Become a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT)

reiki master attunements course reiki 3 rmt classes

Become a Reiki Master TeacherRead Recent TestimonialsAbout Your CourseBook Now!

Who can become a Reiki Master Teacher?

You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!

Deepen your self-healing

You should already have experienced that sense of peace, contentment and serenity that Reiki brings you, and perhaps experienced a spiritual awakening. Now you will carry out special meditations using kotodama: Shinto mantras taught by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, in the 1920s. Deepen your self-healing by focusing on energies that bring powerful physical and emotional balancing and bring a deep sense of connection.

Explore intuition and intent

Original Japanese Reiki is a very free and fluid system, free from the dogma and rules that infest Western-style Reiki training. An important part of the Master Teacher level is to full open to your intuitive powers and to explore the power of intent. You”ll learn how to allow the energy to guide you and provide you with all the insights you need to help people in the most powerful way.

Empower yourself, empower others

Of course, if you’re becoming a Reiki Master then you will learn how to carry out Western-style Reiki attunements, but you have a real treat in store for you: we will teach you how to carry out Reiju empowerments, which are beautiful, flowing initiations that come from Japanese Reiki and which were used by Mikao Usui’s students. You’ll also learn how to empower yourself through the power of Shinto mantra and visualisation, something that is lacking from standard Western Master training.

“The course exceeded my expectations. I had a wonderful teacher who put us all at ease and taught it as though we had not already learned it so the bits I was not too sure about were fine and I know I will continue to study the materials and practice all those important exercises and meditations way into the future. I was also relieved there were only 2 other students there as it was very easy to discuss stuff and share experiences. When I first did my 1 & 2 there were a dozen so it was hard to do that and I was so much more nervous and shy then. By keeping classes small I felt there was more to gain.

The pre-course material was excellent. I know I will be working through much of it for years to come. I loved the way it was presented with student comments about each section. If ever I am led to teach commercially I know I will be so grateful for that tremendous back up and support. The CDs were great and I went to bed playing them every night in the hope it would filter through my consciousness while I slept. The DVD brought the words to life and were really helpful as I could practice with them.

I have been a Reiki master for 10 years so did not expect much more than just to learn the Reiki Evolution way of doing attunements/empowerments but I learnt way more than that. I am now confident with the kotodama which I wasn’t previously. I am looking forward to doing many meditations with them. I found your western attunements to be longer than those I worked with originally and after doing my first empowerment and getting the result I did I will always use the empowerments. They flow and right from the start I felt comfortable with them.

Interestingly I gave a friend who is already 2nd degree a first degree empowerment and the results have been stunning. She is very sensitive to the energies and has always been a guinea pig for me. Not only did she experience a huge jolt as I formulated my intention but in the week since she has been feeling excellent and has dealt, with ease, with some stressful problems which would normally have reduced her to quivering jelly. This is the kind of feedback which makes it all worthwhile for me.

I feel I am really progressing now and look forward to working with the energy for the rest of my life. I believe the weekend is a beginning rather than my learning is done. I like the way you have taken the new teachings that have been discovered. Thank you so much Taggart for what I know is/will be a life changing experience.”

Patricia Wellfare, Essex

Friendly, small-group training

You’ll learn Reiki with a small group of like-minded people and there’ll be no more than six students on any course to make sure that you receive individual attention from your teacher.

Learn everything you need to be confident

Before you come on your course, you will have worked through one of our famous Reiki Evolution study packs, giving you a very solid grounding in Reiki at Master Teacher level. You’ll know exactly what to do and will feel confident in putting everything into practice on the two days of your live training.

Your teacher will support you

Your friendly and experienced Reiki Master will guide you through everything you need to be able to use the complete Original Japanese Reiki system for your own benefit and to help and to teach others. And they will happily be on hand to deal with any questions or concerns that you have in the weeks and months after your course.

Scroll down!

To find course dates for all our locations and teachers, and book your place on your chosen course, all you need to do is to scroll down to the bottom of this page!

