This is another in our series of “My Reiki Story” posts that we will be adding to the Reiki Evolution blog, where a Reiki person talks about their journey with Reiki. In today’s “My Reiki Story” we hear from Amy Blakeney from Surrey…
I first received a Reiki treatment around five years ago. I had not really known what it entailed, but remember feeling amazed by how relaxed I felt afterwards, and woke up the following morning feeling rested for the first time in years. I continued to have treatments sporadically and knew that I wanted to become attuned one day.
When I started looking for a place to do my training, I became overwhelmed by the choice and variety available. I was keen to do a course which was completely in line with the original precepts set down by Mikao Usui, and which would have ongoing support and encouragement throughout the process. When I stumbled upon the website for Reiki Evolution, I knew intuitively that this was the place I had been searching for.
I booked to take my Reiki Level One in 2009 with Sue Norman in Woking. Being sent the course materials so far in advance was an absolute godsend and was one of the reasons I had wanted to do my training this way. I found the in depth history of Reiki absolutely fascinating; learning that the Japanese military once adopted Reiki as a means of first aid on the battlefield was very inspiring.
I was quite nervous on the day of the course, but Sue was great; the atmosphere was very relaxed and laid back, and everyone was encouraged to share what they were – or weren’t – feeling throughout the process. Doing the scanning work in the morning was extremely rewarding; I was amazed that I could definitely ‘feel’ the energy field on the body. It felt like two opposing magnets – that same resistance. By the afternoon, it was time to do our first treatment, and I could feel Reiki surging through me as soon as I started; I began to feel very warm, and was having trouble keeping my arms steady. I think I was about half way through the treatment when I became so hot I thought I was going to pass out. I felt very self conscious but stopped what I was doing and Sue helped me into the other room where I lay on the floor. I think I said something about feeling like a bit of a wally but she assured me that this had happened to people before.
I focussed on self treatment for the next year, and then decided to do my Level 2 – again with Sue. Once again, it was great to have so much time to prepare; I remember several evenings spent drawing the symbols over and over again! I felt far less nervous this time around and had no trouble giving the treatments, which was a relief. I will admit to having been somewhat sceptical about how using the symbols would feel, but there was definitely a tangible difference between them, and it was great fun experimenting with them during our treatments.
I decided afterwards to wait some time before taking the Reiki Masters course. This is an intuitive decision; I feel I will gain more from it if I have experience under my belt. There is a powerful difference after receiving the attunements, in a way that is very hard to describe. It’s a subtle change but is always present. The fact that I don’t drive and haven’t had a suitable place to receive clients has so far prevented me from giving Reiki treatments professionally, but I hope that this will change. In the meantime, I am exploring Equine Reiki, as my mother lives in France and has a small herd of Spanish Mustangs. I rode when I was a child but several bad falls have led me to think about other ways of interacting with these lovely animals whilst ‘on the ground’. Some of my mother’s horses were rescues and had been cruelly starved when they were younger, leading to some residual anxiety. I am going to be in France for six weeks this summer, and am really looking forward to working with them and seeing how they respond to Reiki. If time and money permits, next year I will do the Reiki Evolution Equine Reiki course up in Lincoln.
Amy Blakeney, Surrey
If you would like to tell your Reiki story on the Reiki Evolution blog then send a jpeg head/shoulders photo of you, your name, and let us know about your story: when and why did you learn Reiki, what happened on your course, how do you use Reiki and how has Reiki changed things for you? Send your contribution to
And if you like the sound of what Reiki can do for you, or if you’d like to take your Reiki further, remember that we have Reiki courses running throughout the UK, as well as multimedia home study courses.