My Manifesto for Reiki Tolerance

reiki evolution rainbow tree


Honouring all the flavours of Reiki

The lovely thing about Reiki is that there are so many styles, so many different ways of working with the energy. Various people on the Internet have tried to compile lists of the different versions, and I think the total runs to a hundred or more.

Reiki seems to work as an effortless ‘carrier’, rather like a radio station and transmitter that you can play endless different songs through, but you need the underlying radio waves before the songs can be played.

Reiki is like those radio waves: a carrier that supports very many different ways of working.

What Reiki song do you sing?

Is it Karuna Reiki or Seichem, is it Reiki Tummo or Celtic Reiki or ‘Traditional Usui’ (in all its sub-flavours), is your song Jikiden or Raku Kei?

Or maybe it’s Rainbow Reiki or Lightarian Reiki, Violet Flame or Usui-do.

Some systems use a few different symbols, some use *loads* of symbols, some are structured, others are more ‘content free’; Reiki accommodates them all.

And it is true that some people will be attracted to a particular approach over another because everyone is different and one approach may feel more ‘right’ to one person than another.

I like to get back to the historical roots of things

To my eternal shame, I suppose, I am into folk music [there, I have said it: I like folk music!]. I play the five-string banjo.

But rather than playing Bluegrass music, which came into being in the 1950s, I prefer to play ‘clawhammer’ style banjo, which takes you back to the very beginnings of ‘Old Time’ music when the syncopated ‘slave style’ of playing blended with immigrants’ Irish and English tunes.

It feels right to me to play in a way that is authentic and ‘original’, so far as it is possible to recreate that style.

I also dabble with the ‘Anglo’ concertina and my preference is to get back to playing the ‘original’ English Anglo concertina style, so far as it is possible to glean what that was.

So it’s not surprising, then, that when I became involved in Reiki I was attracted to what was known about the form of Reiki that Usui Sensei was teaching in the 1920s in Japan, rather than the later styles that had developed and changed and mutated after the time of Mrs Takata.

Discovering Original Japanese Reiki

I was lucky enough to have been in the right place at the right time, and received a lot of guidance from people who brought me a lot closer to understanding what the original system was all about, and my “Reiki Evolution” courses are based on that principle: to practise Reiki, so far as it is possible or practical, in a way that comes close to what we know that Usui was teaching to most of his students.

And for me that’s the bee’s knees, a wonderful way to practise that, *for me*, is much more fulfilling than the more standard ‘Western-style’ Reiki that I was first taught.

And we have taught many other Reiki people from a standard Western background who have found that the original system that we teach has many advantages.

There is no ‘one true way’

But not everyone is attracted to that way of practising Reiki because everyone is different, of course, and what I want to make clear is that I do not believe that what I teach is the ‘one true way’, the Reiki that everyone should learn, better than everyone else’s.

How arrogant and blinkered that would be, if I was to say such a thing.

I meet many lovely and open Reiki practitioners and teachers, who are happy and content to be practising Reiki in their unique way, and to accept that others can practise Reiki in their different way, and that’s it’s ok to differ. These are the Reiki people that I want to spend my time with: those who are open and content with the path that they are following, and who do not feel the need to look down their nose and impose their flavour and their rules on everyone else.

The curse of blinkered dogma

Sadly, there are some Reiki teachers out there who do actually believe that their way of teaching Reiki is the ‘correct’ way, that there is a ‘correct’ way to use the symbols, for example, and that if someone has been taught in a different way then they’re wrong.

This is sad.

This is divisive.

There are even people who believe that an attunement needs to be carried out in a certain prescribed fashion in order to be ‘correct’, yet the attunements that Mrs Takata taught have evolved and changed endlessly in different lineages; some are almost unrecogniseable.

And do you know what? They all work fine.

So I think we should be wary of Reiki Masters, no matter how prominent they appear to be, who tell you that what you are doing is wrong or that you shouldn’t do a particular thing: we are all on our journey with the energy, and our journey is our journey, leading us to practise in *our* way, not better, not worse, just different.

My belief

I believe that we should celebrate these differences, and be happy that there is infinite variety.

I believe that Reiki people should be free to find their own comfortable path with the energy, working in the way that suits them, rather than having to kow tow to the dogma and blinkered beliefs of another.

Over to you

So there you have it: my ‘manifesto’ for tolerance, acceptance, and mutual respect within Reiki.

I hope you agree with me.


And if you do, why not post a message below. 🙂



Can I Do Hatsurei if I Can’t Visualise?

reiki self treatment meditations


Hatsurei ho is one of the basic energy exercises found in Japanese-style Reiki, an extension or elaboration of the original two exercises that Usui Sensei has his students perform at First Degree: Kenyoku and Joshin Kokkyu ho. Part of what you do when you practise Hatsurei ho is to draw energy to your Tanden, which is an energy centre found two fingerbreadths below your tummy button and 1/3rd of the way into your body; it is the centre of your personal energetic universe, the place where your creativity and intuition lie.

Someone contacted me recently wanting to know whether they would be able to do Hatsurei properly because “they couldn’t visualise”, so I thought I would talk about the whole issue of visualising and controlling or directing energy.

The answer is “yes” by the way: you can do Hatsurei ho effectively even though you can’t visualise.

We are visual beings

Firstly, and this is a complete aside, I wanted to say that humans are visual beings. During evolution, there has been a veritable ‘arms race’ between our different senses, battling it out to achieve supremacy, and the visual sense has won that war hands down! We are successful as a species because of our binocular, colour vision and our ability to be a pattern-matching supercomputer.

In fact, 50% of our brain’s immense processing power is dealing with visual information, so even if you are a person who believes that thay aren’t a visual person, or that can’t visualise, in the background your mind is spending half of its capability dealing with visual images! And in fact there are things that you can do to develop that awareness of your visual sense, and become more comfortable with visualising and accessing images internally, but that isn’t really a Reiki topic.

Another point is that visual memory is a bit grainy, rather like the photos that the first mobile phones with cameras used to take, and some people who say that they “aren’t visual” or “can’t visualise” just have too high expectations of their internal visions: they are expecting Panavision or Technicolor, whereas in reality our internal visual ability is decidedly low grade. You may be as ‘visual’ as anyone else, but just don’t think so!

Unfortunate choice of words

When you read instructions about working with Reiki, often they will involve following an exhortation to ‘imagine’ or ‘visualise’ that the energy is doing a particular thing or moving to a particular place. The majority of people can visualise well enough for most practical purposes so it makes sense to use those sort of words, and working visually is quick and easily achievable for most people.

But we do not need to use our visual sense, or imagine anything in our minds, to be able to control or direct the energy. Reiki is a very flexible and adaptible energy and will accommodate many ways of working.

Energy follows intent

The reason for this is that Reiki follows your intent, however you might choose to express or frame that intent. Where you focus your attention is where the energy directs itself, and how you want the energy to move will guide the energy to move in the manner you intend, no matter how that intention is expressed. Certainly if you can “see” the energy moving in a particular way or to a particular place, that will work well, but there are alternatives.

For example, you can:

  • Have in mind…
  • Know…
  • Be aware of…
  • Feel…
  • Experience…

… the energy, say, moving down through your crown, down the centre of your body, down to your Tanden.

All these words refer to a way of knowing or experiencing that do not require any visual images and will work just as well.

Move energy without seeing

Let’s try a simple experiment. I want you to become aware of your right hand. Feel energy flowing down your arm into your right hand and notice the energy build there. Now take your attention to your left hand: feel the energy travelling down your left arm into your left hand, where the energy builds in intensity.

You just controlled the movement of energy without visualising anything.

Try this: be aware of the energy flowing down through your body, like a free-flowing river, through your torso and down your right leg, and the energy concentrates itself in your right foot. Experience the energy there for a little while. Now notice how the energy pulls back, so that a strong bubble of energy now sits within your right knee. Experience the energy there for a while.

Again, you directed the flow of energy without visualising anything. What you did was to experience energy in one place and notice it moving; your “noticing” it moving caused it to move because the energy follows your focus and your attention.

