Become a Practitioner: The “Second Degree” Course

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Who can learn Second Degree?

You can! Well, you need to have taken First Degree already, and we recommend that you leave a couple of months, at least, between your First and Second Degree courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First Degree course materials for free!

Deepen your self-healing

You should already have experienced that sense of peace, contentment and serenity that Reiki brings you, and perhaps experienced a spiritual awakening. Now you will carry out special symbol meditations to deepen your self-healing, focusing on energies that bring powerful physical and emotional balancing.

Explore intuition

Original Japanese Reiki is a very free and fluid system, free from the dogma and rules that infest Western-style Reiki training. An important part of Second Degree is to move beyond standard hand positions when you treat people, to embrace intuitive working. You’ll learn how to allow the energy to guide you in terms of where you rest your hands; it’s a lovely way to work.

Practise distant healing

You’ll learn how to send Reiki long-distance in a variety of ways, so you can experiment and find the approach that works best for you. Distant healing is a very humbling and fulfilling practice, a beautiful meditation that connects deeply to the person, or people, that you share Reiki with.

”I have to say that I’ve been absolutely delighted with every aspect of my experience of the Reiki Evolution courses. I was incredibly impressed with the course materials for my Okuden course and found it very useful to have all the material from the Shoden course included in that (I took First Degree elsewhere).

The content of the course was perfect and I feel incredibly lucky to have such a supportive teacher; I felt very comfortable and at ease with everything on the day of my course.”

Annie Dainter, West Lothian

”What a great way of learning! I am so glad that I chose the Reiki Evolution course of learning.

The course manual was very easy to read, the CD back up made the information really sink in and I was never afraid to contact my teacher if I had any questions. I learnt a great deal in a short space of time and am thrilled to now be able to use my skills for the benefit of others. On both practical days (I took First Degree with you too) my teacher made me feel totally at ease and I feel that I have secured a long lasting friendship to boot.

Thank you so much for the helpful advice included in both manuals, I have enjoyed every minute of my experience.”

Carolyn Coleman, West Yorkshire

Friendly, small-group training

You’ll learn Reiki with a small group of like-minded people and there’ll be no more than six students on any course to make sure that you receive individual attention from your teacher.

Learn everything you need to be confident

Before you come on your course, you will have worked through one of our famous Reiki Evolution study packs, giving you a very solid grounding in Reiki at Second Degree. You’ll know exactly what to do and will feel confident in putting everything into practice on the day of your live course.

Your teacher will support you

Your friendly and experienced Reiki Master will guide you through everything you need to be able to use Original Japanese Reiki straight away, for yourself and to help other people. And they will happily be on hand to deal with any questions or concerns that you have in the weeks and months after your course.

Scroll down!

To find course dates for all our locations and teachers, and book your place on your chosen course, all you need to do is to scroll down to the bottom of this page!

There is a long list of the locations where we host Reiki courses, so just click on your chosen location.

Once you’ve clicked, you can:

  1. Find out about your Reiki teacher
  2. Read more testimonials
  3. Find courses dates
  4. Book your place

Reiki Second Degree costs £190, by the way, with £80 paid now and £110 paid to your teacher.




If you need more info, keep on reading…

Your Reiki Second Degree training course lasts for 12-13 hours, which is equivalent to two day’s training. You spend approx. six hours working through a multimedia study pack, at your leisure, and then attend a single-day live course at one of our many UK locations. During the live part of your training you will focus on practical energy work, guided by one of our team of experienced Reiki teachers and in the company of a few other students – there will be no more than six students on any of our Second Degree courses, and at many of our venues the maximum is four.

This approach provides you with a complete training in Reiki at Second Degree. You can learn at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to learn the three Reiki symbols fully, giving a chance for all the information to sink in and helping you to realise any questions that you might have. You then arrive on the course well-prepared and already knowing a great deal about Reiki. We spend the live part of your course working with energy and putting what you have learned into practice.

The Reiki Second Degree Study Pack

reiki second degree course book cdYour study pack comes to you as a download when you reserve a place on your chosen course, though you can choose to order a printed version too if you like.

