Reiki Home Study Course Testimonials: Master Teacher

At Reiki Evolution we routinely ask our students to let us have their feedback about the training and support that they receive.

We have set ourselves high standards and want to make sure that our students are happy with their training, and soliciting feedback is a good way of making sure that we are on track.

Below you can read testimonials from people who have been through Taggart King’s Reiki Evolution Reiki Master Teacher home study course.

“I was very impressed with the Home Study Reiki Masters Course. The course content was excellent, very clear in depth written material, which was supported with very good audio and visual aids. The feedback that I received from Taggart was quick and thoughtful, giving support and encouragement on how to gain the maximum from the course; stretching me in some areas, which enabled me to gain even more insight and knowledge. Even though I took some time to complete the course I never felt hurried, I was encouraged to go at my own pace. I was and often and still am attracted to other healing approaches, but have always came back to Reiki, with the realisation that Reiki is complete and meets my needs in every way.”

Chris Aspey, Hampshire

“We would like to say a warm thank you for the last year of completing your course. It was hard work but very inspiring and thorough. The manuals were well written and explained in depth. At times we had to challenge ourselves and dedicate every evening to complete a task which was hard when working. The greatest reward for doing these courses is to work with and fully understand the power of the universal energy. When we completed our Teaching courses we felt there were parts missing. With Taggart’s one to one help we have completed and filled the gaps to a wonderful experience and this morning to receive our beautiful certificates has made this a truly worthwhile course.”

Dave and Denise Buck, Essex

“I have enjoyed doing my Reiki Master degree with you at reiki-evolution. I probably take the record for the longest study time to gain my Master degree but never the less I have gained lots of experience along the way not only treating my husband throughout his kidney failure, dialysis and now his third kidney transplant but also the general public.

I have found the Reiki-evolution training to be excellent, supportive and encouraging. You have been very patient and have allowed me to fit my study around some very difficult and trying times. Without this flexibility I would not have been able to complete my course. I have found the CDs excellent I still listen to them whilst doing Hatsurei and self treatment, I find them part of my everyday life.”

Sue Sharples, Lancashire

“I thoroughly enjoyed the distant learning Reiki Masters course and it was all that I expected it to be. I was a bit daunted when I received the information, as it seemed that there was so much to learn – which there was but the instructions for working through the course were clear and easy to follow. I think that the CDs and DVDs are invaluable especially the DVDs showing the attunement processes as when you first read the instructions and try to learn the sequences, it seems really complicated, but then you watch the process and realise that whilst there are a number of steps to learn, they flow naturally don’t take half as long as you imagine them to. It also helps to see the process in action so to speak so that you know you are doing it correctly.

Some aspects of the course I found particularly challenging, especially as I am in a remote location in Africa and had I been doing this in the UK, I would have maybe sought out other individuals doing the course, to share experiences. Generally I prefer distance learning because you can work through materials at your own pace, but you do have to be quite motivated and work out a schedule that you stick to.

I can hardly wait to return to the UK next year and start using Reiki much more on people. The more I learn about Reiki and how powerful it is, the more I want to use it. I find that increasingly I call upon Reiki to help me in all sorts of situations personally and I know that I feel much calmer and able to deal with different situations and issues as of a result of working with Reiki.

I would like to thank you for your feedback during my course and the on-going support that is available.”

Karen Jopling, Norfolk

“It’s brilliant to now be a Reiki Master Teacher, so thank you very much for everything. I knew it would be a good course after doing the Original Usui one previously, and really can’t fault it. Home study has suited me, and I’ve enjoyed being able to take everything at my own pace. The materials are excellent, and the CDs and DVD were a real help. So this student was totally happy with everything!”

Lyn Meyer, Devon

“I absolutely adored the Reiki Master course. Although there was a huge amount to learn, the way the course is divided into stages made the amount of material fascinating rather than overwhelming, and there wasn’t a single stage that I didn’t greatly enjoy. I felt that the course provided a really good balance between meditation work, theoretical learning, and practical Reiki work, both on myself and others. I found it hugely rewarding and was only sorry to complete the course!

The quality of the CDs and manual was as good as ever. I relied more on the manual this time (than with Reiki 2) simply because there were more symbols and sequences etc to remember and I needed to keep referring to them.”

Lucie Benchouiha, Devon

“The home study Shinpiden Course far exceeded my expectations. I found it interesting, inspiring and a real journey of self discovery. I was so happy to complete the course, but also felt a twinge of sadness because I had finished. (similar to when you say goodbye to your fellow students and tutor on a life course I guess). I loved the fact that I could take the course at my own pace, I felt the course was unfolding gently like petals on a flower.

I thoroughly enjoyed Stage 3, which took me the longest – learning to both draw and experience the symbols. With no time pressure I did not get frustrated with myself and let things flow naturally. So much happened in my life over the seven months of doing the course and being immersed in the Reiki course I was really able to benefit from it personally.

I look forward to sharing as much as I can with my own students soon. I hope it will be OK to utilize some of your web information on my own planned site, I do not think there are many people (if any) offering the Japanese flavoured Reiki here in Christchurch, I have spoken to lots of Reiki people here, who all seem to have leaned the Western style only. I hope to inspire the same connection and freedom of practice that Reiki-Evolution offers.”