Hatsurei ho without seeing

Now let’s try an exercise more directly related to Hatsurei ho:  focus your attention on your forehead/third eye, and notice whatever sensation that arises there: maybe some pressure or fizzing or tingling; you’ll probably like this sensation! Now, slowly move that feeling to the very crown of your head; this may take a little while and you’ll need to concentrate. Notice the sensation moving as the energy traces a path to your crown. Let the energy fizz on your crown for a short while. I had you do this so you can see what fine control you can have over the movement and location of the energy.

Anyway: back to Hatsurei ho: now notice that the sensation starts to move vertically downwards, from your crown, down through the centre of your body. Don’t worry if you can’t feel it every single step of the way because you can reconnect with it as it descends. And be aware as the energy reaches and builds in your Tanden. This is a small part of the Joshin Kokkyu ho stage, where you draw energy from the universe, down through your crown to your Tanden, then having the energy spread through your body and then flood out to infinity. All these stages are accessible to you whether or not you can specifically “visualise” something.

Remember, you can:

  • Have in mind…
  • Know…
  • Be aware of…
  • Feel…
  • Experience…

… that the energy moves in a particular way or rests in a particular place.

The energy is accommodating

Reiki is a very accommodating energy. It is happy to flow as it wishes, drawn to areas of need, and it will also follow your focus, however your focus might be achieved. It will follow your intention, moving, behaving, framing itself, in whatever way you intend, however that intention is expressed.

So you don’t have to worry about “not being able to visualise” because Reiki doesn’t need you to.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

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Do You Have to Believe in Reiki for it to Work?


An issue that has come up a few times is whether you need to believe in Reiki for it work for you: whether you need to have ‘faith’ before you’ll experienc positive changes through either learning Reiki or having a series of Reiki treatments.

In this blog I’d just like to explore this issue a little.

Reiki is not faith healing

The word faith is often used to describe a person’s belief in a particular religion, where an adherent has faith in a deity or deities. So the first thing to say is that Reiki is not allied to any religion at all and so does not require a practitioner to take on board any sort of religious beliefs or accept the existence, or pledge allegiance to, any deity or deities. Reiki is religion-free and so should be acceptable to people of all, or no, religious persuasions.

Having said that, there are people out there who believe that even innocuous things like foot massage are the work of the devil, and obviously for such people something like Reiki will definitely be verboten, but it is true to say that for most followers of a religion, Reiki should be ok. I have chatted with a Roman Catholic priest and a Muslim who practise Reiki, for example.

The sceptical partner

So having established that Reiki doe snot require any sort of *religious* faith… what about having faith, or a strong belief, that Reiki as a practice is effective? Do you need to hold that belief before Reiki will do anything good for you?


And a good example of this is the endless stream of sceptical, hostile or amused partners of new Reiki practitioners, who I hear about regularly from students who follow my Reiki home study courses. These are people who are indifferent to Reiki, or who think it is one big joke or a load of nonsense, but who are prepared to be volunteers for their ‘deluded’ partners to practise on, just to humour them. I find that such people are often the best people for a new Reiki person to practise on because they will often be amazed by the effects that they are experiencing, and some of them will even be honest enough to admit that they were wrong and that there is actually something to this Reiki thing!

Not all sceptical Reiki volunteers will admit this, of course, but you can tell in other ways: they may comment that their painful shoulder has stopped hurting, though they would definitely not attribute this effect to the Reiki treatment they had the day before, or they might stop limping from the sports injury that was affecting them, or they might to start sleeping more soundly, even though nothing else has changed in their life.

And the most telling response amongs those sceptics is for them to ask if they can have some more Reiki treatments! This happens a lot.

So in these cases, the recipient has no belief in Reiki as a therapeutic method. They are expecting to feel nothing and to have nothing beneficial happen to them. And yet it does. Reiki’s positive effects in their lives did not depend on their belief in Reiki.

The sceptical client

The same sort of thing could be said about sceptical Reiki clients too. There is a difference, though: for someone to be sceptical and still attend for a Reiki treatment they must be sufficiently open-minded to acknowledge that there might be *some* possibility of Reiki doing something helpful for them, otherwise they would not turn up for and pay for a session!

But still, open-minded scepticism does not qualify as a strong belief in Reiki. And when such people receive benefits from their treatment, and book further sessions with you, while they will have a growing belief in the power and effectiveness of Reiki, that won’t have been present initially. Initially they will not have had a positive belief in Reiki, and it was at that time that they received the benefits that led to such a belief developing. They benefited despite their lack of belief.

Blocking the energy

So, is it possible to actually ‘block’ the energy? Could you be a person who didn’t believe that Reiki worked, that didn’t like Reiki, didn’t want anything to do with Reiki, and then they received a Reiki treatment. What would happen? I suppose the first thing to wonder about would be, “why would such a person even submit to a Reiki treatment?” but perhaps they might come to you under duress, having been pressed by a partner or family member to try it, even thought they didn’t want to, and they attend just to keep their partner from going on about it any more.

Or maybe they turn up for a session to actually ‘prove’ that Reiki is nonsense and does not work, rather like when a smoker – who is happy to smoke and does not want to quit – visits a hypnotherapist to prove that hypnotherapy won’t work for them, so they can show their family that they have tried everything but, sadly, nothing works (so they can carry on smoking, which is just what they wanted!).

I think that such a person, antagonistic and not wanting to receive Reiki or its benefits, could certainly ‘block’ the energy: hardly anything would happen in the session and they wouldn’t notice anything beneficial happening afterwards. The recipient always has to accept the energy in some way, on some level, even if this happens subconsciously.

If they really don’t want it, they won’t get it.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

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Book: 370 pages.

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Photo credit: J D Fisher ARPS


Why Don’t I Feel So Much When I Self-Treat?

reiki for stress relief


Something that a few Reiki people have mentioned to me is that they never seem to feel too much happening when they are self-treating, certainly not compared to the stronger sensations that they might experience when treating other people. They might feel something happening in their hands when they use a hands-on self-treatment method, but it’s all a bit gentle and unremarkable. So what is going on here? Are Reiki self-treatments weak and ineffective, a thin and weedy version of the powerhouse of treating someone else, or is there something else happening here?

Here’s my take on this…

You self-treat a lot

So, you go on a Reiki course and what do you do? You self-treat. Maybe you “do your 21 days” (though if you take my advice about self-treating, you’ll just self-treat endlessly forever!) so you’re working with the energy a lot. You’ve been attuned or empowered and you may experience your “Reiki cold” or some sort of a healing crisis as a result of that, and when you treat other people, you’ll also receive a benefit from the energy that you’re channelling, or the ‘healing space’ that you are creating, as you merge with the energy and the recipient and find that empty, mindful space.

If you tune into my weekly distant Reiju empowerment you’ll also experience a repeated putting-you-back-to-factory-settings, taking you back to that simpler, still state, which you were in before life messed you up!

So you’re receiving the benefits of the energy a lot, in different ways, so when you self-treat regularly, a lot of the work has already been done, and is being done as you go along, with little adjustments here and there, little tweaks, small releases of things. That doesn’t sound like it’s going to give you a big bells-and-whistles experience, does it?

That’s not to say that Reiki can’t reach deep down, working on deep-seated stuff, which may at some stage come to the surface and give you a surprising clear-out further down the line, but from day to day, how much intense energy work really needs to be done? It doesn’t, so your self-treatments feel suitably mild. That’s all they need to be. We should remember that Reiki will give you what you need on that occasion, and since the last time you self-treated, which may have been only a day or so ago, you may not need very much!

Recirculating and balancing

And when you self-treat, of course you are already ‘connected’ to Reiki. The energy is flowing through you, and this is very apparent for most people who you treat other people: you can feel the energy flowing from you into the other person. But when you treat yourself, the energy comes into you, is in you, and then is directed… into you.

It’s already there!

