This is another in our series of “My Reiki Story” posts that we will be adding to the Reiki Evolution blog, where a Reiki person talks about their journey with Reiki. In today’s “My Reiki Story” we hear from Antonia Pheysey from Middlesex…
I first heard of Reiki a long time ago when my sister was working in Spain in a homeopathic surgery and she trained in Reiki 1, I tried it and it was relaxing but I didn’t think there was much to it, at the time.
Many years later as a result of a very bad cold during the last few weeks of pregnancy, I developed a very bad sinus problem which with a brand new baby, full time job and every day stress got worst. Endless trips to the doctors did not help; medication only alleviated some of the symptoms. This went on for many months the only way I could breathe was by continually using nasals sprays. I tried acupuncture and Chinese medicine which was a great help, but unfortunately after a few months I was back with sinus problem not as bad as before and this time I tried Reflexology. Great again very helpful, but the problem continued on and off for about four years, I used to get better but not back to full health.
It seem that those day’s whenever I went to a book shop or read a magazine the word Reiki kept appearing, (like it was following me), this particular weekend my husband and I went to a book shop to get my son some story books; and there it was Reiki again on a shelve with special offer on magazines 3 for 2 and I said ok is a nice glossy magazine lovely pictures on it I’ll get it, and my husband can get 2 of the car magazine he likes, and that was it I wanted to know more, and I wanted to experience more and the thing that interested me most was that it said anyone can learned Reiki to treat themselves.
I looked in the internet and there was a list of Reiki Teachers offering courses, and the one that I chose (and it wasn’t the first teacher on the list) was Tina Shaw, I booked the course through the internet and I went to the course (a bit apprehensive I didn’t know what it was going to be like, never having met or spoken to Tina before.)
And I was absolutely amazed, the minute she put her hands around me I could actually feel the heat, more amazing was after the attunement I could feel the heat in my hands, and more. I haven’t looked back, I trained in Reiki 1 and 2 in 2005 and it was just what I needed gradually I got back to full health.
In 2008 I decided to train for Reiki Master Teacher (nice to see Tina again), I also trained in Reflexology and Indian Head Massage, and I started practising part time.
Since then I have had wonderful experiences with Reiki and especially with the clients that had never heard or tried it before. the comments that I normally get are” So lovely and relaxing”, “I fill like I am floating on air “some people need to get their emotions out that they didn’t now they had locked in, and then they fill so much lighter, one particular client that had the chants, and had seen the northern lights for herself was amazed to see the lights like those during a Reiki treatment.
Reiki gives a different experience to everyone but we all benefit from it equally because it gives us just what we need when we need it.
Antonia Pheysey
If you would like to tell your Reiki story on the Reiki Evolution blog then send a jpeg head/shoulders photo of you, your name, and let us know about your story: when and why did you learn Reiki, what happened on your course, how do you use Reiki and how has Reiki changed things for you? Send your contribution to
And if you like the sound of what Reiki can do for you, or if you’d like to take your Reiki further, remember that we have Reiki courses running throughout the UK, as well as multimedia home study courses.
Thank you Antonia for sharing your story. And you could have no better teacher than Tina!!
All the very best in everything you do.
Reiki blessings