Zoe Smith, New Zealand

“I enjoyed my course from start to finish. I took my time with each of the stages and compared and contrasted it to my previous Reiki learning. I found the materials very useful, loved the variety of the methods from visual DVD to reading to auditory with teaching and music for meditations and know I have these to refer to time and time again.

It is my intention to share this with others and to take forward my teaching of Reiki – I am a trainer already and therefore this is no surprise. I will have no hesitation in using your materials as part of my courses and know my students will be all the richer for exposure to these as part of my own programmes.”

Gill Main, Tyne & Wear

“Regarding feedback: I am very pleased to have followed the home study course, I took far longer than planned to finish but it has really allowed me to take the time to work with the different techniques and has enabled it all to sink in as it were. The course supports are great, very complete, between the CDs, DVD, course book etc – and of course you in contact by mail for any queries. It has really touched me deeply, difficult to put into words! Thanks Taggart!”

Chloe Finot, France

“Learning with Taggart on his Home Study Courses has been one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences of my life!

My previous live tuition for three years taking me up to Master Teacher level in Western style left me with lots of doubts about the true sources of Reiki it also left me feeling incomplete. I always had a fascination towards the Japanese side of the system and felt drawn to Taggarts style of teaching after visiting his website.

The contents of the courses were exciting, challenging excellent value for money.

I can’t recommend these courses highly enough!

In the beginning doing recaps on Reiki 1, Reiki 2 relearning all in the Japanese way, then progressing with Master Teacher, I felt overwhelmed at first! will I ever learn all this? Will I ever get to the end?

Everything was manageable taking things slowly, no pressure working at my own pace. Every stage supported by beautiful learning tools, manuals were knowledgeable, excellent illustrations. Very well thought – out presentation is first class. His manuals have sections that contain experiences students have on his courses, how they were progressing in their practical exercises. I found this very helpful, a lovely touch I think!

The cds and dvds are excellent support !great additions to the Home study courses working really well with the written manuals, can’t be beaten.

Working through all my practical exercises meditations Taggarts soothing voice always in the background , he made me feel he was with me every step of the way. His fast responses to my questions, don’t know how he does it? e-mails coursework always kept me on the right path guiding me forward and onward.

Always accurate well sourced information that I knew I could trust.

You will find he has a dedicated approach to all his students. I am proud to have been taught by Taggart and be part of Reiki Evolution.

His teaching methods and all my training aids a pleasure to pass on to my students.

It doesn’t stop here! Taggart gives you life time support, any questions or queries. Internet newsletters discussion groups, more interaction with other Reiki Evolution students. New downloadable materials being introduced all the time.

Thank you so much for your dedication in Reiki in helping me on my incredible path, you will always be a part of my life.

Susan Farley, Tyne & Wear

“The course content has been astonishing in terms of its quality and depth. The scope of knowledge and learning experiences it provides is a revelation, with many, many wonderful surprises that I could never have foreseen. For instance, some of the meditative experiences such as the Hara work and the energy ball self-empowerment. There are so many gems in there that I’ve brought into my everyday life and never wish to be without. Besides the actual learning aspect of the course, this is what has made the whole experience so life-enhancing.

The course exceeded my expectations beyond any measure that I could sensibly express. When I compare the richness of my experience with those of friends and colleagues I feel very blessed indeed. I cannot believe how much I received in various ways, and all of this makes my course tremendous value.

The course materials are jaw-droppingly good, literally. I still delight in reading through my manuals and seeing the depth of excellent quality content they contain. Without exaggeration I believe these manuals will never be bettered. As a teacher, trainer and journalist I recognise and appreciate good quality teaching materials, and these in particular are exceptional, wonderfully well written. Also, just the diversity of materials is impressive, right down to the shuffle cards. So much thought, time and care has gone into producing all of this, and the end result is superb. Incidentally, the CDs are a joy to listen to, and I will sometimes have one on in the background as I find them so relaxing. Clear, calm delivery; very natural and real, as if Taggart was there with you, teaching and guiding. Brilliant.

The Home Study approach was perfect for me. I like to do things thoroughly, and I was able to spend weeks on each section of my course, repeating elements many times and doing more practical work than was required. Consequently, I believe I have spent the past 13 months genuinely learning, not rushing or cramming. My knowledge and experiences have been absorbed over time, and I can draw upon them as I go forward. All I’ve gained slowly over the course truly feels a part of me, and I believe I have a rich reserve of learning to support and inspire me as I continue my Reiki journey.

The feedback I’ve received has without exception been thorough, thoughtful, positive and meaningful. It has also always been very prompt.

Improvements? The only thing that comes to mind is that the suggested number of days allocated to each section may be too few. For me personally, I couldn’t achieve everything properly in just seven days for instance. However, I realise that I am inclined to throw myself into things, and so most things take longer than they might do for someone else.

Keep up the good work Taggart, you deserve every success.”