You will have a chance to go through your study pack usually for a few weeks before the course, and this gives you a good grounding in Second Degree Reiki. Imparting a load of information on a live course is a really ineffective way to learn or to teach, so we help you to get to grips with the ‘knowledge’ side of Reiki before you arrive on your day-course.

The downloadable study pack consists of a comprehensive 110-page PDF eManual, PDF handouts & instructions, and over an hours’ worth of MP3 tracks, both commentary and guided meditations.

If you choose to order a professionally-printed Study Pack as well, you’ll receive a comprehensive, professionally-printed 110-page ‘Okuden’ manual and a specially-produced audio CD containing extensive commentary tracks.

Your pre-course reading and listening will focus you on these areas:

  • What Reiki’s founder taught and how we can follow the original system in the modern world
  • How to benefit from the energies of earth ki and heavenly ki through meditation
  • The importance of experiencing a state of oneness and its use in distant healing
  • How to use earth ki and heavenly ki when treating others
  • How to open yourself to intuitive working
  • Ways of directing the energy using intent
  • The Reiki symbols: how to draw them and say their names

We will go over this information briefly on the day of the course, but most of the day will concentrate on practice rather than theory.

What is so important about Second Degree?

First Degree Reiki provides you with a solid foundation for your future practice, and provides you with important tools that you can use to help balance your energy system, and promote self-healing and spiritual development. But there is far more to Reiki than can be passed on – or assimilated – in just one course. Reiki ‘Second Degree’ with Reiki Evolution provides you with ways of deepening your experience of the energy, furthering your self-healing and spiritual development, and provoding you with approaches that will enhance your treatment of others, whether in person or at a distance. Second Degree moves your Reiki onto a new level.

“I really enjoyed the Second Degree course – much more so than the first (which I also loved!) The whole concept and principles felt much cleaner and my confidence in my abilities using the symbols has grown considerably. I was amazed with the use of symbols, the differences between them and the huge impact they have on energy flow and intensity.”

Heather Lake, Kent

Further your self-healing and spiritual development

reiki second degree classesOur Second Degree course echoes the original system that Reiki’s founder taught by still rooting your practice in personal energy work. Reiki is first and foremost about you, about your development and growth, and at Second Degree you will learn further tools that you can use to move your experience of Reiki on to the next level.

So on this course you will learn to enhance and deepen your self-healing by getting to grips with and fully assimilating two important energies – two important aspects of the energy – referred to as earth ki and heavenly ki in the original system. Meditating on earth ki and heavenly ki regularly will help to really move on you self-healing.

We will use some symbols to represent or access these important energies, or aspects of the energy. Two of the symbols that we use are based on those that were taught to one of Dr Hayashi’s students, rather than the quite distorted symbols that you can find on some Western Reiki courses. A further symbols has been drawn for us by a Japanese Master Calligrapher, and so is completely accurate.

“The course compared very favourably with the “Western” Reiki I and II I had already done. I liked the straightforward approach of the manuals, and teaching, and its emphasis on the spiritual development side of Reiki, not just the healing side.”

Penny Lister, North Yorkshire

Make your Reiki treatments more intense

The energies of earth ki and heavenly ki can also be used in a treatment context, and doing so allows treatments to become more intense, with the energy focusing strongly on physical healing, or mental/emotional/spiritual balancing. You will learn various ways of accessing these energies when you treat, through the use of a couple of symbols.

Practise distant healing

Distant healing is possible at First Degree level, of course, but we focus more on distant healing at Second Degree. But we come at distant healing from a different angle than most courses: distant healing is an expression of ‘oneness’, one of the goals of the original Reiki system taught by Mikao Usui in the 1920s in Japan. We explore oneness, its significance, and the way that this state can be expressed when working on others either in person or at a distance.

“I like the way you recommend an approach, e.g. when using the distant healing symbol, but then offer alternatives so people can find the method/s which best suit them.”

Rhonda Bailey, Kent

“In the two weeks since the course I have been trying different methods of distant healing and this has been a very powerful experience with lots of energy flowing.”