So self-treatments, unless you have a big, great need for energy to rush in and clear things, is just recirculating itself to a large extent, just re-balancing, changing the emphasis: moving from one part of you to another part of you. Rather like pressing the ‘recirculate the air’ button in your car, you’re largely taking what’s there and redistributing it, rather than receiving shedloads of energy from elsewhere. And what do your hands feel… well they will probably tell you *something* as the energy redistributes itself and tweaks things, but it probably won’t feel earth-shattering!

The great divide

Let’s compare this with the situation where someone comes to you for a Reiki treatment. Perhaps they have never been to see a Reiki practitioner before. There will probably be quite a lot that needs resolving. The energy is going to rush in and start working on that. You will feel this happening as a big flow of energy in your hands, if you’re reasonably sensitive to the flow of energy.

You may well see them again a week later or a fortnight later. They haven’t been receiving Reiki treatments every day, with the energy tweaking and adjusting things: they received Reiki once and it did what it could on that occasion. Now you see them again and there will still be a fair amount that needs adjusting. Again you’ll feel this happening as the energy flows quite strongly.

And instead of your familiar energy being mostly recirculated within you, as happens when you self-treat, when you treat someone else your personal ‘universe of energy’ comes into contact with the recipient’s quite separate galaxy of energy and, as you create that healing space, as you merge with the energy and the recipient, neutral and empty, it’s rather like two galaxies coming into contact and alignment: you’re going to notice that happening!

And what would happen if you keep on treating this person: will their tenth Reiki session be as powerful as their first? It’s unlikely, isn;’t it? Later sessions are more likely to be gentle, just mild adjustments or tweaking, because all the heavy work was achieved earlier on.

And what if you had treated them every day… do you really think you’d notice quite powerful Reiki sensations after treating them for 30 consecutive days? Of course not. And that’s just what is happening when you self-treat: the heavy work is achieve earlier in your journey with Reiki, and later on it’s more a case of gentle tweaking.

And that’s why self-treatments can often feel quite mild when compared to what you might experience when treating others.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Talking to Clients about “Strong Reactions”


Reiki affects people in different ways, doesn’t it? Whether you are learning Reiki for the first time, or whether you’re receiving Reiki through a course of treatments, there will usually be things that you experience as a result of that Reiki. For some people it will just be a wonderful experience: they will feel calm, content and serene, chilled out, their mood will lift, they will feel free, cleansed, their skin will be clear, they will sleep well and they will be full of energy; they will be really enthusiastic about returning for another dose!

But it’s not always like that. Sometimes Reiki can bring things to the surface, things that need to be acknowledged and released, and this can lead to everything from aches and pains, to a “Reiki cold”, to emotional ups and downs, a frantically busy mind, temporary sleep disruption, a general dissatisfaction with everyone and everything, tiredness and lassitude. It’s temporary and necessary but it’s not fun.

So if we are treating someone, what should we say to people about all this?

Placebos and nocebos

The mind is a very powerful thing. If you have a strong belief about something, that can become your reality. If you believe that a dummy ‘sugar pill’ is going to wake you up, or put you to sleep, it most likely will.

In fact they did an experiment where they took a group of students and either gave them tranquilisers or amphetamines (‘speed’). But they told the students on transquilisers that they were on speed and they told the students on speed that they had been given tranquilisers.

What happened? The tranquilised students were bouncing off the walls, while the cranked-up-to-100mph students were lolling about the place, barely able to keep their eyes open. Their belief about the effects they were going to experience completely trumped the biochemical effects of the drugs that were taking.

So whether you believe a particular treatment is going to produce positive effects for you or produce negative effects, the subconscious mind will try and conjure that up for you. The positive effect is called a ‘placebo’ whereas the negative effect is called a ‘nocebo’.

If you think that a medicine is going to give you terrible side-effects, and you’ve read the accompanying leaflet which lists all the conceivable side-effects that the drug might cause, then you’re more likely to experience those side-effects than if you were blissfully unaware. If your culture tells you that a witch-doctor pointing a bone at you is going to kill you, if that happens then you’re not going to feel too well.

So what do we do with clients?

We don’t want to frighten them into having every possible ‘negative’ reaction to a Reiki treatment, but equally we don’t want to leave them blissfully unaware of the possibility because if they do have a strong reaction, we do want them to know that such a thing may be related to their Reiki treatment and that they shouldn’t worry, or think that the treatment went wrong or was done badly.

We need to be honest

For me the solution would be to be honest with the client and to explain what positve or more challenging effects the treatment might lead to.

But don’t just give them a warning about any negative consequences that they might want to be “on the look out for” because that is not a balanced description and you’re setting them up to be almost waiting for the bad things to happen.

Spend at least as much time, if not more, though, describing the positive experiences that most people tend to have: the “Reiki effect”… the things that most people seem to notice when they receive Reiki. Talk about being calm, content and serene, feeling more positive and better able to cope with stressful situations and people; talk about rest and sleep, energy and state of mind.

That way, you can leave them feeling positive about what is likely to happen, and perhaps you’re introducing a bit of a placebo effect yourself, which can only be a good thing. But you’re also letting them know that if they do notice some more challenging effects, this is perfectly normal and should in fact be viewed in a positive light: Reiki is shifting something, you’re releasing something, it’s passing through and you will end up in a better state as a result of that.

So, be honest with your clients but emphasise the positive, and they’ll leave expecting to experience some of the positive effects you’ve mentioned, but with enough knowledge to understand and feel ok about any more challenging temporary blips that may come to the surface in between sessions with you.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

Or Download a PDF version now for only £12.49


Photo credit: Varvara


How Can Reiki Symbols Unlock Such Power?


The other day a Reiki person mentioned to me that when people use symbols in Reiki, it just seems ridiculous that they can unlock all this power, and she was a bit embarrassed by it all. It seemed to her to be a bit like “Open Sesame!” or “abracadabra”: just foolish and ridiculous that flailing your fingers in the air could create all this cosmic power.

And it does seem strange, doesn’t it? A bit like wizards and incantations and ancient, mysterious, closely-guarded, power-imbued sigils that initiates can use to control and direct natural forces, in our case for good.

So, how can symbols unlock such power?

They can’t.

Attunements don’t attune

The word “attunement” is a very unfortunate one to use to describe the initiations that Reiki people go through in order to practise Reiki. The word “attune” suggests that you are being attuned to something and, since symbols are involved in most attunement rituals, it is also natural to assume that you are attuned to those symbols and that it is the process of being attuned to a symbol that allows you to do the Reiki thing.

And for a long time in the world of Reiki, where the only way that you could be initiated was by going through an attunement, and basically all attunement rituals involved the use of symbols, it made perfect sense to believe these things.

But here’s the thing: Mikao Usui didn’t attune anyone to anything. No rituals, no putting a symbol in your aura or your head or your palms, or any of that paraphernalia, and most of his students never even got to see a symbol. And while he would have his students practise initiating others using a ritual, no symbols entered into that process either.

[Go here for more Reiki symbol heresies]


Now, you could take the view of one of the UK’s Reiki associations, where their view of Reiki is so narrow that they believe, in effect, that none of Mikao Usui’s students were properly initiated by him and so wouldn’t qualify for membership of their organisation. I don’t think we need to entertain such silliness.

So, where did ‘attunements’ and the use of symbols within them come from?

Enter the Imperial Officers

By the time that Usui Sensei died, the Imperial Officers – Dr Hayashi and his associates – hadn’t trained with him for long enough to have achieved the sort of level of development where they could have initiated people using intent only.

They had already been taught a variant of Usui’s system that used symbols (because they had approached Usui wanting to be taught a hands-on healing system to use in the Japanese military, whereas Usui was teaching a spiritual/self-development system to the other students) and after Usui’s death they created an initiation ritual that gave them the same sort of energetic experience that they noticed when they were ’empowered’ by Usui.

That constructed ritual used the symbols that they had been taught by Usui, symbols that represented earth ki, heavenly ki and a state of oneness. So Reiki attunements started with, and were invented by, the Imperial Officers.

