Reiki for Beginners: The “First Degree” Course

reiki 1 training course first degree classes


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Who can learn Reiki?

You can! Anyone can learn Reiki. There are no special requirements. You just need to be open-minded and be prepared to spend a day with like-minded people, exploring an exciting energy method.

Find peace

When you learn Reiki, you’ll find that this will bring a sense of peace, contentment and serenity, helping you to feel more positive and better able to cope.

Explore spirituality

Reiki helps you to de-stress and find a contented space inside you that you can access anytime, and you can explore your spirituality free from any religion or dogma.

Experience self-healing

Spend a little time each day working on your self-healing and share the benefits of Reiki with your friends and family.

“The course far exceeded my expectations, I can’t praise the quality of the study material and my teacher enough! The course materials were of a high quality and the mix of written and audio material made learning an enjoyable experience rather than a chore!

My teacher was marvellous. She was patient and understanding, and was able to answer all of our questions – more than that, she welcomed our questions. She created a relaxed and good humoured environment that made learning easy. The information was thorough and the pace was good.

I felt confident at the end of the day that I had understood everything and could put it into practice.

None of this really explains what an amazing experience the live training was – thank you! I don’t think it could be improved, I’ll definitely be signing up for the next level. “

Charlotte Hinks, Hertfordshire

“The day was truly wonderful.  The empowerments , the practice treatments and the explanations were marvellous; besides which, my teacher made it so easy to learn, and so effective. I am now looking forward to going on to Level 2″

Linda Johns, Suffolk

Friendly, small-group training

You’ll learn Reiki with a small group of like-minded people and there’ll be no more than six students on any course to make sure that you receive individual attention from your teacher.

Learn everything you need to be confident

Before you come on your course, you will have worked through one of our famous Reiki Evolution study packs (downloadable or printed), giving you a very solid grounding in Reiki. You’ll know exactly what to do and will feel confident in putting everything into practice on the day of your live course.

Your teacher will support you

Your friendly and experienced Reiki Master will guide you through everything you need to be able to use Original Japanese Reiki straight away, for yourself and to help your family and friends. And they will happily be on hand to deal with any questions or concerns that you have in the weeks and months after your course.

Scroll down!

To find course dates for all our locations and teachers, and book your place on your chosen course, all you need to do is to scroll down to the bottom of this page!

There is a long list of the locations where we host Reiki courses, so just click on your chosen location.

Once you’ve clicked, you can:

  1. Find out about your Reiki teacher
  2. Read more testimonials
  3. Find courses dates
  4. Book your place

Reiki First Degree costs £160, by the way, with £80 paid now and £80 paid to your teacher.




If you need more info, keep on reading…

Your Reiki First Degree training course lasts for 15-16 hours, which is equivalent to more than two day’s training. You spend approx. nine hours working through a multimedia study pack, at your leisure, and then attend a single-day live course at one of our many UK locations. During the live part of your training you will focus on practical energy work, guided by one of our team of experienced Reiki teachers and in the company of a few other students – there will be no more than six students on any of our First Degree courses, and at many of our venues the maximum is four.

This approach provides you with a complete training in the basic Reiki technique. You can learn at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home, allowing all the information to sink in and allowing you to realise any questions that you might have, and you then arrive on the course well-prepared and already knowing a great deal about Reiki First Degree. Then we spend the live part of your course working with energy and putting what you have learned into practice.

The Reiki 1 Study Pack

reiki first degree course book cdYour study pack comes to you as a download when you reserve a place on your chosen course, though you can choose to order a printed version too if you like.

You will have a chance to go through your study pack for usually a few weeks before the course, and this gives you a good grounding in the basics of Reiki. Imparting a load of information on a live course is a really ineffective way to learn or to teach, so we help you to get to grips with the ‘knowledge’ side of Reiki before you arrive on your day-course.

The downloadable  study pack consists of a comprehensive 170-page PDF eManual, PDF handouts & instructions, and two hours’ worth of MP3 tracks.

If you choose to order a professionally-printed Study Pack as well, you’ll receive a 170-page ‘Shoden’ manual, and two specially-produced audio CDs, one containing 70 minutes of commentary and the other containing guided meditations that you will be introduced to on your course and which you will use subsequently.

Your pre-course reading and listening will focus you on these areas:

  • What Reiki is and where it comes from (the History, Background and Development)
  • What Reiki’s founder taught and how we can follow the original system in the modern world
  • The Reiki ‘precepts’, mindfulness, and the use of empowerments
  • How to benefit from daily energy exercises and self-treatments
  • How to use Reiki on other people

We will review this information briefly on the day of the course, but most of the training day concentrates on hands-on practice rather than theory.

“The study materials are clear, well presented and comprehensive. I found it beneficial to be able to work through them thoroughly at my own pace before the course.”

Clare Ewins, West Sussex

“I got the study pack in plenty of time, and the suggested study plan was well thought out and easy to put in practice.”

