- 6-8 weeks duration
- 30+ hrs of energy work
- Very practical course
- Progress at your speed
- One-to-one support by e-mail
- Comprehensive eManual and MP3s
- Choose printed Manual & CDs if you like
- Distant empowerments
- Certificated
Click to read testimonials from many, many students who have followed this course: Testimonials
Alternatively, take a look at this page, where I have had the various testimonials analysed so that you can see the main areas where students really appreciated how the courses worked and what they did for them: The best aspects of First Degree home study.
Take the first step on an amazing and fulfilling journey
I am pleased to let you know that our Reiki First Degree course is available as a Home Study course, through online distance learning.
The course materials are downloadable and consist of a comprehensive 170-page PDF eManual, course instructions and two MP3 collections, so you can get started with your course as soon as you like. If you like, you can also order a professionally-printed course manual plus two audio CDs.
The First Degree Manual contains text, descriptions and digital images. The MP3 collections (or their CD equivalent) contain 70 minutes of spoken ‘commentary’ and a number of guided energy exercises and meditations, to help you with your daily energy exercises and meditations. On top of that we also include a 8,000 word guide to your weekly energy projects and we guide you step by step through your course.
With these comprehensive instructions, manual and audio tracks, and one-to-one e-mail support, I am happy that the course gives you as much as you would have had, had you attended one of our ‘live’ First Degree courses, and more.
We think that home study courses have some definite advantages, in fact: instead of having the time available to you limited by the length of a live course, you will have the opportunity to spend a lot longer working with the various exercises, really getting to grips with and assimilating each stage before you move on at your own pace.
This approach comes a lot closer to the way that Reiki’s founder – Mikao usui – taught, with students working with him one-to-one and developing themselves over an extended period.
“I have enjoyed this course immensely. It was certainly not the easy option but I feel well prepared and able to do Reiki after completing the course.”
Jackie Wiles, North Wales
“I loved the home study approach. I gained so much experience with guidance and support every step of the way. It also allowed me to develop at my pace, no pressure and I was able to involve the whole family in what turned out to be a life-changing experience.”
Caron Sanders-Crook, London
“My friends are amazed at how much energy work we did and now feel that I got more out of Reiki 1 distant learning than they did at a live course.”
Stephanie Weston, Avon
The First Degree Online Course itself
The course will take approx. 6-8 weeks to complete, and is based on carrying out a series of graded ‘energy projects’ totalling 30+ hours of practical energy work, which constitutes far more energy work than students carry out on live Reiki training courses. You will be doing something with energy most days, and you will also be working regularly on other people. We will provide you with a series of distant empowerments.
Receive one-to-one support as you work through your distance course
It would not really be good enough to just give a student some training materials and tell them to get on with it.
We think that it is very important to make sure that our home study students have carried out all the practical exercises that they need to carry out in order to feel confident in what they are doing, and it is important that we are on hand to answer and questions or queries that our students have, and to advise them and support them as they progress through their course.
What we do is to break the course down into a series of stages, or ‘projects’, where for each stage the student does some reading, listens to the audio commentary, carries out practical energy exercises and then sends us feedback by e-mail to let us know what they have done and what they have experienced.
We can then gear our support to what the student has done and what they need. Training is one-to-one.
“Taggart is supportive and was always willing to answer any questions and address any problems that occur during the course. Feedback was always very prompt and comprehensive.”
Jackie Wiles, North Wales
“Your e-mail support was great: considerate, patient and kind.”
Jason Brown, Macedonia
“I really liked that the support from Taggart was there, but that I could also go at my own pace and wasn’t put under any pressure to complete by a certain time.”
Catherine Duffy, Northamptonshire
“I had many questions, and my e-mails to you were frequent, but you always responded quickly and in depth, this left no doubt in my mind that I had found the Reiki teaching I had sought over a number of years.”
Graham Batchelor, Ceredigion
Tune in to the Reiki energy
During your home study course you will receive a flurry of distant ‘Reiju’ empowerments during the early stages of your course. These traditional Japanese empowerments open up the channels through which Reiki flows, they help you to recognise something that is already within you. They are equivalent to Western-style Reiki ‘attunements’ and enable you to use Reiki for your own benefit and for the benefit of the people around you – your family and friends.
This ability will stay with you for life, you will never lose it, and Reiki works for everyone!
During the later stages of your course, you will ‘tune in’ to distant Reiju empowerments which we send out every day, on Mondays. Your Reiki potential will not lessen over time, so tuning into these empowerments is not essential, but doing so will make a difference to you and your Reiki practice and echoes the practice of Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, who empowered his students on a regular basis..