That ritual passed via Dr Hayashi (who may have altered it) to Mrs Takata, she passed it on to her students, and then the ritual has mutated and altered endlessly as it has been passed from one teacher to another in different lineages, with bits added, bits taken away and parts embellished or simplified. I have seen no mention of Mrs Takata talking about a person having to be ‘attuned’ to a symbol as part of the initiation, nor that one needed to have been attuned to a symbol for it to work for you.

But in any case, from Japan about 20 years ago came details of a ritual that Usui had his trainee Masters use to initiate people into the system. It’s called Reiju, it doesn’t use any symbols, and when that ritual has been used then the recipient can use the Reiki symbols – or any other symbol – to direct and focus the energy.

“Attuning” someone to a symbol is not a necessary step in initiating them into Reiki and does not have to be done to enable a Reiki person to use the Reiki symbols.

So, where does the power of the symbols come from?

It’s all about focus

I don’t know whether you have ever tried this exercise, but if you were to sit at the head of a treatment table and rest your hands on either side of a client’s head, obviously they would most likely feel something happening: usually a sense of heat from your hands, passing into their cheeks or temple. But if you imagine that you have additional pairs of hands cupping behind the person’s head and hovering over the front of their face/forehead, the recipient will usually experience a very different sensation, where the heat increases and envelops their whole head.

If instead you had imagined the extra hands holding onto that person’s ankle, say, then they are likely to experience heat or pressure or some sort of sensation in their foot or lower leg.

What’s going on here?

Well, you are focusing your attention in a particular way and the energy is following your focus and focusing itself where your attention is directed. Where thought goes, energy flows. A gentle but definite, undistracted and mindful focus = increased energy flow.

What’s that got to do with symbols? Well…

Symbols frame your focus

The Reiki symbols are a graphical representation of one aspect of the energy. They provide a visual stimulus that you focus on and which allow you to rest your attention on that aspect of the energy, for example earth ki or heavenly ki.

And just like when you rest your attention on someone’s ankle, and the energy flowed there strongly, when you focus on a symbol you are narrowing the focus of the energy, a bit like focusing a magnifying glass, and things get intense.

If you visit my resources page about Reiki symbols – Focus on the Reiki symbols – you can read more blogs about these issues and discover how any symbol can focus the energy strongly; you can even find out how to create your own, bespoke symbols, to use on yourself and your clients

And if you visit my “Energopsychograms” pages, you can practise experiencing energies derived from abstract drawings too.

You can focus in different ways

Once you are connected to the energy, and now we know how to do that without you having to be “attuned” to a symbol (whatever that means!), there are a whole range of different methods you can use to focus on various aspects of the energy.

Above we spoke about using symbols, bespoke/intuited symbols and other visual images. You can experience the energies of other Reiki systems that use different symbols, without you having to be ‘attuned’ to those symbols. So, for example, my Five Element Reiki system uses five symbols to represent the energies of earth, metal, water, wood and fire.

No-one needs to be attuned to these symbols to use them: you just need to be ‘connected’ to Reiki, and away you go.

In the original system that Usui Sensei taught, most of his students did not see or use symbols. Many were given kotodama – Shinto mantras – to experience different aspects of the energy. They were not “attuned” to these sounds: they just used them as an aid to focus.

The sounds represent different aspects of the energy, you use them, and you elicit a particular energy.

It’s the same with symbols. They represent an aspect of the energy. You focus your attention on them. You elicit that energy.

It’s that simple.

So I agree with the lady who thought it seemed quite nonsensical to imagine that waving your hands about in the air gave you a key to unleash powerful energetic forces. That is ridiculous. When we practise Reiki it’s not about “Open Sesame!” or “acracadabra”. It’s not about learning special, sacred, secret symbols that turn you into some New Age version of Dr Strange from Marvel Comics. We are initiated into a simple and powerful energy healing system that anyone can do, which is based on carrying out meditations and simple energy exercises, it has a long history in Japanese esoteric practices and the symbols are just a useful tool that we can use to aid focus.

Symbols do not bestow mighty cosmic power on us; to think otherwise is fantasy.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Picture credit: Miriam Espacio



What Does It All Mean?


When we treat someone, and when we receive a Reiki treatment, for that matter, we are going to notice different things. There will be physical sensations, maybe images or colours, there may be emotions or states of mind that arise while we treat or receive a treatment.

And it’s natural to wonder what all these sensations mean. Why do I have that sensation? Why am I seeing that colour? What does this change in sensation mean? Should I be worried about that feeling I’m getting?

If only there was some guidebook that I could go to, look down a list, and find out what it all means.

Well, Reiki doesn’t really work that way, but I hope below to say some things that will be helpful and reassuring to you.

Clients asking questions

It is quite commonplace for Reiki clients to ask you at the end of a session, “what did you pick up?”. We are used to going to see a therapist or some sort of a specialist and to be told what’s wrong with us, to have a ‘label’ given to us that describes in some way the things that we are experiencing. You go to see your doctor and they tell you that everything’s fine – nothing to worry about – or they tell you that you have a problem called “x” and that it will go away on its own, or that you have problem “y” and here’s what we can do to treat that.

So it’s not surprising that clients expect in some way a similar sort of response: you have treated me, you’ve worked on my energy system, so what’s wrong with me?

But we are not doctors. We do not have medical training. We have no ability nor right to diagnose anything nor to recommend any sort of medical treatment or warn against any sort of medical treatment. We just work with energy: we merge with the client, we become neutral and empty, we ‘get out of the way’ and the energy flows. And as the energy flows, the client may have a particular sensation and we may have a particular sensation.

Those sensations are not diagnostic tools and should not be used as such.

All we can comment on, really, is that we noticed “a lot of energy” going into a particular part of the body. That may make perfect sense to our client, or it may be a bit of a mystery, and the client should not start to think that because there is a lot of energy going to a particular place, that there is some sort of medical probelm there.

More about that later.

Sometimes it can be fairly clear: they have a frozen shoulder or arthritic knee and we notice that there’s lots of energy going into the shoulder, or the client notices that their knee starts to ache during the treatment (and should improve subsequently). On other occasions it can be a mystery.

[See also: Talking to clients about strong reactions for further advice]

Reiki works at different levels

There is a reason why the flow of energy with a particular client can seem to be a bit of a mystery, and that is because Reiki works on different levels. Reiki may be dealing with a physical condition, or it may be supporting healing and repair, or a normal physical process (like digestion, say!), or it may be dealing with a state of mind or an emotion.

It may be dealing with something that is ‘on the brew’ and has not yet manifested as a physical problem or a future unhelpful emotion or state of mind… or it may be dealing with a ‘historical’ thing: a problem – on some level – that is in the past but where there is still a trace or an echo of that problem that needs to be resolved or smoothed over.

You don’t know.

And while you may be sensitive enough to the flow of energy to have a sense of whether the energy is resonating at a ‘phyical’ frequency or one that relates more to thoughts and emotions, you do not know specifically what is being dealth with, and you don’t need to know.

Chakras and Elements

Another way of looking at things is to consider the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where thoughts and emotions are regarded as being held in different body organs. So the Liver is not just a physical organ but the home of anger (the emotion), and planning & decision-making (the mental state).

Energy going into the liver area does not mean that the client has cirrhosis necessarily, it could be because they are a particularly angry person, or maybe they are sitting on their anger, unable to express it, or perhaps the energy is dealing with echoes of the past, or something that has yet to – and may never – manifest itself, in relation to those mental and emotional states.

The chakra system is another way that we can view the human energy system, with each chakra having correspondences on different levels, so energy going into the area of the root chakra doesn’t have to mean that they recently landed on their coccyx!; it may relate to other aspects of human experience.

[See also: Reiki chakra meditation for you to follow]

Seeing colours

Seeing colours is something that will often happen when you give a Reiki treatment, or are on the receiving end of the energy. We can accept them as a lovely, interesting side-effect of the flow of energy, and the most common colours that people see would be white, lilac, violet, though random rainbow light-shows are possible, as well as just one or two colours predominating during a session.

What are we to make of this?