There is a long list of the locations where we host Reiki courses, so just click on your chosen location.

Once you’ve clicked, you can:

  1. Find out about your Reiki teacher
  2. Read more testimonials
  3. Find courses dates
  4. Book your place

The Reiki Master Teacher costs £497, by the way, with £147 paid now and £350 paid to your teacher.

If you need more info, keep on reading…

For those who wish to continue their Reiki development to its natural conclusion, Reiki Mastership represents the end of one journey and the commencement of another.

Your Reiki Master Teacher course is equivalent to a five day course because you spend at least three days (20 hours approx.) working through your multimedia pre-course study programme, and then you spend two days at our course venue to go through the practical energy work.

The pre-course materials consist of a 200-page course manual containing text, colour images, summary sheets and drawings to illustrate the details, a guide to running Reiki training courses, a book of inspiring Reiki articles, three audio CDs, a 30-minute DVD) and a detailed pre-course study guide.

This approach provides you with a complete training in Reiki at MasterTeacher level. You can learn at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home, you arrive on the course well-prepared and already knowing a great deal about Reiki at this level, and then we spend two days working with energy and putting what you have learned into practice.

The basic effect of the Reiki Master attunements is to fully open up your energy system to Reiki, causing a significant increase in the flow of healing energy. This increases the effectiveness of your treatments beyond that achieved at Second Degree level. On top of this, you are attuned to further symbols, and learn additional techniques, enabling you to treat others more effectively, pass on the Reiki ability to others, and fully experience the flow of Reiki through your being.

Basic Themes of the Reiki Master Teacher Course

Mastership with Reiki Evolution concentrates on a number of themes:

  • The Original system that Mikao Usui taught
  • The role of energy exercises and meditations in the original system
  • Experiencing energies in different ways
  • Using energies on yourself and others
  • The use of Symbols
  • The use of the Reiki Kotodama
  • The power of Intent
  • The potential of Intuition
  • Western ‘attunements’
  • Japanese ’empowerments’
  • Distant connections and self-empowerments

Experiencing Energies

We begin the course by considering the different ways that we can experience different aspects of the energy: using symbols, using sacred Shinto mantras called Kotodama, and using pure intent. We put this in the context of the original system that Mikao Usui taught and show how energies can be used when working on the self and when working on other people.

Working with Reiki Symbols

We include a range of original and non-original symbols on the course, though we don’t want overemphasise the use of symbols, because we believe that they have assumed an unnecessary importance within the world of western Reiki. The symbols that you learn on the Master course allow you to send Reiki to heal at the soul level, produce balance in an instant, deal with aspects of karma, and focus energy intensely on the mind or the emotions. During the Master course you will be ‘attuned’ to these symbols:

  • The Usui Master Symbol
  • The ‘Tibetan’ Master symbol
  • The ‘Fire Dragon’ symbol
  • Other symbols, channelled by Taggart and others

The Reiki Kotodama

The Kotodama, or ‘jumon’, are sacred Shinto mantras used by Usui before the introduction of symbols into Reiki. We show how these mantras can be used when carrying out treatments, we become familiar with their  characteristic energies, we discover how they can be used for self-healing and spiritual development, and we learn how they can be used in conjunction with Reiju empowerments.

reiki master training courses attunements“I feel very much drawn to the kotodama and, since practising these on the course, have made them an essential part of my day.”

Marilyn Harvey, London

“The session on Kotodama chanting was, for me, one of the highlights of the course with Tina. We were able to achieve good volume and resonance in the room resulting in some deep and lovely meditations.”

Donald Richardson, Cambridgeshire

“I personally enjoyed the Kotodama which heightened my energy awareness, it was the first time I had done it in a group and I was very pleased with the outcome.”

Jack Sheppard, Suffolk

“It is good to work with like-minded people. The feelings when working as a group were very powerful, especially the kotodama. The vibrations were incredible.”