“I will admit that I had doubts about what to expect from the distance initiations. I still find it hard to describe properly what I felt at those times. However, upon trying to apply what I had learned I was greatly surprised and in one particular case almost dumbstruck by the results.”
Ronald Knowles, Essex
“Other people questioned how it could be possible to learn through this method, but Taggart’s empowerments definitely work and they come just at the right moment.”
Jayne Spenceley, South Yorkshire
Learn to work with energy
Reiki is all about working with energy, so some of the first practical exercises that you carry out during the course involve learning to experience your own energy and that of other people, plants and animals. You will practice on a group of friends and/or relatives who will act as ‘guinea pigs’ for you.
You will also be introduced to and practice some Japanese energy exercises that you can use every day to balance your energy system and to make you a stronger and clearer channel for Reiki. These energy exercises come from Japanese Reiki, in its original and later forms, and have been missing from Western Reiki for 50 years.
Learn how to Treat yourself Japanese style and Western style
Reiki in its original form is much more about working on your self than it is about working on other people, so you will learn several approaches that you can use to work on yourself, and your ‘Reiki Meditations’ audio CD talks you through a traditional Japanese self-treatment ‘meditation’.
You will find out how relaxing an experience this is and you will be carrying out this self-treatment for several weeks during your course. We will also explain the Western approach to carrying out self-treatments and you have the opportunity to experiment with these different methods.
Give treatments to other people
Reiki is presented in the West as a sort of hands-on treatment technique, a form of complementary therapy, and you will be thoroughly trained in this aspect of the system.Your home study course will deal thoroughly with the giving of treatments to other people, and the course materials are comprehensive.
We will demonstrate some ‘standard’ hand positions that you can use to begin with, for although it is good practice to work intuitively, and that will come with time, it is reassuring to begin with to have some basic guidelines to follow!
With time and practice, you should be able to leave the standard hand positions behind you and let the energy guide you (we cover this on the Second Degree – ‘Okuden’ – course). We will also talk about balancing and energising the aura, and ‘scanning’ with your hands.You will practice these techniques on a group of friends and/or relatives who will act as ‘guinea pigs’ for you. Reiki is a hands-on, practical subject, so you need to make sure that you practise treating other people in different ways.
The course guides you through the giving of ‘head and shoulders’ and ‘full’ Reiki treatments. You provide us with detailed feedback about your experiences – what you did and what you noticed, and any questions that you have – and we give you feedback on what you have done and noticed.
You will carry out more Reiki treatments, and gain more practical experience of treating people, than is possible on ‘live’ Reiki training courses.
“One friend that I have been treating who had tinnitus has said that she has had no ringing since her second treatment, and is now getting me to Reiki her at every opportunity. Planning on Reiki 2 soon.”
Helen Burwell, Leicestershire
The Audio tracks on MP3 or CD
Our Reiki First Degree home study course is accompanied by two MP3 collections, or their audio CD equivalent, if you decide to order these. The first collection contains 70 minutes of commentary which summarises the main themes of your course, and the other collection contains guided meditations that you will use at First Degree, and Second Degree, levels.
By having on audio the main things that are said to you on a live course, you really receive a version of ‘live’ training, but in the comfort of your living room, or your car, or on a device. You can, in effect, ‘replay’ your teacher again and again!
The guided meditations take you through Hatsu Rei Ho (Japanese energy exercises) and a self-treatment meditation that Reiki’s founder taught. So instead of fumbling around trying to read the instructions in your manual while trying to keep in the flow of it, you can simply fire up the track, close your eyes, and follow the instructions. Your meditation will flow all the more easily because of this, and you’ll learn how to do it without having to try too hard!
“The CD was my favourite piece of material. It enabled the ‘dip in’ approach and really helped with course consolidation. Fantastic for meditation and self-treatment.”
Caron Sanders-Crook, London
“The whole course I found easy to follow and the CDs were invaluable, and I have made a few copies in case I wear them out due to constant use!”
Helen Burwell, Leicestershire
“I found the CD crucially important in setting a routine, with regards to timing and length of the exercise practices. Without it I would have fallen into patterns of shortcuts for both Hatsurei ho and self-treatment meditation.”
Felipe Jauregui, Surrey
“The ‘chapters’ of the first audio CD nicely encapsulate the various subjects dealt with in the course. The meditation CD with its appropriate music and tranquil voice provides a very effective way of experiencing and learning the meditations.”
