book or eBook for your students
“Your Reiki Workout” Book or eBook for your students
Reiki manuals and CDs to give to your students, particularly:
Reiki First Degree Manual or eManual
Reiki Second Degree Manual or eManual
Reiki meditations audio CD or MP3 tracks
Talking you through a Reiki treatment audio CD or MP3 tracks
Special “Nentatsu ho” meditations to develop intuition, sensitivity and mindfulness