Annette Jeffrey, Tyne & Wear, June 2013

“As always, it was a pleasure to continue my journey with reiki by the home study method for Shinpiden. Due to my geographical location, it was great for me to be able to do these courses at home in my own time.Having done Shoden by a ‘live’ course, I certinly do not feel that the home study method is in any way a lesser option! On the contrary, there is far more time to assimilate, absorb and practice each and every stage, so much more than on a live course-especially as you progress and there is more and more information to take in.There is never the feeling of any course being de-personalised either, as the DVDs and CDs provide a voice and faces to identify with, not to mention the fact that Taggart is always available by prompt e-mail for any queries (and he sort of has a sense of humour)The course materials are well thought out, easy to understand and tailor to individual needs and are of the highest quality.All of my manuals are near constant companions.Each stage contains enough information to keep you interested without overloading you and putting you off, and each follows on from the last, building on what has been learnt as your confidence grows.I don’t think that the Reiki Evolution courses can be improved-or they would have been by now!A truly inspired way of teaching and learning.Thank you!”

Kirstie Brown, Isle of Lewis, August 2013

“I am happy to give you some feedback. To begin with, I cannot think of anything of how the course could be improved. I felt that the course content is very comprehensive and in-depth. Not only did it cover Western Attunements but also Japanese empowerments. You also explained miscellaneous Western techniques which have made the way into the Reiki world but have actually not much to do with the original system. This gives me the option to try and use these techniques if I wish to do so. I felt that you have done a lot of research to find out what the original system really was about, how simple and powerful it is.

I liked very much your undogmatic approach to Reiki. I found the course material just brilliant and it is a great source to refer to any time I wish. I liked the variety of the course material such as manual, CDs, videos, shuffle cards, mind map etc. Having different means at hand I found it much easier to come to grips with all the new information. I found that the breakdown of the course into different stages made it very easy to learn the new stuff step by step. I liked the different energy exercises I carried out throughout the course and feel that I have done many more exercises than I would have done on a live course. I also found your comments throughout the course very helpful and I felt always well-cared for. I already enjoyed Level 1 and Level 2 with Reiki-Evolution and was convinced that the Master/Teacher course would not disappoint me and I was right. I could have not attended any better course. One of the big advantages of the distance learning course is that I could go through the different stages in my own time depending how much time was available to me.

Unfortunately, I am not on facebook so I cannot post something on there but I will definitely recommend your Reiki courses as I truly believe they are just brilliant and as I already mentioned I don’t think there is anything you could have done any better.

I would like to thank you again for being such a great Reiki teacher and for putting such a great course together. I am looking forward to continuing my Reiki journey!!!”

Anja Hasebrink, Tyne & Wear, September 2013

“My experience of the course content was that it was an excellent resource, not only during my home study course but also beyond. I constantly refer to not only the RMT manual which was my latest home study course but all manuals and information received from Reiki Evolution.

I find the extensive manuals, DVD’s and CD’s of meditations and audio CD’s to accompany the manuals are an invaluable resource to have.  They make my reiki practice easier, more enjoyable and ensure I am not having to worry about remembering what to do.
The course exceeded my expectations. I’m not sure what I was expecting from a home study course, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the fantastic manuals bulging with information, the online and ongoing support and the practical advice given by Taggart to the high degree which was given. The encouragement following my submission of each module was given promptly, with excellent feedback and guidance as needed and truly was outstanding and very helpful.  I couldn’t have asked for more support or guidance any more than I received.  No question appeared too silly or outrageous for Taggart. So thank you for keeping me going!

I would highly recommend the home study approach to anyone who may be thinking about it.  It really suited my busy lifestyle to be able to do the course in my own time and at my own pace. To complete the course at my own pace was very important for me and in doing so, the home study approach allowed me to spend more time on areas I felt I needed to, rather than be rushed through certain aspects of the course that I needed a little bit more time to get to grips with.  There was no rush or pressure to complete the course within a certain timeframe.  I took approximately 9-10 months to complete the RMT course however, the vast amount of energy work and personal growth and experimentation with energy I was able to achieve throughout this time was perfect for me and something which I was not expecting.  I would not have gotten as much experience of energy work had I not been on this home study course and the thorough and excellently written manuals and instructions were perfectly clear throughout the entire course. The only questions I had to ask during my home study course were ones that were raised throughout the practical experiences, not of the course itself.

I’m not sure I could improve the course in any way – the manuals and instructions were excellent, the relaxed approach to learning via home study worked well for me and the prompt and informative feedback I received from Taggart was excellent.  Thank you Taggart for giving me the opportunity to learn in this way and for your continued support.”

Lisa Millard, Perth & Kinross, September 2013

“I would say that definitely the Home Study Master Course was excellent! I found it very enjoyable which is important when it comes to study at home. The course itself is full of information and interesting things to read about different types and styles. The CDs in particular for me were awesome! I found the voice very relaxing and the exercises very clear. Not all courses that come in CDs are so precise. The explanations are very simple to follow. I enjoyed every single practice exercise I did with the CDs very much.
Today, after finished my Reiki Master course, I feel renew and more centred. I feel the course gave me apart from knowledge of how to deal with energies, also the specific tools to approach life in a different way. I feel balanced, in peace with myself and the world, and very happy.

I feel grateful to be part of this Reiki “vibe” 🙂

I give my THANK YOU so deeply to Taggart and Reiki Evolution for sharing all these knowledge to all of us. His work is really priceless.

I will surely take more courses soon and recommend it to others!”

Maria Noel Vargas, Germany, November 2013

“I wish to offer my extreme thanks for allowing me to complete the Reiki Master Course. I feel so energised now and gained so much during my time carrying out the various exercises and techniques.