Donald Upton, Somerset
The Reiki First Degree Home Study Course Manual
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual that covers everything we teach during your course, and more besides. Our ‘Shoden’ manual runs to 170 A4 pages, with 60,000 words and many digital images; it provides you with a permanent record of your training and is a useful reference volume. Your course comes with a PDF manual, though you can choose to order a printed version too.
“The manuals were of excellent standard, and I can honestly say I can find no fault in them what so ever. Your courses are much, much more informative and sensible than any other I have seen, been to, or heard about!”
Sandra Buchanan, Bahrain
“I found that the combination of the manual and CD were very helpful, and being able to cross reference between the two plus the fact that I was able to take my time and re-read any part I had possibly overlooked or forgotten was for me a definite plus.”
Ronald Knowles, Essex
“The manual was enjoyable to read and very clear.”
Sarah Binns, Fife
The Certificate
The Reiki Evolution First Degree home study course is accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by Taggart King, your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments and have satisfied the requirements of the “First Degree” of Reiki.
Course Fees, Terms & Conditions
The fee for the First Degree Home Study Course is £159.00 either paid in full in advance or in three monthly instalments of £53.00 each. The payments are non-refundable.
Your fees cover Taggart’s tuition for a period of one year from the date of enrolment. After that time, if you have not completed the course, you would need to enrol anew.
Reiki First Degree Online Course overview
Here is an overview of the way that the Home Study course will work, showing in general terms what you will be doing during each of the six stages of the course.
Stage 1 | This stage is all about familiarising yourself with the course and doing some background reading and listening. Your first project will be to explore the meditative practice of mindfulness and to consider the Reiki precepts. |
Stage 2 | This stage you will receive repeated distant empowerments, start to carry out some simple Japanese energy exercises, and start to play with energy. |
Stage 3 | This stage you will extend your Japanese energy exercises into a longer sequence, carry on playing with the energy by starting to practise ‘scanning’, and you will receive a further distant empowerment. |
Stage 4 | This stage you will add a powerful self-treatment meditation to your basic daily energy exercises, you will experiment with various approaches to self-treatment, and receive a further distant empowerment. You will also practise feeling the energy field around plants and animals (if possible). |
Stage 5 | This stage, as well as maintaining your daily energy practices and receiving a distant empowerment, you will learn different approaches to treating people and you will start to treat some other people, in a simple fashion, for 20-30 minutes. |
Stage 6 | This stage, as well as maintaining your daily energy practices and receiving a distant empowerment, you will carry out at least two ‘full’ Reiki treatments. |
Ongoing Support and Advice
Once you’ve been on your First Degree home study course we want you to know that Taggart and Lorraine will be on hand to be on hand to deal with any questions or queries that you might have and to help and support you in your practice of Reiki. We have tried to set up various ways that we can support you, and our students can support each other. This is what we offer at the moment:
- Facebook group for all our students. You can contact approx. 1,100 other Reiki people (January 2018 figures) who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.
- Free distant Reiju empowerments each week anytime on a Monday. Every week you can ‘tune yourself in’ to a Reiju empowerment from Taggart, anytime on a Monday (and more than once if you like!). This will give your Reiki practice a real boost and echoes the way that Reiki was taught by Mikao Usui, with empowerments week-in week-out throughout your training. In fact, we have teachers sending out empowerments that you can tune into any day of the week, and you find out about these when you join our online support group.
- Access to a network of regular Reiki shares (get-togethers) at various UK locations where you can meet other Reiki Evolution students, chat, receive Reiju empowerments and swap treatments
- Free ongoing support and advice.
“Contact and support does not end with the course: it is ongoing. You still receive regular newsletters and upon finishing the course, you will be invited to join the Reiki online chat group. This puts you in touch with other Reiki practitioners and allows you to discuss Reiki experiences and queries with both Taggart and other practitioners.”
Jackie Wiles, Conway, North Wales
How to enrol on your First Degree distance learning course
First Degree home study Standard enrolment | First Degree home study Instalment plan |
Price: £159.00
Acknowledgement and downloads will come within 48 hrs. We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your booking is subject to our Terms & Conditions (see above). |
Price: £159.00. Paid in three monthly instalments of £53.00 each.
Acknowledgement and downloads will come within 48 hrs. We will use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and your booking is subject to our Terms & Conditions (see above). |
Using your data
When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address). We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.
If you’re not happy with your data being used in this way then please do not enrol on a course with us, because we can’t enrol you without using and holding that information.
Author: Taggart King