Well, if you insist on trying to puzzle out what is happening, you could think about the colour associations of the chakra system, where each colour relates to a particular colour, and you could assume that seeing a particular colour means that the energy might be focusing itself on that related chakra, and the colour you are seeing is an echo of that… but the Five Element system in TCM also includes associated colours.

What are we to think?

We don’t need to know

The bottom line is this: if you could work out that the energy flowing through your hands into a particular part of someone’s body *meant* a particular thing, whether that was a physical condition, or an emotion etc, how exactly would that change what you do?

It wouldn’t, would it?

You are not allowed to diagnose anything, or prescribe anything or offer medical advice, and Reiki isn’t a diagnostic practice anyway; you would still follow the flow of energy, spend as long in a particular hand positions as the energy wanted to spend, you would still work intuitively and allow the energy to guide your hands to the right places to treat for that person on that occasion.

Knowledge about “what does this mean?” would make no difference at all to what you did because Reiki does not function in terms of (1) diagnosing something, and then (2) doing something specific and different based on that diagnosis.

We stand aside and allow the energy to flow, no matter what that energy might be dealing with, and that keeps things nice and simple.

[For more about keeping things simple, visit Declutter your Treatment Rituals]


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Liberate Your Reiki!

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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Photo credit: anton petukhov



Experiencing Disturbing Things


I think that most Reiki people will know about the main sensations or experiences that you can have when treating someone. If we were going to describe the ‘standard’ sensations then we’d be talking about heat in your hands, or fizzing, tingling and buzzing, maybe pulsing or throbbing, heaviness, a ‘magnetic’ sensation… or perhaps coolness, or a feeling of ‘insects’ crawling over your skin, or perhaps pinpricks.

And in terms of colours, we’d be experiencing bright lights, usually white, lilac and violet, or rainbow light-shows, or a particular colour predominating for a while or for the whole treatment.

But those are not the only experiences we can have, and what I wanted to talk about today are perhaps the more ‘extreme’ or unusual or surprising experinecs that you might come across. These don’t happen very often, and perhaps won’t all happen to everyone, but they are frequent enough to be noteworthy.

Feeling queasy

It’s not unusual for a Reiki person to feel queasy sometimes when treating a person. This usually happens in two different situations, and the explanation for both situations is the same.

You can feel queasy when you’re new to Reiki and you’re treating someone for the first time, or the first few times; maybe it’s happening on the day of your First Degree course. What is happening here is that the recipient is drawing a lot of energy through you, you aren’t used to things like this happening yet – after all, you’ve only just been initiated – and it’s all rather ‘taking your breath away’. You’re not used to all this energy rushing through you and it’s making you feel queasy.

Don’t worry: this is not going to be your routine experience of working with Reiki! It is a one-off, or certainly one of a small number of one-offs! With a bit of practice, once you are more used to channelling the energy, doing your Hatsurei ho and self-treating, you will become accustomed to strong energy movement within you and it will all be old-hat, unremarkable and something that you can deal with effortlessly.

The other situation where you might experience some queasiness later on in your Reiki journey is when you are treating someone’s heart and solar plexus, say, and the person is experiencing quite an emotional shift, or is having an emotional ‘release’, or certainly the energy is facilitating some powerful and positive changes on the emotional level. As this happens, and you are the conduit through which all this is happening, your body can experience some queasiness, again because of the strength of the energy that is coming through.

If such a thing occurs, just move your hands away from that position to a different part of their body for a while and return to the heart/solar plexus (or wherever your hands were when you felt queasy) and you may find that the sensation has now gone. Or you might have to work on that area in small doses: moving there, moving away and so on, until the flow of energy dissipates, as it usually does.

[See also: Talking to clients about strong reactions for further insights]

Expiring through heat

You may find, very occasionally, that when you treat someone you feel like you are going to expire from heat exhaustion! You feel boiling hot and you may even start to sweat, visibly, maybe even really profusely. This is not such a common occurrence as queasiness but it has the same cause: a situation where the recipient is drawing huge, really *huge* amounts of energy and you’re not quite equipped to accommodate this comfortably just yet.

And just like the example of queasiness, as you contnue to work with the energy regularly you will develop your ability to accommodate such big flows of energy comfortably. The occasional person may still quite take your breath away, though, and you may wish to move your hands to a less intense area for a while, just to let things settle down, before perhaps returning to that intense spot.

A sense of Ickyness

Less common, still, would be the situation where you start to treat someone and you begin to experience perhaps an overwhelming sense of disgust and revulsion, that their energy just seems so revolting, unpleasant, icky.

We don’t analyse or try to rationalise our experiences: we just accept what occurs as a necessary part of channelling the energy, but I need to remind you that Reiki is *protective*. Reiki is a protective energy. Reiki practitioners do not ‘pick up’ things from the people they’re working on and the energy seems to create a ‘healing space’ that the recipient uses to bring things more into a state of balance, as far as that is possible for them at that time.

Remember that there are many complementary therapists, often hands-on therapists, who learn Reiki specifically because of its protective effects. So it may be rather unpleasant to be treating someone whose energy just seems awful, but you are allowing Reiki do do something beneficial for that person, and you are safe. Of course it is then up to you whether you see that client for another treatment or not; you may decide that they would be better served by choosing a different therapy or therapist.

[See also: Reiki is not all fluffy bunnies for further insights]

“Picking things up”

While it is true that Reiki is a protective force, some practitioners do seem to find that during a treatment they seem to experience some of the physical symptoms or emotional or mental states of the person that they are working on, and it is natural to be concerned that you are ‘picking up’ the client’s problems.

But that is not what is happening here. The practitioner’s body is just ‘resonating’ with the energy of the client, temporarily: the practitioner is echoing in an intuitive way, not adopting, the clients problems. So this is really an example of a sort of ‘body intuition’, not where you have your hands drift with the energy to the right places to treat, as is the usual way that intuition comes through for Reiki people, but in terms of a deep knowing about the experience of the recipient.

And this is temporary. It’s a temporary echo. It will dissipate as you do a little “I’m disconnecting” ritual and later take your attention away from the client.


So, there you have four more unusual experiences when treating someone. You may not experience any of these things or you may experience all of them at some stage. Just be reassured that everything is fine and you can take them in your stride.


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Liberate Your Reiki!

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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

Or Download a PDF version now for only £12.49


Photo credit: Camera Eye Photography



When Nobody Feels Anything

reiji ho reiki intuitive technique learn

When you start learning Reiki, the first thing you do is to practise on a few people, probably a couple of family members or some friends. And while they can often give you interesting and useful feedback, feedback that helps to build your confidence that this Reiki “thing” really is doing something, because they can feel it and notice the effects, this doesn’t always happen: sometimes you can practise on some people who don’t seem to notice anything happening when you treat them, and this is of course quite disheartening.

You might feel a raging furnace going on on your hands as you treat them but they just shrug and say, “no, didn’t feel anything really, just a bit relaxed, or “a bit or warmth from your hands but that’s just what you’d expect from anyone”.

So what’s going on here? Why can’t they feel anything? Why isn’t Reiki working for them… or is it?

Rejecting any Reiki sensations

It is true to say that there are some grumpy partners of newly-fledged Reiki people who think Reiki is nonsense and do not want to admit that they are feeling anything, even if they are. I am sad to say that these people are often men.

If they have a belief that Reiki is rubbish then it would create too much congnitive dissonance to admit that they were experiencing something that goes counter to their belief, so any sensations or experiences are given a ‘rational’ explanation that excludes the possibility of Reiki being a real thing.

Sometimes this can happen subconsciously, where the recipient just ‘discounts’ or rationalises their experience as having nothing to do with Reiki, and sometimes people just won’t admit that they felt something special or surprising.

But one of the most encouraging or belief-inducing things for beginners is when a cynical partner is amazed by the feelings that they experience, and stunned by the fact that their back pain, or sore knee, or headache has just melted away, and then that person starts to ask for regular Reiki treatments. There is no better convincer for a new Reiki person than a cynic who just cannot explain the clear benefits they are experiencing! Or when the powerful sensations they noticed just can’t be explained away.