Regarding the content of the course. I must say that when my course literature came through the post and I looked through it, the content was more than I expected. So much so, that I would definately encourage people who have the time and ability to go ahead with a distant learning course. You have all the tools to hand and manuals to take you further once when you complete the course.

The Shinpiden Master Teaching Manual was a bit daunting at first glance but the associated teaching manual made it easier to understand and guided me to the correct sections for each lesson. The Meditation CD’s were a great help and the DVD allowed me to go over all the sections at my pace and redo as I felt necessary.

Home Study or Live Training? I think it would depend on your circumstances but for me, it was the only option and I do not regret doing it this way. The good thing about it was exactly as described. You do it at your own pace. This was definitely beneficial to me as I felt I wanted to do certain sections more than once until I felt comfortable in myself. My energy levels went up and my technique became so much better as I went through the course.

The feedback you gave after each stage was more than helpful. You made it understandable and gave me help when I perhaps was unsure about certain aspects. I cannot comment on how to improve the course as I am more than happy with it and the time it took me to complete.

If I had to give you one comment about the Home Study Course it would be this —

If you feel you want to enhance your Reiki skills and are looking at the Reiki Evolution course, don’t delay, Its ideal and you will gain from at at whatever level you choose.”

John Xerri, Lancashire, February 2014

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the RMT course with you.  I cannot put into words how much I have learnt.  Never rushed, I thought the whole process gave a solid grounding and connection to enable me to move forwards on my Reiki path at my own pace, honouring the true essence of Reiki.

The course content was extensive to say the least, with a wide variety of formats backing up different learning styles.  The course material was of a very high standard.  The course more than met my expectations and took me on a fabulous reiki journey.  What was utterly outstanding was having your support as well as a local Reiki practitioner for live work – and Catherine was brilliant.   I reccommend to all.  I cannot say Thank you enough.   I feel deeply blessed and am very grateful.”

Caroline Izzard, Northamptonshire, April 2014

“Your course surpassed all my expectations.  All the material was clear and concise.  I enjoyed it all and did not feel as if learning was a chore but a pleasure.  You have definitely covered all the important aspects and cleared up a lot of misunderstandings surrounding reiki, you are like a breath of fresh air.  I like how you keep things simple and uncomplicated, that is what reiki should be. I particularly liked your cd’s especially with the meditations and guided self treatment, I use them every day.  You are an amazing teacher and I am delighted that I decided to do my reiki master training with you.Thank you so much.”
Mary Little, West Lothian, June 2014
“I truly feel blessed to have found Reiki and to have followed through the home study master/teacher course with you.
I felt the course content was exceptional. Having learnt with 3 Reiki teachers I think the course content from Reiki Evolution was outstanding. The quality of the materials was fresh and lively. The text was written in really clear understandable terms, and having the CDs, downloads, card sorts, and DVD made the whole process very learner friendly. I think one of the things I found most helpful was the terminology used. Simply the descriptive words such as ‘radiating’ , ‘merge’, ‘engulf’ all helped me to feel that this process was really happening. I chose this course because I wanted more experience and guidance in feeling the Reiki energy. The slow (I chose to be slow) process of following energy exercises and meditations  helped me to build up sensitivity, and your encouragement in pointing out that I WAS actually sensing more than I realised helped my confidence to grow no end.
I particularly like the philosophy of Reiki Evolution: simplicity and no wacky bits! I wanted to find such an approach and I love your straight forward no nonsense sort of way of explaining Reiki. I have a few concerns about spirit guides, crystals and the like. Your approach cuts through to the original Usui ….. however you also leave space for those who wish to add on the extras.
I have started giving Reiki treatments in the local Hospice; and as you might imagine those with the power to employ (even volunteers) were very keen to know that I came from Reiki training that was grounded and ‘sensible’.. that I wasn’t going to smudge the room and do strange things…. just give Reiki with as much love, open-ness and integrity as I could.
I am also grateful for the Reiki Evolution stance on Reiki as a daily spiritual practice. This is surely the way to grow as an individual and as a practitioner. Having the Reiki meditation CD is wonderful; as on days when tiredness and stagnation take over, just putting on the CD and effortlessly following the guidance has a profound effect. We all suffer from the problem that we don’t always do even the things we KNOW are good for us. The Hatsurei Ho CD really helps feed the motivation to make this practice a regular part of life.
I learn in a rather slow, methodical and thoughtful way; the usual Reiki live courses are a great energy boost and wonderful opportunity to meet people, but the home study helps you go slower and deeper. It helps you reflect (by sending Feedback) and notice what you sense, what you feel and what recipients feel. As you deliberately ask recipients for useful written feedback ‘because I’m on a course…’ you get some very helpful descriptions of your treatments that you wouldn’t get on a ‘normal’ live course.  If you don’t feel something or get a response first time you have the opportunity to repeat what you’re doing as many times as you want until you feel satisfied that it’s time to move on. In this respect  my own experience was that the Reiki energy even took over my tuition! I seemed to ‘know’ when it was time to bring one section to an end and move on, and quite often other things would come into my life, from apparently nowhere,  that helped support the particular stage I was on.  Again, that can’t really happen in a live course.
The whole course has been a wonderful experience and I now want to pass on what I’ve discovered.”
Rosie Press, Kent, June 2014
“I’m more than happy to give you feedback on my RMT course.  I love this course from start to finish.  The content of the course was absolutely fantastic – I love how you have tried to cover as much as you possibly can, and given as much information to your students as you possibly can.  The course material, as always, is of an incredibly high standard.  I don’t know where you would get anything near this. I took almost two years doing the RMT course with the home study and quite honestly felt that was the right pace for me.  I got the chance to savour every moment, which was incredibly special!  I got to share lots of beautiful moments with reiki friends throughout.  The support from you was fantastic, I loved getting your feedback – so informative.   I honestly think the home study course is just absolutely perfectly structured and wouldn’t do anything to change it.Thank you.”