Helen Hudson, Warwickshire

The Power of Intent

We spend some time working with Intent, and go through various exercises that help to ‘open our eyes’ to the simplicity and power of Reiki, and the importance and versatility of intent in terms of directing the energy and experiencing different energies.

The Potential of Intuition

We spend some time talking about how to develop intuition and give some suggestions for moving beyond the basic “Reiji ho” approach. We will practice working intuitively in a number of different ways and introduce a method where we can directly perceive someone’s energy system, and we also explore some “mind’s eye” visual shortcuts.

“The session on intuition was also rewarding as this is an area that I have had difficulty with in the past and have tended to avoid it, remaining with more conventional hand positions. With Tina’s help I was able to get my head out of the way long enough for it to work and give me enough confidence to persevere with it in the future.”

Donald Richardson, Cambridgeshire

Various other Reiki techniques

The comprehensive course manual summarises a number of different ‘non-Reiki’ techniques that have been introduced into Reiki over the years, or techniques that can be used with Reiki. The main areas are as follows:

  • Healing attunements
  • Reiki ‘psychic surgery’
  • A Reiki ‘microcosmic orbit’ meditation
  • Reiki and crystal healing grids
  • Pendulum dowsing
  • Antahkaranas

Healing attunements seem to have derived from the work of William Rand, and are designed to be used to help a client open themselves fully to the effects of Reiki. I see them more as a Reiki ‘blessing’. Reiki Psychic surgery is a ritual which focuses your intent in a particular way. The microcosmic orbit meditation takes the energies associated with the Reiki symbols round the functional and governor channels, and crystal healing grids are used to send distant Reiki 24 hours a day by using ‘charged’ crystals in a particular geometric pattern. ‘Antahkaranas’ are Asian symbols that produce a healing effect of their own, without the need to be attuned to them. The basics of pendulum dowsing are presented in the manual, to allow students to look in more detail at their clients’ chakra systems and to contact their spirit guides if they wish to pursue this aspect of Reiki practice.

Western-style Reiki ‘Attunements’ and Japanese ‘Empowerments’

reiki 3 attunements masterMastership allows you to pass the Reiki ability to others, and you will be using the course manual (with step-by-step instructions, digital images, drawings and summaries), the Audio CDs and the DVD to make the process as straightforward as possible. You will practise the Reiki attunement process in advance of the course and on the day of the course itself you will demonstrate your knowledge in different ways and receive practical guidance and pointers to make sure you are comfortable with the stages involved.

We use the example of a Second Degree attunement as a focus for teaching, then going on to talk about the differences between that attunement and those at First Degree and the Reiki Master attunements.

The Western-style attunement process is not the only way to convey the Reiki ability to students. The Reiki Evolution Master Teacher course also includes training in the ‘Reiju’ empowerment process that has been passed to us by Usui Sensei’s surviving students. Reiju empowerments represent a wonderful, simple, elegant, powerful and inspiring method that can be used as alternatives to the Western-style attunements at all levels.

We also consider the use of distant attunements and empowerments, and explore different methods that can be used to empower the self.

The “Reiki 3” Audio CDs

reiki master classes cdsOur Reiki Master Teacher course is accompanied by three audio CDs that contains an hour of commentary, 45 minutes of guided instructions, including a couple of tracks which talk you through carrying out a Reiju empowerment and a Western-style Reiki attunement, and a further collection of Japanese Reiki meditations that come from the original form of Reiki that Usui Sensei taught.

By having on CDs the main things that are said to you on the day course, you are focused on the important themes of the course before you arrive for your two days of live training, and you can ‘take your course home with you’ to review once you have returned home, and during the following weeks and months after the course. You won’t forget what you were told on the course because it is all there for you in black and white in the manual, you can hear it on the audio CDs and watch it on the DVD at home!

The attunement and empowerment guides talk you through the various stages, just like Taggart will do on the day of the course. So instead of fumbling around trying to read the instructions in your manual while trying to keep in the flow of it, you can simply flip on the CD and follow the instructions.