Because sometimes, say when your hands are hovering over someone’s forehead or the front of their face, they can feel heat so intense that it seems like there has been an electric bar heater installed just inches away from their face, and they grab hold of your hands to feel the heat and find that your hands are quite cool, actually, so there is intense ‘heat’ coming from hands that are cool. That can’t be explained away!

Or when you feel that there is loads of heat flowing through your hands into, say, someone’s left shoulder, and they had hurt that shoulder playing sports but had not mentioned that to you, so there was no way you would have known about it!

Such things are greatly reassuring, but don’t always happen.

[See also: Reiki sensations when you attune or treat people for further insights]

The luck of the draw

Grumpy Reiki-sceptical partners aside, it is true that people vary in their sensitivity to the flow of Reiki. This applies to Reiki practitioners, too, and in my blog I can’t feel anything happening I talk about this in more detail.

So (1) Most people will feel something happening when they are treated, with your experience as a practitioner generally tying in with what they experienced (you feel a lot of energy in one area and they felt a lot of heat when you were treating that place, for example), (2) Some people will be just ridiculously sensitive to the energy (and maybe are far more sensitive than you ever will be as a practitioner!), and (3) Some people will feel nothing at all.

Now, we need to detach someone’s experience of the energy from the issue of whether the Reiki treatment has ‘worked’, because a person’s experience of a treatment in terms of visual images (usually coloured lights) or physical sensations is not a reliable guide as to how effective or powerful the treatment was.

It’s nice when people have a powerful experience when they are treated, it reassures tham that something was definitely going on, but “bells and whistles” on their part does not mean that they received a better treatment than someone who just felt a bit relaxed.

It’s a natural response to think that a “bells and whistles” treatment was more effective than the “I just felt a bit relaxed, thanks” treatment, but Reiki doesn’t work by those rules.

So, some people don’t really feel anything. And if you only treat one person, and that person is one of those people, you won’t get any positive feedback, and you’ll feel disheartened.

What can be done about that?

How to increase your chances

The solution is to treat lots of people. Get your hands on friends, family and acquaintances. Grab hold of complete strangers! (I don’t mean that). Do short blasts on someone’s painful back, or achey shoulder, or headache. Treat someone for 10 minutes in a lunchbreak. Do head and shoulder treatments, and some full treatments when the opportunity arises.

Because the more people you treat, the more you are stacking your cards in your favour: the more people you treat, the more likely you are to find people who are sitting in the middle of the ‘Bell curve’: the ones who feel things happening when they are treated and can give you useful, interesting and encouraging feedback.

It’s a numbers game.

Treat one person and they may not feel anything: you pulled the short straw. Treat 10 or 20 and you will have treated loads of people who can feel something happening.

[For more info about the meaning of the different sensations you might experience, go here: What does it all mean?]

Most people get a benefit from Reiki

Let’s get back to those people who receive a Reiki treatment and don’t really feel anything happening.

That may just be the way they are, but it could be that this is just a one-off thing and on another occasion they may well notice some more things happening during their treatment. Or you might find that their sensitivity to the energy develops over a course of treatments, because that’s similar to what happens to Reiki people too, isn’t it?… while most people can feel something happening as the energy flows, they also find that with repeated exposure to the energy, they become better able to sense it.

And we need to always remind ourselves that the “bells and whistles” treatment wasn’t a better treatment than the apparently nondescript one.

A treatment where the recipient did not feel anything happening at all can produce as powerul a response in terms of improving a physical condition, easing stress and tension long-term, elevating mood or shifting an emotional block or mental challenge… as can the apparently more powerful session.

Reiki can suprise you, and no more so than when the treatment ‘that didn’t work’ makes a profound difference to the life of the person you shared Reiki with.


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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I Can’t Feel Anything Happening


It’s just not working for me

When you go on a Reiki course and start to practise Reiki, you have a lot of expectations. There are all these sensations that you’ve heard about, that other people, or some other people, experience, and you’re not sure whether you’re feeling them, or notiicing them, or noticing them enough or often enough or strongly enough.

You can doubt yourself and think that although, yes, I know that “Reiki works for everyone”… maybe it actually isn’t working for me.

What should I be feeling?

Is what I’m feeling the right thing?

Am I doing something wrong, and if I was doing it properly I’d feel more?

All these thoughts can whirl round our heads in the early stages. So what I’d like to talk about in this blog are the sort of sensations that people might experience when using Reiki and how people can end up disregarding the Reiki sensations that they actually are feeling, and I’d also like to touch on situations where people can’t really feel much, or anything, happening as the energy flows, what you can do about that and whether you can become more sensitive over time.

Glossing over your Reiki sensations

We’ve all read about the sort of things that people tend to notice when they use Reiki, whether they are self-treating or working on other people. The way people experience the energy is either in terms of some sort of a physical sensation or some sort of image. So we might experience any of the following physical things:

  • Heat
  • Buzzing
  • Throbbing
  • Fizzing
  • Tingling
  • Prickling
  • Pulsing
  • A magnetic sensation
  • Pressure
  • Heaviness/density
  • A temperature change

In terms of images, we might notice a particular colour – often white, lilac or violet – or some sort of a random, rainbow lightshow, or flashing lights, or a couple, or three, colours, or we might become aware of  a particular image that appears in our mind’s eye.

And because there’sa natural tendency to worry about stuff and think we’re not doing it right, we tend to focus not so much on the sensations that we are experiencing, but the sensations that we are *not* experiencing. So let’s think of three imaginary, anxious, Reiki people. Let’s call them “David”, “Frances” and “Helena”.

David is seeing coloured lights as he meditates or self-treats or treats other people and he is worried because he can’t really feel any heat in his hands.

Frances is feeling heat and tingling in her hands as the energy flows but she’s worried because she can’t see any colours at all.

Helena is feeling a variety of things but she is worried because she doesn’t know which sensations are the ‘right’ ones that she should be experiencing and she’s worried whether she’s just imagining it, or making things up, that she is fooling herself.

Am I just making it up?


You’re not.

There are Reiki people out there who don’t see colours as the energy flows. They really wish that they could. If we were just fooling ourselves then all the people who were desperate to see some colors would just see “made up” colours. There are Reiki people out there who don’t have too many physical sensations as the energy flows: if these people could just ‘make it up’, they would feel more, so they wouldn’t need to worry. But they can’t.

So you can trust what you’re feeling, or seeing, or noticing. You’re not making it up.

[See also: Do you have to believe in Reiki for it to work? for further insights]

Some people are less sensitive

When people start to use Reiki, it’s the luck of the draw in terms of how sensitive to the flow of energy you will be. It will follow a “Bell curve”, with most people in the middle, experiencing something as the energy flows and with some people experiencing a bit more or a bit less that others.

A few people will sit at the far extremes, either starting off ridiculously sensitive to the energy or conversely not very sensitive at all; some students might start by feeling nothing at all as the energy flows. This will obviously be dismaying for that person.

But for most people, these things aren’t set in stone because there are things that you can do do develop your sensitivity to the energy.

Doing things to build sensitivity

For most people, most of the time, they will not need to do anything in particular for their sensitivity to the energy to increase. You start to work with energy, you have some, perhaps slight, sensations but you are aware of *something*, your attention dwells on the something, and you become more used, or more practised, at directing your attention in such a way that you notice more of that sensation.

What you focus your attention on grows in your experience.

So, for example, if I said to you, “How does your right ear feel?”, you would spend a few moments and become aware of all these sensations that you could potentially have been noticing before, but you weren’t because your mind was filtering them out because they weren’t important to you.

Now with your new-found Reiki connection, you have new sensations available to you and with practice and repetition you can get better at noticing them, and noticing them more strongly. Treat yourself, treat other people, perform your daily energy exercises (for example, Hatsurei ho), tune in to our free weekly distant empowerments: you’re bathing yourself in energy in different ways and giving yourself lots of opportunities to not only experience the energy but get used to and more ‘tuned in’ to those experiences.

