Reiki articles from the Reiki Evolution eZine
Since 2002, Taggart has been sending out the Reiki Evolution eZine (Newsletter in eMail format), currently to a mailing list of some 6,000 subscribers. In many of these issues Taggart has written an article about some aspect of Reiki.
In these Reiki articles Taggart has talked about Reiki’s history, about important principles that we should embrace to help us with our practice, and he has tried to present an approach to Reiki that is simple, intuitive and free from clutter and dogma.
In this section we have brought together some of these articles for you to read.
I hope that you find these Reiki articles both interesting and inspiring.
The articles should be of interest to people who are finding out about Reiki for the first time, and they will also be of interest to existing Reiki Practitioners and Masters.
I have also included a selection of articles written by other Reiki people, at the bottom of the page, and I hope you enjoy reading these too.
Reiki Articles in book form
In April 2007 Taggart decided to work through all the articles again, rewriting many of them and updating them, and he has collected these updated articles in a new book which you can order (Go Here to order your copy now).
“Liberate Your Reiki!” is a practical workbook that you can use to develop your Reiki no matter what Reiki level you are, something that you can refer to, and re-read, gaining different insights as you revisit the pages during your journey with Reiki. The book would make a lovely gift for another Reiki person and is inspiring, thought-provoking and useful.
“Keep this book at your bedside and dip into it frequently. It is inspirational, thought-provoking and especially useful if you don’t have regular access to a Master or Reiki group. The book promotes uncluttered practice of Reiki in line with Mikao Usui’s original teachings,which is both re-inforcing and re-assuring. Taggart’s ” 10 Rules of Reiki ” deserve to be adopted by all Usui-do practioners. Buy the book and you will see what I mean.”
David O’Hagan, Bristol, August 2007
Read all Taggart’s updated articles:
- Be like water
- What if I get it wrong?
- The 10 Rules of Reiki
- Attunements, Empowerments & the Reiki contact lens scandal
- Reiki Sensations
- Get out of the way!
- Back to Basics: Reiki Second Degree
- Back to Basics: Reiki First Degree
- The Home Study approach to Reiki training
- The Precepts
- The Breath of Earth and Heaven
- Mindfulness and Compassion
- Feng Shui your Reiki
- Remote Treatments
- The Kaizen of Reiki
- A Simple Way with Symbols
- The Importance of Intent
- Simplicity and Sandwiches
- Restrictions on Reiki
- Working with Intuition
- Distant Attunements
- Intelligent Energy?
- Symbols, Attunements & Beyond
Author: Taggart King