You will thus learn effortlessly through doing, and your practice attunements and empowerments will flow all the more easily because of this.

The Reiki Master Course Manual

Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides, so there is no need to take notes. Note taking is so unsatisfactory: you frantically scribble, desperate not to miss what is being said and when you get home you can’t read your writing! On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you.

We produce and extensive Master / Teacher manual, running to 200 A4 pages. This is a complete and practical guide to Reiki at Master/Teacher level, containing text, digital images, flow-charts, summary sheets, Mind Map and illustrations.

reiki master training book lessons“I am a trained trainer so am always professionally interested in the content, presentation and documentation of other people’s courses. I rate this one as superb in every way. Your manuals, CDs and DVD are excellent training materials in my view. Not only did I find them informative but also the way in which they were presented was designed to hold one’s attention. You made learning easy.”Mary-Jean Wood, France

“The initial material sent out for pre-study (audio CDs, DVD, course work etc.) for me was a God send. It gave me the opportunity to get to grips and prepare for the live tuition. I was prepared for the day having learnt all attunements, empowerments, kotodama etc. Also gave me plenty of time to meditate on the necessary symbols and be able to differentiate the frequencies of energy.”

Phil Howsego, Hampshire

“Having the course material to study beforehand is a great way of learning and not having to take notes on the day a real bonus!”

Duncan MacDuff, Edinburgh

The “Teaching Reiki” Book

Each Reiki Evolution RMT course is accompanied by this 370 page book, written by Taggart. You’ll find a wealth of advice about how to set up and run your Reiki courses: read articles about planning and structuring your courses; find out how to explain things to students in a way that honours their learning preferences and personality types; discover how to create top quality course materials and how to support your students long-term.

We look at the differences between ‘Western’ and Original Japanese Reiki and I explain how I created “Reiki Evolution” courses, which pass on the essence of Reiki’s original form. Read this book and you’ll know how to teach “Reiki Evolution” style: what to say, what to teach, and even how to teach Reiki in a ten-week ‘Evening Class’ format.

A book of Taggart’s Reiki articles

Each Reiki Evolution RMT course is accompanied by a printed collection of Taggart’s Reiki articles, called “The Orange Book”. This is ideal to dip into, to ponder, something that you can refer to, and re-read, gaining different insights as you revisit the pages during your journey with Reiki.

The Reiki DVD: Reiki attunements and Reiju empowerments

Our Master course is accompanied by a DVD containing approx. 30 minutes of footage, demonstrating how to carry out Reiju empowerments and Western attunements.

So you can really ‘take the course home with you’: detailed manuals, colour ‘still’ images, audio commentary, audio guided meditations and video footage.

“I found the DVD a great help – I do tend to remember things more if it is visual; sometimes reading things over and over may not sink in, but seeing the attunement and empowerment helped greatly.

The fact that I actually had the choice of listening to the CD, watching the DVD, looking at pictures and reading the instructions was a great idea. I could mix and match the ways I felt I could learn the best.”

Bev Mayhew, Suffolk

The Reiki 3 Certificate

All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments, have satisfied the requirements of the “Shinpiden” level of Reiki, and are certified as a Master and a Teacher of Reiki.

Reiki Master Teacher Course Fees

The Reiki Master Teacher Course with Reiki Evolution costs £497, with an initial deposit of £147 paid in advance, and £350 to be paid to your teacher on the day of your course.

Coming to the Master Course from another Lineage? Follow our “Conversion Course”

If you have come from other lineages and have not been trained in the important techniques that have come from Japan, I would expect you to learn Japanese Reiki techniques before going on to do Mastership with ReikiEvolution. The new teachings are so important to the future development of Reiki in the West. One way to achieve this would be for you to redo your First and Second Degree training with us, so you are ‘in tune’ with the way we do things, but that can start to get expensive, so we achieve this by way of a self-study ‘conversion course’ based on sending you downloads of our Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 course manuals and Audio CDs – as PDFs and MP3s – together with ‘homework’ instructions for you to carry out. You can order printed versions of these manuals and CDs if you wish.