If you would like to do something more to develop your sensitivity, then I have two suggestions: (1) Order a copy of the “Your Reiki Workout” Book or eBook, whch was a whole chapter devoted to building your sensitivity to the energy, or (2) Use my special “Nentatsu ho” meditation, to help you become more aware of the energies.

Why continue if you can’t feel energy?

It’s not often admitted in Reiki circles, I don’t think, but there are some people – even Reiki Masters – who, after trying all of the above things, still can’t feel anything happening as the energy flows. And that makes you wonder, doesn’t it, why they continued with their training when clearly “nothing was happening”.

Well, what made the difference in these cases was these Reiki people actually going through the motions and working on themselves and, importantly, treating other people despite their lack of sensation because, when you treat a number of people, you will receive feedback: positive feedback about the sensations they were experiencing (“your hands were burning hot!”) and feedback about how things improved for them in some way.

And a practitioner who self-treats and practises Hatsurei ho, even though they can’t feel anything happening, will still receive the same personal benefits that any other Reiki practitioner will receive.

[See also: Why don’t I feel so much when I self-treat? for further insights]

So you can relax, knowing that if you’re experiencing the flow of energy in some way then it doesn’t matter quite how you’re experiencing it, it doesn’t matter how other people are experiencing it, and with time and repetition you’re likely to find that your sensitivity to the flow of energy will build. There are definite things that you can practise to enhance your sensitivity and, if all else fails, Reiki will still work just as well for you and the people you treat, no matter whether you’re having astounding rainbow light-shows, or noticing nothing at all!


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Picture Credit: Agnn Foon



Which Bits Of Me Need Treating?

reiki self treatment meditations


Most people in the world of Reiki tend to self-treat in a ‘standard’ fashion, either resting their hands on themselves in a set sequence of positions or, if they are following Mikao Usui’s original practices, carrying out a Reiki self-treatment meditation where they focus their attention on a number of specific locations, and allow the energy to flow.

But someone asked me the other day, “how do I know which bits of me I need to treat” so I thought I would put together a reply that may be helpful in some way, because there are few different ways that you can answer that question. Let’s go…

Trusting the energy

The first approach we can take is to trust that the energy is going to go where it needs to, so you don’t actually need to worry about what parts of you need treating, because the energy will go there anyway. When you do a hands-on self-treatment, you are firing the energy from lots of different locations to give it the best chance of getting to where it needs to go, and if you are self-treating in the original meditative fashion, then areas upon which you are focusing your attention on some level actually represent your entire body, and thus you are treating everything that needs to be treated.

So if you have a back ache or a sore knee or some bubbling frustration or mental angst, the energy will go to where it needs to go and do what it needs to do to resolve things, and you may actually be aware of that happening, thorough a feeling of heat or comfort or heaviness in the affected area, or through some aches and pains coming to the surface, or through a rush of emotion that gives you a tear or two as you work on yourself.

That’s all good.

Treating obvious areas

Another approach would be to treat any obvious areas of discomfort. You have twisted your knee and so you rest your hands above and below the knee and allow the energy to flow there. There is something very comforting about the having that feeling of Reiki “deep heat” emanating from your hands, and you certainly know that the energy is getting to an area that is going to need some attention.

If you feel that you need some emotional self-love, and to release some stress and tension, and you don’t facncy using my Releasing exercise, then by all means rest your hands on your heart and solar plexus and allow that lovely, comforting warmth to focus itself there.

There are limitations to this approach, of course, because you won’t be able to physically rest your hands on every part of your body, or certainly you will find that doing so is uncomfortable to hold for any period of time, and thus distracts you from that lovely, mindful, neutral and empty state that you can enter into when self-treating.

So what can you do instead? Well, we know that the energy follows your focus and focuses itself where your attention is directed, so if you want to treat your lower back, you can simply focus your attention there and allow the energy to travel there and become more intense in that place, like an invisible, energetic hot-water bottle. Or just rest your hand(s) in a comfortable-to-hold position reasonably near to the affected area that you would like to treat and imagine, visualise, feel, have in mind, know that the energy is flowing from where your hands are, to that area.

[For an alternative approach to self-treatments, see: Reiki chakra meditation for you to follow]

Self Scanning

Here’s a different approach: when you treat someone, often you will perform ‘scanning’, where you drift your hands from place to place, focusing your attention on the sensations in your fingers and palms and later spending more time treating the areas that seemed to be pulling the most energy: the ‘hotspots’ (which might instead  be fizzy or buzzy, heavy, pulsing, cold etc).

You can do that with yourself to an extent, allowing your hand or hands to drift over your body and paying attention to the places that seem to be drawing more energy. Those are the areas that you will want to spend your time either hands-on self-treating, or focusing your attention on as you meditatively self-treat.

Now, you don’t have elastic arms like Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four, so you won’t be able to scan yourself completely, but here’s a cool trick: (1) Hold your hand still, hovering away from your body, (2) Focus your attention on the sensations in your fingers and palm, (3) Imagine, have in mind, know that an imaginary scanning-hand is moving slowly across different parts of your body, and notice how the sensations in your hand changes.

You can ‘scan’ with your intention, without physically moving your hand anywhere! That’s a bit like remote scanning, which is describe here: Scanning at a distance.

I think that’s so cool.

[See also: Why don’t I feel so much when I self-treat? for further insights]

Using energy awareness

When you self-treat, you will often be aware of the flow of energy, or certainly know where the energy seems to be focusing itself, because you’ll feel heat somewhere, or tingling or fizzing, or pulsing, or heaviness, of whatever particular sensation or sensations tell you that Reiki is doing its wonders on a particular part of your body.

Well, you could follow that focusing of energy, which you became aware of, by resting your hands on or near that place, or allowing your attention to rest in that area. In doing so, you are allowing the energy to guide you, you are following it’s priorities, its sequence, and backing that up by focusing the energy there with hands or attention.

Working intuitively

In the same way that you scan other people, and can scan yourself, you work intuitively with other people, and you can also work intuitively with yourself. I recommend the ‘Reiji ho’ method as a really good, solid, reliable approach to intuitive working, and you can read all about intuition in a series of blogs that I wrote, starting here.

So you can hover your hands near your body, empty your mind, merge with the energy and allow your hands to drift, which they will do to an extent. You are limited again, of course, by not being a member of The Fantastic Four, so the areas of your body over which your hands can drift and come to rest will always be limited.

That’s where you can bring in your handy visual constructs again and, just like when we scanned ourselves without moving our hands, we can also have imaginary hands drifting over our bodies, coming to rest in our mind’s eye over places of need.

What do we do with that intuitive information? Well, we can either rest our real hands on or near that place, or allow our attention to rest there for a while. In either case, the energy will be directed to that location, and when the energy seems to want to move on to somewhere else, we can bring out imaginary hands to see what the next part of the sequence will be.

Take your pick

So you can see that there are a whole range of approaches that you can take to deal with the question of “how do I know which bits of me I need to treat”. Whether you treat hands-on or meditatively (my favourite), whether you just allow the energy to do whatever it wants to do or treat obvious areas, whether you scan yourself or follow the energy’s own priorities in some way, the important thing is to make working on yourself a regular part of your routine.

Go with the flow and discover for yourself the most comfortable approach for you, or mix and match as seems appropriate.

The important thing is to self-treat. Do it today, if only for five minutes, and build that Reiki momentum!


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Going to Ground with Reiki?


Ground yourself! Ground yourself! Ground yourself!

It is true to say that there is a particular species of Reiki person who attributes almost every human malady, ailment or moment of bad luck or misfortune to the state of ‘not being properly grounded’. Whether you trip over a kerbstone, get a grade “C” instead of a “B”, forget where your car keys are or start sneezing, it’s all about you needing to ground yourself better, apparently.

In this view of the Reiki world, we are all rather like party balloons, tethered precariously by thin lengths of poorly-tied string, as strong winds take us up and away, teetering precariously far from the safety and solidity of the earth beneath us, ready to drift off into an almost LSD-like experience of reality, spaced-out and a danger to ourselves and other people.

But is that really what’s happening?

