Reiki Drum Technique Course: Essex

Learn beautiful techniques for deep healing and become a Reiki Drum Practitioner on this intensive two-day course. Maximum of 4 students, per course. Frame drums are some of the oldest musical instruments, drumming for healing and meditation is an ancient practice.

The Reiki Drum Technique combines Reiki and Shamanic medicine drumming, creating a powerful and protective healing method. Popular in the United States, (where it was formed by Michael Arthur Baird of the Infinite Light Healing Studies Centre).

We use the drum to introduce Reiki energy into a person’s energy field to bring about deep relaxation, shifting blockages and releasing tension.

Biofeedback research has indicated that drumming (even for short periods) can influence brain activity by inducing an alpha state, brainwaves associated with wellbeing and euphoria.

Research and studies show:

  • Drumming can improve right brain functions like creativity and intuition.
  • The sounds of a drum can help with illness and emotional trauma.
  • Drumming has been linked with positive effects on Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients, emotionally disturbed teens, recovery addicts and trauma patients.
  • Drumming can increase the production of the body’s natural painkillers.

In tribal cultures, this ancient practice of using the power of sound, for healing the body, mind and spirit is well known.  Now in the western world (as there is a lot of scientific research supporting this), this ancient wisdom and knowledge thankfully is becoming more acceptable and feasible to modern minds.

You will learn three different Reiki Drum Techniques:

Drum Healing – the drum is used intuitively over the client’s body, followed by hands on Reiki treatment which integrates the work of the drum. This is an incredibly deep healing method.

Reiki Drum Journeying – the drum is used to take the client to a deep, meditative state to receive insight, spiritual guidance and healing.

Mental/Emotional Reprogramming – the drum treatment is combined with the use of powerful positive affirmations to support growth.

This is an incredibly powerful, energy intensive course and as the method is rooted in shamanic practices, you shall experience several journeys and work to further your own self healing. You may find that many blockages are released during the course and shortly afterwards.

Reiki Drum Practitioner Course Schedule:

reiki drum courses essex with zoe smith

The course runs from 9.30-5.30 on both days. As the work is energetically intensive there will be tea breaks mid-morning and mid-afternoon, as well as a 45 minute lunch break.

Here is a breakdown of what will be covered on the course:

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Preparation of self and creating sacred space
  • Honouring the seven sacred directions meditation ceremony
  • Origins of Reiki DrummingTM
  • Differences between shamanic drumming and the Reiki Drum Technique
  • Scientific research in support of drumming for healing
  • Drum selection ceremony
  • Reiki Drum attunement
  • Journey – finding your voice
  • Group drumming session – celebrating finding our voices
  • Developing intuition and working with symbols
  • Journey – meet the healing spirit of the drum
  • Ethics, and what it is to be a healer
  • Reiki Drum healing technique
  • Practical drum healing sessions

 Day 2

  • Preparation of self and creation of sacred space
  • Honouring the seven sacred directions meditation ceremony
  • Journey – meet your power animal
  • The power of the mind – the importance of positive thinking
  • Mental / emotional reprogramming technique
  • Practical reprogramming sessions
  • Reiki Drum journey technique
  • Reiki Drum journey timeline
  • Practical journey sessions
  • Group drumming exercise
  • Certificate ceremony

Course requirements

You will need to be at Reiki 2 level (Okuden) or above since we will be working with the Reiki symbols. No previous drumming or musical experience is required.

Reiki Drum Course materials

The course is accompanied by a course manual/workbook and your very own 16” Remo Buffalo drum. (With a synthetic skin; therefore not sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity).

The Certificate

All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate provided by Zoe Smith. The course will qualify you to work professionally as a Reiki Drum Practitioner

Course venue

Courses are held in the delightful village of Tiptree, near Colchester. The venue is a charming holistic studio on the ground floor. There is a kitchen with fridge and toaster available for use.

Course Fees

The fee for the Reiki Drum Technique Course is £297, with a £150 deposit paid in advance, and the balance paid to Zoe Smith on the first day of your course.

Ongoing Support and Advice

Once you’ve been on your Reiki Drum Technique Master Practitioner course we want you to know that your teacher will be on hand to deal with any questions or queries that you might have.

Reserve Your Place

Reiki Drum Master Practitioner course Enrol on course here:


  • Apr 14 & 21 – FULL
  • Oct 13 & 20


  • Apr 6 & 13

The Master Practitioner course costs £297. You pay a deposit of £150 now and a further £147 to your teacher on the day of your course.

We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your booking is subject to our Terms & Conditions.

To enrol, consent to our use of your data (see Privacy Policy)

You also need to agree to our Terms & Conditions

Then type the course date:

Using your data

When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address) and we will ask you for your telephone number. We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and we need to send your details to the Reiki teacher so that they know who you are and when you are booked to attend, and so they can contact you to introduce themselves, and in extreme circumstances they might need to call you to cancel a course at the last minute (though this hardly ever happens). We also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.

If you’re not happy with your data being used in this way then please do not enrol on a course with us, because we can’t enrol you without using and holding that information.

Reiki drum students journalling about their experiences