“Firstly, I would like to say what an absolute delight it has been to revisit Reiki I & II again via your manuals and audio CD, and what a wonderful job you have done in producing such excellent material – most definitely a labour of love.

Your manuals go into such depth of detail with regards to things like the history, original Japanese form of Reiki, increasing the flow of energy and specific treatment techniques – all of which I can now start implementing.”

Lyn Anderson, Somerset

Here is the Reiki Master Teacher Class Schedule:

Note: Arrive at 9.30am. Finish time no later than 5.30pm

Reiki Master Course Day One

  • Introduction to Reiki Mastership: Overview of the course
  • Reiju Master-level empowerment
  • Overview of Usui Sensei’s original system and how we can echo his approaches
  • Some New Symbols
    • The Usui and ‘Tibetan’ Master symbols
    • Review: students’ experiences of the new energies
  • The Reiki Kotodama: exploration of sacred sound
    • Learn the Kotodama
    • Experience their energies
    • Learn how to use the Kotodama for self-healing and self-development, and during treatments


  • Western Master attunement
  • Overview: Western-style attunements
  • Practice session: the Second Degree attunement
    • Break the attunement into four stages: Setting the scene, Opening, Inserting Symbols, Closing
    • Students demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways
    • Receive helpful hints, pointers and explanations from the teacher
  • Master attunements: how they differ from Second Degree
  • First Degree attunements: how they differ from Second Degree

Reiki Master Course Day Two

  • Reiju Master-level empowerment
  • Review of Day One: any questions and points arising
  • The importance of Intent
    • Directing energy using intent/visualisation: practice session
    • “Frequency setting”: practice session
  • The importance of Intuition
    • Expanding our experience of the “Reiji ho” method: practice session
    • Perceiving the Chakras: practice session
    • “Mind’s Eye” Visual Shortcuts


  • Reiju empowerment
  • Students demonstrate ‘basic’ Reiju empowerments
    • Practice Session: use Reiju on each other
    • Receive helpful hints, pointers and explanations from the teacher
  • Using Reiju at Second Degree and Master levels: explanation and practice session
  • The benefits of Reiju empowerments
  • Learn how to empower yourself in different ways and practise one method
  • Conclusion

Ongoing Support and Advice

We think that it is very important to keep in touch with people who have been through our courses.

We believe that this is just as important at Master level as it is at Reiki1 and Reiki2.

To find out how we do this for all our students and our Masters in particular, please look at the following paragraphs:

Firstly, here are the various ways that we support all our students:

  • A Facebook  Support/Discussion group for all our students who have an e-mail address. You can contact approx. 1,200 (February 2019 figures) other Reiki people who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.
  • Free distant Reiju empowerments each week anytime on a Monday. Every week you can ‘tune yourself in’ to a Reiju empowerment from Taggart, anytime on a Monday (and more than once if you like!). This will give your Reiki practice a real boost and echoes the way that Reiki was taught by Mikao Usui, with empowerments week-in week-out throughout your training.
  • Access to a list of Reiki shares and practice days hosted by Reiki Evolution teachers
  • Free ongoing support and advice by e-mail.

Now you can read about the additional ways that we have found to support our Masters:

  • Your students can join our Facebook support group. I am happy for your Reiki1, Reiki2 or Master students to join our Internet Discussion group and gain access to the support, advice and collective wisdom of 1,200+ Reiki people, all of whom have trained Reiki-Evolution-style.
  • Access to super-discounted multipacks of manuals and CDs for your own courses, through a secret page: the materials are discounted even more then on our ‘bulk buy’ page!

“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.

Recently I was filling out my UK Reiki Federation Member Questionnaire and I was able to say how excellent & professional your courses are with comprehensive manuals and full back-up support.

I say with pride that Taggart King is my Reiki Master.”

JBB, Reiki Master