Alex Napier, Glasgow

Explore the power of Intent and Intuition

Second Degree should be about moving beyond the basic guidelines of First Degree, to embrace intuitive working and to understand the importance of intent. A major part of this course involves using a Japanese approach to treating others that allows the energy to guide your hands to the right places to treat, so rather than following a prescribed set of hand positions, you will gear your hand combinations to the energy needs of each person you work on. Intuitive Reiki treatments are something special: deep and intense, a wonderful experience for both the giver and receiver.

reiki 2 training lessons“Your simpler more intuitive style of Reiki really resonates with me. Everything I felt ‘not quite right’ about when I originally studied/practised has been answered with your presentation – it works for me!”Tracy Brown, Edinburgh

“With all the rules and dogma which surround Reiki elsewhere it was very liberating to be encouraged to develop my intuition.”

Clare Ewins, West Sussex

“I am an IT consultant and software engineer by profession and working with intuition rather than logic is refreshing and rewarding.”

Adam Lovick, London

“As for working intuitively, that was amazing! Laetitia helped us all to completely relax and the energy just took over. I have been very impressed with Reiki Evolution. The overall quality of materials, training with Laetitia and interacting on the web discussion group have made my journey with Reiki, so far, a very rewarding experience. I have never regretted choosing Reiki Evolution from the many possibilities listed on the Internet.”

Rhonda Bailey, Kent

Strengthen your connection to Reiki

‘Second Degree’ brings the student up to ‘practitioner’ level, and the three Japanese empowerments that we give you enable you to ‘hold’ and channel more energy than was possible at First Degree. The empowerments also connect you strongly to aspects of the energy that are represented by the three Reiki symbols. You will learn how to use the three Reiki symbols and mantras, which can be used as a basis for self-treatment, and which help to make your treatments stronger and more effective, as well as some other simple and inspiring approaches from Japan.

“I was pleased to find that with the use of the symbols and the empowerments from Sue my Reiki seemed to ‘come through’ stronger.”

Pauline Beger, Essex

The Reiki 2 MP3s/Audio CD

reiki 2 training classes cdsOur Reiki Second Degree course is accompanied by one MP3 collection (or audio CD, if you choose), unless you took your First Degree elsewhere, in which case we will send you our “Reiki meditations” audio CD/MP3 too. The ‘Okuden’ tracks consist of an hour of commentary, which summarises the main themes of your course, and the “Reiki Meditations” tracks are guided meditations that you will use at First and Second Degree levels.

By having on audio the main things that are said to you on the day course, you really are able to ‘take your course home with you’. You won’t forget what you were told on the course because you can hear it all again at home, in the car, or on your device!

The guided meditations take you through a distant healing sessions and a special symbol meditation. So instead of fumbling around trying to read the instructions in your manual while trying to keep in the flow of it, you can simply fire up the track, close your eyes, and follow the instructions. Your meditation will flow all the more easily because of this, and you’ll learn how to do it without having to try too hard!

“The music for the Distant Healing guided meditation was lovely. I didn’t realise how deep into it I was, until the end and it was really hard to open my eyes and shake it off. I think this will make a very useful tool for people at all levels.”

Tina Horan, London

“Clear sound. Excellent background music. Your commentary is easy to follow. I think both CDs, Reiki 1 and 2, have been an excellent learning tool which provided me with background knowledge before the course, and then I have been using them to recap. For your learners who do best with audio learning rather than reading, I would consider it to be a beneficial part of their training. Both CDs are presented clearly and your voice is very calming yet informative.”

Michelle England, Essex

The Reiki Second Degree Course Manual/PDF

Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive, professionally-printed manual that covers everything we teach on the day, and more besides, so there is no need to take notes. Note taking is so unsatisfactory: you frantically scribble, desperate not to miss what is being said and when you get home you can’t read your writing! On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you. You do not need to take notes on our courses! Our ‘Okuden’ manual runs to 110 A4 pages, with 40,000 words.

“Every time I read the manual I seem to discover something new.”