Annie Dainter, Scotland, November 2014

“When I first became interested in Reiki back in 2005 I didn’t think that I would achieve all that I have.  After my first and second degree attunements I felt a considerable change in me and my life.  Sadly though I always felt that it wasn’t complete, something was missing.  I read lots of books by different authors seeking more information but it was always repetitive not giving me what I was looking for.

It was only earlier this year when I discovered Reiki Evolution and started reading the articles on your website which I found fascinating then I knew instantly why I was drawn to your website, this was exactly what I was looking for, the Original Usui Japanese Reiki.

It didn’t take me long to decide to train for my Reiki Master/Teacher qualification and Taggart you have not disappointed me.  The information you provide in all your manuals is tremendous not a stone left unturned.  Not once while I was studying did I not understand what you were teaching. Your descriptions on everything were in detail and very easy to follow.  I took longer than the stated time for each section but this was because I was really enjoying learning it and wanted to ensure that I fully understood the section.

The CD’s you provide are excellent and on some sections I found listening to them helped me to fully understand it.  I found the Attunement and Reiju Empowerment DVD very good and watched them over and over making the process much easier to learn. I love the meditation CD I use it a lot even though I know them off by heart.

There was so much content on this course that it is difficult to say which parts I liked best.  There was so much I enjoyed learning, the history of the Original Usui Reiki, Hatsurei, Kotodama, Reiju Empowerments, Hara defining just to name a few.  After doing this course I realise that this is not the end of my Reiki journey but the beginning.  I have personally changed during this course dealing with issues as they have occurred.  I am always conscious of how others are feeling and channel Reiki with love whenever and wherever it is needed.

I can’t thank you, Taggart, enough for making it possible for me to have at last discovered all that I was seeking. I would recommend your courses to anyone wishing to embark on a spiritual journey through Reiki.”

Aurell Jarvis, Worcestershire, November 2014

“I would like to say how much I enjoyed the course and for all your helpful feedback.  I am really glad that I decided to do the course on line as I think it would have been far too much for me to take in during a weekend.  I could take my time and spend as much time as needed on the various stages and really get to grips with each new input.

I found all the course material very helpful and used the manual and CD’s all the time to keep familiarising myself with what I needed to learn and practice.  One slight criticism is that I did find the manual repetitive in places but that might be intentional to drum things in!  I also found the DVD very helpful and  instructive for the Attunements and Reiju empowerments.

I found the various meditations and practices generated quite a lot of emotional response and I feel that I have been on an internal journey over the last four months which has left me in a quiet and more centred place.   I am looking forward to continuing this journey and exploring the unlimited potential which Reiki offers.  In some unfathomable way I also think it has made me want to work to become a “better” person  – kinder, more patient and compassionate – a tall order for me!

Thank you so much.”

Carole Lee, Scotland, March 2015

“I thought the course content was brilliant…It covered more than what I expected it would. I really enjoyed all the more so original teachings that are so much more simple and mimic what the founder would have intended than western ideas. The home study course ran at a really great flowing pace – just right for each stage. I found the audio/DVD/manual/practicals all really easy to follow and helped it all sink in. I do not believe there is a Reiki master out there who could teach to this quality and quantity…I really feel it is so in depth and this is shown through your dedication and genuineness.
I feel the course more than met my expectations…I was nervous about doing my masters but I soon realised it was not as scary or hard as what I had thought!
Again the course materials were excellent quality and had plenty of information in, the pictures helped a lot. I feel lots of learning styles so as to keep it interesting and practical and to really help you relax and flow.
I received all my empowerments distantly but the fact that you can attend a live attunement is great as well.
I cannot think of how the course could be improved in any way – it is excellent value and quality all round.
I can only say thank you for this great experience and the lovely poster you sent.”
Gemma Johnson, Bedfordshire, May 2015

“I absolutely loved the Shoden, Okuden, and Shinpinden courses and gained much more from it than from my previous Reiki training. It is very well laid out and I can tell that a LOT of work went into its development. Kudos to you for that. Even the course materials were very professional and easy to understand. The home study approach allowed me to really take the time to fully grasp each concept and work with the energy to the point where I felt confident that I can apply everything in each lesson. Very impressive. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Gary Danko, USA, August 2015

“I was very pleased with the course that you provided and all the materials that make up the course.  The course content is so well written and explained and it is always clear that you can make your own choices about how you want to work which I think is so important and why I was so drawn to your teaching style.

I think the materials are very well thought out to give different learning styles the ability to read, listen and watch the information.  The cost of the course for the level of training and information is definitely worth while.  I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed doing the distant learning course because it gave a lot more time to work through things and really get to grips with all the exercises.  I don’t feel in any way disadvantaged because I did not attend a live training day.