Siobhan Forsyth, Surrey

Tune in to the Reiki energy

During the morning of your course, you will go through three simple and powerful ‘connection’ rituals, called ‘Reiju’ empowerments. These traditional Japanese empowerments open up the channels through which Reiki flows. They are equivalent to Western-style Reiki ‘attunements’ and enable you to use Reiki for your own benefit and for the benefit of the people around you – your family and friends. This ability will stay with you for life, you will never lose it, and Reiki works for everyone!

reiki lessons reiki 1“The Reiju empowerments were beautiful and whilst I did not have “bells and whistles” they have certainly made their mark on me.”Suzanne Berry, Northamptonshire

“The bonus for me was that during the first empowerment, Louise fixed my neck! The day before the live course I had put my neck out and this developed into a migraine type headache which was so bad I took to my bed and I’ll admit that I was feeling a bit fragile when I turned up for the course. But during the first empowerment I felt a tremendous heat on the back of my neck and at the end, when I moved, I could feel it click into place.”

Catherine Buecheler, Cambridgeshire

“The Reiju empowerments were given in a peaceful, compassionate atmosphere and were powerful experiences.”

Clare Ewins, West Sussex

Learn to work with energy

During the morning, you will start to work with your energy in different ways. You will learn to feel your own energy and you will practice feeling other people’s energy, and we will run through and practice some Japanese energy exercises that you can use every day to balance your energy system and to make you a stronger and clearer channel for Reiki. These energy exercises come from Japanese Reiki, in its original and later forms, and have been missing from Western Reiki for 50 years.

Learn how to Treat yourself Japanese style and Western style

Reiki in its original form is much more about working on your self than it is about working on other people, so you will learn several approaches that you can use to work on yourself, and the morning will end by your teacher talking you through a traditional Japanese self-treatment ‘meditation’. You can find out how relaxing an experience it is! We will also explain the Western approach to carrying out self-treatments.

“I am so happy to have started this journey. Reiki has been great for me! I just love that time of the day when I do Hatsurei and the Usui self treatments. It feels fantastic and I have been exploring all the different and new sensations and emotions with curiosity and joy.”

Elina Ratcheva, London

Give treatments to other people

learning reiki training coursesReiki is presented in the West as a sort of hands-on treatment technique, a form of complementary therapy, and you will be thoroughly trained in this aspect of the system. In the afternoon, we will spend some time talking about how to give treatments to other people, and we will demonstrate some ‘standard’ hand positions. Although it is good practice to work intuitively, and that will come with time, it is reassuring to begin with to have some basic guidelines to follow! With time and practice, you should be able to leave the standard hand positions behind you and let the energy guide you (we cover this on the Second Degree – ‘Okuden’ – part of the course). We will also talk about balancing and energising the aura, and ‘scanning’ with your hands. You will practice these techniques on each other, and we will give you feedback on what you have done and noticed.

In fact during the afternoon of the live course you will pair up with another student, give a full Reiki treatment and receive a full Reiki treatment, under the close guidance and support of your teacher. We will run through the basics, you will treat and be treated from head to foot, and you’ll find out what an amazing experience giving and receiving Reiki can be! When you have finished, we will review what you have felt and noticed, and what your ‘client’ has experienced!

You will then swap over, and receive a full Reiki treatment from your partner, so you can know what it feels like to be on the receiving end! Again, we will review what you both experienced.

“I particularly liked the opportunity to both receive and give a full Reiki treatment under the guidance of Tina. I don’t think I would have felt confident enough that I could actually do it without this hands-on session. It is then very useful to be able to refer to the manual for the treatment, expecially the photos of each position.”

Fiora Mallevays, London

“I did my first treatment on my partner on Sunday. He was suspicious at first, but really enjoyed it and was half asleep about two minutes after I started! All my friends are queuing for treatments now! Seems like reiki is definitely bringing some very positive changes to my life.”

Soili Blomqvist, London

The Reiki First Degree MP3s/Audio CDs

reiki cds for first degree training coursesOur Reiki First Degree course is accompanied by two MP3 collections (or audio CDs, if you choose). The first contains 70 minutes of commentary which summarises the main themes of your course, and the other contains guided meditations that you will use at First Degree, and Second Degree, levels.

By having on audio the main things that are said to you on the day course, you really are able to ‘take your course home with you’. You won’t forget what you were told on the course because you can hear it all again at home, in the car, or on your device!

The guided meditations take you through Hatsu Rei Ho (energy exercises) and a self-treatment meditation that Reiki’s founder taught. So instead of fumbling around trying to read the instructions in your manual while trying to keep in the flow of it, you can simply fire up the track, close your eyes, and follow the instructions. Your meditation will flow all the more easily because of this, and you’ll learn how to do it without having to try too hard!