William Paton, Shropshire

“I loved the way there are three methods of learning via the CD overview and CD ‘meditations’, the indepth course manual and the one day live practical. My own learning style is a combination visual/verbal and practical experience. Having the manual to read at my own pace is great.”

Rachel Briggs, Nottinghamshire

The Reiki 2 Certificate

All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments and have satisfied the requirements of the “Second Degree” of Reiki.

Reiki Course Fees

Second Degree with Reiki Evolution costs £190, with an initial deposit of £80 paid in advance, and £110 to be paid to your teacher on the day of your course.

Coming from another lineage?

If you took your First Degree course elsewhere, we would not expect you to redo your First Degree with us, but what we will do is to send you a free download of our First Degree course materials as a PDF Manual and MP3 tracks, so that you can see exactly what we teach at this level. We will also set you some ‘homework’ to do so that you have been through the same practical exercises as our other First Degree students, so you don’t miss out.

“I was extremely grateful that I was sent the manual and CD from the First Degree, since I obtained my First Degree elsewhere. I feel you promote the true spirit of Reiki, as other centres were insisting that I repeat the First Degree before taking my Second Degree at excessive prices.”

Sheila Reece, Cambridgeshire

Here is the Reiki Second Degree Class Schedule:

Note: Arrive at 9.30am. Finish time no later than 5.30pm

  • General Introduction: reviews what has happened since First Degree
  • Talk: the original system that Usui taught and how we can echo the original approaches
  • ‘Second Degree’ empowerment: first of three connections to Reiki
  • Talk: earth ki and heavenly ki and the use of symbols to represent these energies
  • Practice session: Go through energy exercises to experience earth ki
  • ‘Second Degree’ empowerment: second of three connections to Reiki
  • Practice Session: Go through energy exercises to experience heavenly ki, and compare with earth ki
  • Talk: using these two energies in a treatment context
  • Practice session: using the two energies on each other
  • ‘Second Degree’ empowerment: third of three connections to Reiki
  • Talk: Oneness and Distant healing: various approaches explored
  • Practice: distant healing session


  • Talk: the use of intent to direct energy
  • Practice session: various methods of directing energy – using visualisation and intent – includes “many hands” and eye method
  • Talk: working intuitively using the Japanese approach called “Reiji ho”
  • Long Practice session: opening to intuition and allowing the energy guide your hands
  • Conclusion

Ongoing Support and Advice

Once you’ve been on your Second Degree course we want you to know that your teacher will be on hand to deal with any questions or queries that you might have, and Taggart and Lorraine will be on hand to help and support you in your practice of Reiki. We have tried to set up various ways that we can support you, and our students can support each other. This is what we offer at the moment:

  • Facebook Support/Discussion group for all our students. You can contact approx. 1,100 other Reiki people (January 2018 figures) who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.
  • Free distant Reiju empowerments each week anytime on a Monday. Every week you can ‘tune yourself in’ to a Reiju empowerment from Taggart, anytime on a Monday (and more than once if you like!). This will give your Reiki practice a real boost and echoes the way that Reiki was taught by Mikao Usui, with empowerments week-in week-out throughout your training. You can also access empowerments sent out by Reiki Evolution teachers on other days of the week.
  • Access to a network of regular Reiki shares (get-togethers) at various UK locations where you can meet other Reiki Evolution students, chat, receive Reiju empowerments and swap treatments
  • Free ongoing support and advice from your teacher.

reiki 2 courses support classes“The really nice surprise is the support offered after the course. I am happy that I can get in touch with Sue or yourself to clarify doubts/get guidance. I have got in touch with Sue since and she has been very helpful and informative. I find her open mindedness and non dogmatic approach very liberating and comforting. She makes me want to go forth with Reiki with confidence.”Diana Master, Surrey

“As far as improvement to any of the three courses I have undertaken with you for my personal learning style it has been faultless, and as with all new learning I feel the most important aspect is support with which you excel…”

Sandra Partridge, Leicestershire

“The manual, the audio CD, the live course and the support available to students after the live course – all are first class and I would strongly recommend your courses to anyone.”

Gill Belton, Leicestershire



