Reiki Second Degree Manual

The Reiki Manual for Practitioners

Order a manual on its own, or add an audio CD or two at reduced prices…

reiki book second degree manuals

“I have seen a number of Reiki 2 manuals and yours is excellent, informative and detailed, just what I need to help deepen my Reiki practice and includes some really useful hints, ideas and techniques. A lot of people are moving in the direction of a more pure, simple and traditional Japanese Reiki practice and, with this in mind, your manual is first class and I can highly recommend it to others on the path to self-discovery!”

Tim Matthews

Reiki for Practitioners:
The Reiki “Second Degree” manual

If you are looking for a Reiki book that explains clearly and simply:

  • What the Reiki symbols are and how to use them
  • How to carry out Symbol meditations to deepen your self-healing
  • How to free yourself from standard hand positions & work intuitively
  • How to use intent to enhance your treatments

…then Reiki Evolution’s famous “Okuden” manual is just what you need!

This comprehensive manual is exactly the same as the manual used on Reiki Evolution’s live and home study courses and shows you how to use Original Japanese Reiki for self-healing, spiritual development and to help other people in a powerful and elegant way.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 110 A4 pages, a glossy soft cover and is available in the UK only. For overseas orders, visit your local Amazon.

Price: £13.99 + p&p. Available worldwide through Amazon.

Click the link below to be taken direct to your local Amazon store:


reiki second degree course book cd

Order your Second Degree manual
Plus one of these CDs:

The Second Degree Audio Commentary CD

The Reiki Evolution Second Degree CD was recorded by Taggart King, Reiki Master Teacher, and you can hear him talking you through the main points of First Degree with Reiki Evolution.

Hear all the things that Taggart tells his students on Second Degree courses: it’s like being able to play your Reiki course back to yourself again and again, ideal for playing in the car or when relaxing at home. The CD lasts for over an hour and complements the manual perfectly.

The Reiki Meditations CD

The Reiki Evolution Reiki Meditations CD is very popular – it is our best-seller, in fact – and you can use it every day to help you with your daily energy work.

Taggart King talks you through a special Distant healing meditation and a Reiki Symbol meditation. Two further tracks talk you through Hatsurei ho (a Japanese energy meditation) and a Self-treatment meditation that was taught by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, in the 1920s.

When you order your manual and CD now, you save £7.20 (50%) on the cover price of the CD.

UK orders only

Price: £22.19 + p&p

Choose which CD you want


reiki 2 manual cds second degree

Order your Second Degree manual
Plus these 2 CDs:

The Second Degree Audio Commentary CD

The Reiki Evolution Second Degree CD was recorded by Taggart King, Reiki Master Teacher, and you can hear him talking you through the main points of First Degree with Reiki Evolution.

Hear all the things that Taggart tells his students on Second Degree courses: it’s like being able to play your Reiki course back to yourself again and again, ideal for playing in the car or when relaxing at home. The CD lasts for over an hour and complements the manual perfectly.

The Reiki Meditations CD

The Reiki Evolution Reiki Meditations CD is very popular – it is our best-seller, in fact – and you can use it every day to help you with your daily energy work.

Taggart King talks you through a special Distant healing meditation and a Reiki Symbol meditation. Two further tracks talk you through Hatsurei ho (a Japanese energy meditation) and a Self-treatment meditation that was taught by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, in the 1920s.

When you order your manual and 2 CDs now, you save £14.40 (50%) on the cover price of the CDs.

UK orders only

Price: £29.39 + p&p

UK orders only.