Emily Robinson, Australia, July 2016

“What did you think of the course content? I thought the course content was fantastic. Very through and informative. Every thing was very well explained and easy to follow. It was also very interesting.

Did the course meet your expectations? The course superseded my expectations and was better than I expected.  

What did you think of the course materials (manual and CDs)? I thought the training manuals and CDs were very high quality, clear and easy to use.

What are your comments about the home study approach? The home study approach was fantastic for me. It was the perfect approach to fit in around my life. It gave me time and I felt I could really immerse myself in the course.”

Taryn O’Sullivan, Wales, May 2017
 “First of all, I want to say thank you. This class was an enormous challenge for me. To be honest, when I received in October all the reading materials, I thought that I would never succeed. And then I said to myself, if got until you, that means I am able to do it. And so it was. Reiki is always surprising me.When I started your class, I had the impression I did not know anything about Reiki, because so many things completely new for me. My previous attunement were live attunements on 2 day courses. A small manual given and that’s it. Then you just do as you can.

The course is constructed clear and not too much information for each step. Really excellent. The support audio-reading is very good, some people learn more easily by reading, need ‘to hold something in their hands’ and others by listening, like me. Furthermore the audios can be listened to while going for a walk, or on your way to work. It’s relaxing and therefor ‘enters’ easier in your mind.

As for the content, as I said before, nearly all was new for me. Highly interesting to learn about the historical background.
And then the Reiju and Kotodama: They went straight into my heart. I learnt them without any effort and use them regularly. people love when I do Reiju for them because it’s soft but nevertheless strong.

The Reiji: what an experience! Incredible and surprising.

You know, Taggart, what I appreciate particularly is the ‘de-mystification’ and how you show us, that Reiki energy is something quite simple but very complete and strong in its effects. In western world, they like so much to mystify it as much as possible and therefor have complicated protocols . ( I will never forget the self treatment we had to do in 2nd level, and I know several people who felt sick with this protocol, especially when they are not coached for this period of time.) Somehow, people are given powerful tools but are not helped to use it. What a pity.

And here I come to the coaching. I told you before already, that I appreciated so much your coaching, advises and encouragements. It just helps such a lot and let us keep our self confidence in what and how we are doing.

As for the home study approach, well, I am very happy, I chose this. You learn and experience such a lot of different things. Everybody can take the time he needs to get trough the course. The empowerments and attunements on distance where no problem at all for me. When I received my master attunement from you, my heart chakra was so fulfilled with light and love, a very emotional moment for me.

This class made me stronger, more confident and better balanced. I regularly get back to my Shinpiden manual and enjoy reading here and there in it. Things getting more and more clear in my head.

One thing I regret is, that your course is not available in other languages ( german, french, spanish f.ex.).

Again a great thank you – Namaste for all you offer us . You are a great Reiki Master. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Monika Abbey, France, April 2019

“Following the recent completion of home study Reiki master course, I would like to give the following feedback.

Course content

In my opinion, the course content and accompanying instructions was very informative and visual. I liked the manner in which the history of Reiki was covered, but then how the facts were presented alongside modern approaches of practice.  The course content had everything and more.I liked the joining up of all the threads.  I enjoyed and still do the suggested meditation to enhance the energy.

I believe that the course hit home the need for discipline and the required practice necessary to be a confident and competent practitioner and teacher. It was very easy to follow the stages.


The Reiki evolution home study course exceeded any expectations that I may have had.  Everything was so informative, full of knowledge and practical exercises.  I never expected the amount of work that I have completed as a result of this course. It is definitely more than you would achieve in a two day course or even a week. It has reinforced the need for patience to achieve your goals. So happy I did it this way. I have learned so much.

Course materials and CD

The course materials were excellent.  The accompanying audio downloads and DVD were also extremely helpful.

I would recommend the home study approach. I believe that the flexibility worked for me, but also in my opinion I believe that I got more personally out of this approach in terms of discipline and practice.”

Carole Patrick, Dorset, November 2019

What did you think of the course content?

 “Once I saw the materials before even considering joining Reiki Evolution for training, I thought what a wonderfully structured Reiki training scheme this is.  The teaching materials are comprehensive and wide-ranging to ensure that the student’s individual learning needs are met, so much so, I was going to use this system going forwards with my students.  I thought it best to sign up and try the scheme out before implementing it.

The course was not what I expected!  The emphasis on course work and home study was what I anticipated and what I got, but Taggart King had other ideas for the practical sessions:  working with the energies, symbols, sounds, intent and intuition opened the me up to the full power of Reiki.  With beautiful cleansing meditations, such as the Hatsurei Ho, hara defining exercises and energy ball empowerments, I have become balanced, calm and intuitive but most of all I have rediscovered that I am, essentially, very inquisitive.

What did you think of the course materials (manual and CDs)?

The course materials are really lovely and by using several different media and the feedback from Taggart, gave me a different way of experiencing the training.  I thought I was more academic and would use the books for everything but the practicalities of giving attunements and empowerments was so much better expressed in a video to see what had to be done, and audio to follow the instructions until I was totally familiar with the process.  The e-versions of the books would be brilliant for someone who found that format the most effective for their learning style but for me – I love my hard copy books!

How do you think the course could be improved?