“The CD is wonderful, Taggart. I was so relaxed towards the end of the Usui self-treatment I was almost sliding off the chair! It is great not having to think about anything or worry about the time, it definitely strengthens the flow of the energy. Your CD has been a blessing.”

Tina Horan, London

“I am delighted with the CD and play some part of it every day. Not only is it great to use as a ‘refresher’ to take me back over the most important points of the Reiki 1 course, it is also a fantastic help for the daily Hatsurei meditation session. I can now let the CD take me through the meditation stage by stage, and can fully focus on each exercise without being distracted by having to remember what comes next, or checking how long I have been doing a particular exercise. The final result is a thoroughly peaceful, relaxing and invigorating session.”

Mark Ayles, Bedfordshire

“Clear sound. Excellent background music. Your commentary is easy to follow. I think both CDs, Reiki 1 and 2, have been an excellent learning tool which provided me with background knowledge before the course, and then I have been using them to recap. For your learners who do best with audio learning rather than reading, I would consider it to be a beneficial part of their training. Both CDs are presented clearly and your voice is very calming yet informative.”

Michelle England, Essex

The Reiki First Degree Course Manual/PDF

Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual that covers everything we teach on the day, and more besides, so there is no need to take notes. Note taking is so unsatisfactory: you frantically scribble, desperate not to miss what is being said and when you get home you can’t read your writing! On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you. You do not need to take notes on our courses! Our ‘Shoden’ manual runs to 170 A4 pages, with 60,000 words and many digital images.

“The manual itself is very comprehensive and I’ve learned much from it. I’ve found the historical background to Reiki particularly interesting.”

Marilyn Harvey, London

“Every time I read the manual I seem to discover something new.”

William Paton, Shropshire

“I loved the way there are three methods of learning via the CD overview and CD ‘meditations’, the indepth course manual and the one day live practical. My own learning style is a combination visual/verbal and practical experience. Having the manual to read at my own pace is great.”

Rachel Briggs, Nottinghamshire

The Reiki 1 Certificate

All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments and have satisfied the requirements of the “First Degree” of Reiki.

Reiki Course Fees

First Degree with Reiki Evolution costs £160, with an initial deposit of £80 paid in advance, and £80 to be paid to your teacher on the day of your course.

Here is the Reiki First Degree Class Schedule:

Note: Arrive at 9.30am. Finish time no later than 5.00pm

  • General Overview of the course, introductions
  • ‘Reiju’ spiritual empowerment (First of three connections to Reiki)
  • Learn to work with energy: Simple exercises to feel your energy and that of other people
  • ‘Reiju’ spiritual empowerment (Second of three connections to Reiki)
  • Energy exercises: Learn the Japanese ‘Hatsu Rei Ho’ technique
  • ‘Reiju’ spiritual empowerment (The last of the three connections to Reiki)
  • Self Treatments: Carry out a Japanese self-treatment ‘meditation’, and learn how self treatments are done Western-style.


  • ‘Treating Other People’: Demonstration and Explanation
  • Feeling the Energy Field: Practice
  • ‘Scanning’: Practice
  • Treat another student: Practice giving a Full Reiki treatment
  • Be treated by another student (Now see what it feels like for yourself!)
  • Final comments

Ongoing Support and Advice

Once you’ve been on your First Degree course we want you to know that your teacher will be on hand to deal with any questions or queries that you might have, and Taggart will be on hand to help and support you in your practice of Reiki. We have tried to set up various ways that we can support you, and our students can support each other. This is what we offer at the moment:

  • Facebook Support/Discussion group for all our students. You can contact approx. 1,100 other Reiki people (January 2018 figures) who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.
  • Free distant Reiju empowerments each week anytime on a Monday. Every week you can ‘tune yourself in’ to a Reiju empowerment from Taggart, anytime on a Monday (and more than once if you like!). This will give your Reiki practice a real boost and echoes the way that Reiki was taught by Mikao Usui, with empowerments week-in week-out throughout your training. You can also receive empowerments from other Reiki Evolution teachers on other days of the week.
  • Access to a network of regular Reiki shares (get-togethers) at various UK locations where you can meet other Reiki Evolution students, chat, receive Reiju empowerments and swap treatments
  • Free ongoing support and advice from your teacher.

reiki support first degree training lessons“The really nice surprise is the support offered after the course. I am happy that I can get in touch with Sue or yourself to clarify doubts/get guidance. I have got in touch with Sue since and she has been very helpful and informative. I find her open mindedness and non dogmatic approach very liberating and comforting. She makes me want to go forth with Reiki with confidence.”Diana Master, Surrey

“As far as improvement to any of the three courses I have undertaken with you for my personal learning style it has been faultless, and as with all new learning I feel the most important aspect is support with which you excel…”

Sandra Partridge, Leicestershire

“The manual, the audio CD, the live course and the support available to students after the live course – all are first class and I would strongly recommend your courses to anyone.”

Gill Belton, Leicestershire