I am not sure that I can make a comment on this – the course was brilliant – the materials, the clarity of message, the feedback and timeliness of that feedback were all really good.

Please comment on anything you think is relevant:

I am really impressed by the post-course follow-up in terms of:

  • student support via the Facebook group
  • the additional work to be done – in my case, in the form further exercises and meditations
  • opportunities to join the practitioner lists on the website
  • opportunities to join the Reiki Evolution teaching team
  • emphasis on encouraging Reiki shares – both running them and joining them.”

Christine Poile, Hampshire, April 2020

“I wanted to get back to you with feedback from the RMT course that I took with you. I can’t begin to describe how amazed I was when I received the information, to include manual, DVD, CDs, meditations, cut-outs, printable guides.
I’m so glad that you asked me to review your R1 and R2 that I had taken from someone else as the information I received and learned from you was so much more than I had learned on my original courses with someone else. Never once did you say, ‘Unless I’ve taught you this, you are not allowed to use it’ as I had been told by someone else.
Your course was BEYOND my expectations and I feel soo Enriched by what I’ve learned and my ability to channel Reiki has increased immensely from before taking the course.
I am so impressed with the amount of material received and the ease of contact with you if ever I needed help or more clarity. I wasn’t sure about taking an online course as I really enjoyed the experience from in-person learning and wasn’t sure if the experience and attunement would be as powerful/ intense as it was in person, but my thoughts soon changed after a short time of doing the course online.
As a matter of fact, I feel it was probably better online. I originally found your website, because when I had been channelling Reiki in the past, I had been ‘given’ the Tibetan DKM and I found that you teach this symbol as well as many more symbols that I had ‘seen’. I’m so grateful that I came across your website as I feel you are sooo open to Reiki and it’s true meaning, that you are open to other possibilities.
I want to Thank You again so very much for your wisdom. I’m really grateful.”
Jane Plowright, Mid Glamorgan, November 2020

“I would like to say how grateful I am for the course provided. It was unique and easy to follow thanks to your guidance and support. Even if English is not my mother tongue.

The course is so powerful, full of exercises and guided meditation. You can feel the energy and be confident that the course covers all areas. I appreciate your support and patience answering all my questions.

I decided to study at home because I live in a distance, I could also learn at my own pace and time.
Materials, well, I’ve attended various courses in the past, but only this one provides the right books, CDs, videos, and all downloadable materials. This is much more than I expected.

And at the end, such a beautiful certificate. I am so proud that I am glad that you are my master.”

Elzbieta Ogonowska, Dorset, January 2022

“I have just completed my Reiki Master certificate via Taggart’s distance learning course. I felt it was a wonderful method of teaching and learning such an involved art.

The teaching materials – course books, online articles, further reading, combined with Taggart’s supportive emails provided an informative and supportive backdrop which enables you to work at your own pace.

There is no pressure in timescale so you can mould it around your lifestyle in whatever way works for you. This therefore allows the focus and depth of concentration that such practice needs. A complete immersion while in your own safe and familiar space.

The course materials are clear and comprehensive, and remain refreshingly unpretentious and uncluttered in what can sometimes be an over flamboyant field.

I particularly liked that Taggart has extensivly researched the original Japanese Reiki, hence providing a clear route to this beautiful art. Also how it blends with mindfulness and consideration of the precepts to substantially change the way your perceive and process your life.

Once your course is completed there is ongoing support in various formats so you don’t suddenly feel alone on your journey. I felt the entire experience was indeed life changing.”

Sheila Send, Dumfries & Galloway, April 2022

“I am so happy to have completed the Reiki Master Teacher Shipiden course with Taggart King. And what a life changing, amazing course it was.

From February 2020 to May 2022. A course that could have taken as little as 7 weeks became my constant companion, supporter and healer through the last 2 years of my life which brought such loss and sorrow but with the help of this course, still made the moments of joy and peace I experienced that much sweeter.

I feel blessed to have taken the distance course as I believe it to have been a much richer experience.

Taggarts teaching methods are superb. Through class books, audios, video and his email support, I felt as if Taggart was with me the entire time.

Taggart’s audio meditations are truly outstanding, taking me deep within, to connect to the Reiki energy, the symbols, the kotodama and all of the practices and processes.

May Taggart and the Reiki teachings continue to bless and teach me as I connect daily with Reiki and with Taggart during his weekly empowerments.”

Lynn Williams, Florida, June 2022

“I was delighted to receive my study materials by email (initially) and then by post, back in April. This allowed me to get into the course full of enthusiasm and it took a moment – and an email from you reasserting the discipline of following the instructions – to get myself steadily on track.

In all it took me around 7 months to complete the course. I think this surprised me, but I also think the amount of time it took to complete the course reflects both the richness of the course, its content and teaching materials, and the emphasis on repetition, going back over Shoden and Okuden teachings, rather than racing straight into the Shinpiden section. This is something I have reflected on and I believe revisiting all three course manuals and CDs will remain part of my ongoing practice.

I agree that home study is a valuable way of getting to grips with the material in a deeper way that might not be available on a ‘live’ course over a few days. The home study approach allows for something that I believe is very important to any kind of learning – the time to reflect and absorb. If I had my time again, I would not hesitate to follow my training in the same way.

I’m very glad I chose to complete my Master training with you in this way and look forward to what the future holds with my ongoing practice.”

Elaine White, East Sussex, November 2022

“The course was amazing. There was so much information in the content and it was presented in a way that guided you forward through the course. I found it easy to learn as it was done in bite sized pieces with assessment and feedback at each stage which allowed you to assimilate at your own speed and gave you time focus on the energies. It meant that I was able to make sure I fully understood each stage and experienced the energies.

Also the teaching aids Taggart used like photos and flow charts were so helpful to focus your mind. The manual was full of information with a background and history of Reiki through to helping you to use your intuition when practicing Reiki. The CDs were great with so much extra information and the meditations will definitely be ongoing.

I thought the way the course was put together was amazing and I loved it. I think the online course made it much easier for me to assimilate the wealth of information and successfully complete the course as I was able to do it at my own pace and make sure I was ready to move on to the next stage.”

Jayne Bartlett, Hampshire, May 2023

“I can’t thank you enough for your help and belief in me. Using your home course was an amazing experience. I found it so easy to follow and with your assistance and encouragement. I really enjoyed it.
I learnt so much during the course but I know I have a lot more still to learn. I now feel so much more confident to give reiki and so much more capable of teaching it.
Thank you so much for your support and feedback which helped me through the whole process. It was very much appreciated.
Morag Brierton, Glasgow, October 2023
“The Reiki Master home study course was amazing, it far exceeded my expectations. All of the content was very valuable and there were extra snippets of interesting information added in there too.
The course was set out in such a way that nothing felt daunting because we were eased into each new topic gradually and told to take our time. The CDs and video were extremely beneficial, particularly for hearing the Kotodama pronounciation and seeing how Reiju empowerments should be performed, they were excellent.
There was a great deal to achieve and give feedback on, but I feel that I learnt much more from this experience than I would have on the live training course and Taggart was available when I needed advice so I always felt well supported.
I loved this course, it boosted my confidence and I have achieved more than I ever thought possible.”
Pam Redman, Kent, November 2023

“The course content was very thorough, laid out in a logical way, helped to explain all the different approaches to Reiki while gently guiding us to clarity for ourselves. I thought it was excellent.

The course exceeded my expectations. I have followed Taggart for some time and liked his approach and the material provided was thought provoking and inclusive of different approaches.

There is a lot of material which was a bit overwhelming at first but the home study instructions guided it through it very well. There is a lot of repetition but I know Taggart was providing a variety of materials for different styles. It also helped cement the concepts. The pictures and videos were invaluable for attunement and empowerments.

I did the home study course for convenience. For me it required a lot of discipline and as I don’t know many Reiki people that required some organising. Taggart does suggest different options. The guidance on time was very helpful. I spent slightly more time , probably because I couldn’t engage properly every day. Reflecting to give feedback to Taggart was a helpful discipline and Taggart’s responses were encouraging and helpful.

I can’t think of anything specific to improve the course. Overall I am very happy I chose this course. I have spoken to Reiki Masters before but never been drawn to taking that step. This has provided a practical and thoughtful approach which suits me very well.”

Rachel Steven, Cheshire, April 2024

“The course content was incredible.

The course definitely more than met my expectations.

The course manuals, CDs and DvD were packed full with information in a clear and easy way to follow and understand. I found it very helpful having the written words, spoken words on Cd and DVD, pictures, diagrams and the various extra links that were sent to me throughout the course.

The home study approach worked very well for me. It meant I could take the time to really engross myself in everything Reiki. I studied each stage at my own pace, made sure I was comfortable with each of the practical exercises, gaining experience before moving on to the next stage. I had time to read, listen and watch the course materials as many times as I wanted.

I don’t think that there is any need to improve the course. I know that I have learnt so much from this course. I am more confident, more intuitive, my connection to Reiki is stronger, my concentration is much improved. I have enjoyed doing this course over the last few months so much that I now intend to enrol on another Reiki Evolution home study course. 

Thank you so very much Taggart for guiding me through this amazing course, for your advice and support in my learning and understanding of my new experiences.”

Lesley Williams, West Midlands, July 2024

“After my Reiki level ll attunement a lot happened in my life that left me hurt, angry and bitter; Then to cap it all two years ago I had to give up the job I loved due to a bad injury leaving me deeply depressed. During all these years I dreamed of one day doing the Reiki Master/teacher course, but due to my injury, and feelings of unworthiness due to anger and resentment I couldn’t bring myself to do it. 

I have spent a lot of time since then reading a lot of self-help and spiritual books, which led me back to Reiki – the one constant love of my life, and doing the Reiki Master/Teacher Course has turned my world and my life around and brought me back to myself.

Working through this course and working with the energies has transformed all the hurt anger and bitterness into love, acceptance and compassion. And the depression has turned to Joy at being able to pass on this wonderful gift to others and for making me feel like a worthwhile human being again. All of my relationships have flourished and I have reconnected with some people too.

To anyone who feels unworthy I would wholeheartedly recommend being attuned to Reiki, because it can completely transform their life. It has without a doubt transformed mine.

All of your courses at Reiki Evolution are well thought out and the manuals, cd’s and Dvd’s are exceptionally informative. As is your feedback and speed of response to queries. 

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making Reiki so widely available and for being such a wonderful teacher. “

MW, North Lanarkshire, December 2024