Grounding hysteria

It is not clear to me where this grounding hysteria originated.

Certainly it is not something that turns up in all Reiki lineages, while for some practitioners it seems to be their number one concern. But there are lots of strange ideas in the world of Reiki, aren’t there? For example, the belief that you have to draw the Reiki symbols over your palms every morning for fear of them stopping working, or the belief that you need to keep at least one hand resting on a client at all times for fear of losing your ‘conection’, or the belief that you can’t practise Reiki when wearing, or indeed treat someone who is wearing, contact lenses.

The word ‘fear’ turned up quite a lot in that sentence, didn’t it? It’s almost as if, despite the helpful advice in the Reiki precepts where it says, “just for today… I will be free from worry”, people are interpreting this turned upside down and read it as, “just for today… I will find something new and irrational to fret about”.

Grounding comes into that category.

[See Attunements, empowerments and contact lenses for more nonsense!]

Mundanity grounds you

The concern about grounding seems to be based on the idea that if you work with energy regularly, or even irregularly, there is an immediate risk of not only becoming spaced out, but that you will stay in that spaced-out state long-term, you will be stuck there in some sort of a distracted, high-on-the-drug-of-Reiki condition, and that this not good for you at all.

My response to this is two-fold and my first comments may seem to be a bit irresponsible, but please bear with me…

So, what’s wrong with being spaced out for a bit? It feels great! Reiki can give you the most natural, most safe form of being high. There are no side-effects and you can tune in, zone out and drift in a zonked-out wonderland. Cool trip, dude, and so on.

And why do I say that? It’s because such a state isn’t going to last long! It’s not going to last for very long because mundanity grounds you. Mundane activities bring you back to normality, to normal human existence.

So if you want to ground yourself, do the washing up. Stick some clothes in the washing machine, stopping to try and get that stubborn stain out of one of your T-shirts. To ground yourself, go for a walk and take some deep breaths, and notice the natural world around you. Go to the gym and shift some weights around. Do some gardening or mow the lawn. Commute.

Having to do normal things in the real world is a very grounding practice.

Energetic grounding

You were probably expecting me to give some sort of a prescription for grounding, using some sort of meditations or energy exercises, and I will touch on that, but I look at things rather differently: rather than being a way of spacing you out, regular energy work, when done correctly, can be a really grounding practice.

In fact, the daily energy exercises that Mikao Usui had his students carry out work brilliantly for grounding us. You can read all about these exercises in this blog, take a moment to read through it: Simple Reiki energy exercises to get the energy flowing.

As an alternative to bringing energy through your crown, down to your Tanden, you might want to experiment with bringing energy from the ground, up through your legs, to your Tanden. See how that feels.

The key to the grounding-potency of these exercises is to do with you focusing your attention on your Tanden, the centre of your personal universe, your core. Regularly bringing your attention to this point, a couple of fingerbreadths below your tummy button and 1/3rd of the way into your body, is the way to be solid, present and fully part of physical reality.

Just try now: bring your attention to that point, let your attention dwell there for half a minute. You don’t feel spaced out, do you?

There are other meditations or visualisations that people recommend, one of which involves imagining that you have thick roots (like the roots of a tree) extending through your feet, through the floor, deep into the ground, binding you to the planet, making you solid, heavy, physically present. You can experiment with this and see what effect it has on you, though I think such things are mostly unnecessary for most people, most of the time.

When you have mundane existence, the washing up, having to collect your children from school, traffic jams, and Kenyoku and Joshin Kokkyu ho, you need little else.

And if you do feel a bit spaced out, just enjoy the moment because it’ll soon pass!


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The more you read the more you’ll have those wonderful ‘aha’ moments. I know I am already benefiting personally from the knowledge I’ve gained, but so will all my family, friends and clients too. Thank you Taggart for creating this incredible, uniting, enlightening book.”

Heidi Gaffney-Evans

Liberate Your Reiki!

86 Articles About Reiki: One Inspiring Vision

In this Reiki book you will find 80+ articles about Reiki, written by Reiki Master Teacher Taggart King. You will discover how to set your Reiki free, free from the constraints, dogma, rules and regulations of Western-style Reiki courses. Get back to Reiki’s original Japanese method and embrace simplicity, flexibility, creativity and intuition.

This book is suitable for people at all Reiki levels: beginners, those who are developing their Reiki, and Reiki Masters/Master Teachers. You will find advice about self-treatment meditations, energy exercises to build your ability as a channel, you will discover how to work with your intuition and embrace the power of intent.

Explore different distant healing methods and discover the beauty of Reiki’s original Japanese form. Learn how to use creativity and visualisation to enhance your self-treatments and treatment of others, and ditch all the silly rules and regulations that stifle the practice of Western Reiki in many lineages.

Finally, read Taggart King’s “10 Rules of Reiki”, the essential principles for a powerful and fulfilling Reiki practice.

This professionally-printed Reiki manual has 370 A5 pages, a glossy soft cover and we will send it to anywhere in the world!

Read the contents list before you order, if you like, by clicking on this link: Table of contents

Book: 370 pages.

Price: £15.99 + p&p

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Picture credit: hannah thursday


Diet, Health and Reiki

Do I need to be a healthy, teetotal vegan to learn & practise Reiki?

A common question that I am asked revolves around health and diet, both before someone goes on a Reiki course, and once they are practising. People ask whether they need to follow a particular sort of diet before attending for a Reiki First Degree course, and then subsequently, and they also ask whether it’s ok to treat someone when you feel ill, or if you’re under the weather, or have a cold, for example.

A further question asks why Reiki hasn’t resolved a particular health condition for a practitioner or a client.

The perfect diet

There is no particular diet that you need to follow before going on a Reiki course. Some people ask whether they should avoid red meat, or junk food, or stop drinking alcohol, or follow a vegetarian diet for several weeks before their course date, and my answer is that you do not need to do any of these things. Whatever your diet is like, you will receive an effective ‘connection’ to the energy and you will be able to channel the energy for your benefit and for the benefit of people that you treat.

But, and this is a big ‘but’… Reiki attunements (or empowerments, because they are the same thing, essentially) will often give you quite a ‘clear-out’, where you experience perhaps emotional ups and downs, or a need to declutter or simplify or alter your life in some way, and Reiki can also give you a physical clear-out, where you can feel tired, or full of energy, or sleepy, or have disturbed sleep for a time, and you may experience what has ended up being referred to as a ‘Reiki cold’, with aches and pains, a fuzzy head and other physical symptoms.

If you live on red meat, junk food and alcohol then you are likely to experience a much stronger physical clear-out than would a teetotal vegan, so while there is no diet that you need to follow to go on a Reiki course, the poorer the quality of your diet, the more pronounced your physical reaction to the attunements is likely to be.

Reiki in its Japanese form emphasises working on yourself, self-healing, embracing the Reiki precepts, and there is something quite incongruous about working with energy on a regular basis to care for yourself, while at the same time assailing yourself with junk food, perhaps smoking, drinking to excess and eating an unhealthy, animal-product-based diet. We need to care for ourselves not just by meditating and doing energy exercises, but also by ensuring we have a healthy diet and doing physical exercise regularly.

Reiki will not save you from a junk-food, couch potato lifestyle!

Being in perfect health

Sometimes people ask whether it is ok to treat other people when you are ill, and the question usually revolves around whether all the energy will be ‘used up’ in dealing with the energy needs of the sick practitioner, and whether there will be very little left to pass on to the recipient. I will come to that, but I’d just like to make the practical point that if you are ill, is it really a good idea to sit with your face 6 inches away from the face of someone else and place your hands on them, when you are possibly contagious? The answer is ‘no’: people don’t want to come to you for a Reiki treatment and leave with whichever disease you are currently nurturing!

The question about whether all the energy will be used up by the practitioner is a bit of a red herring because there is not a limited supply of Reiki. When you channel Reiki, you are connecting to an unlimited supply of energy, and when you treat someone you are creating a ‘healing space’ that allows them to draw what they need in that moment; you are a bystander in that process and your system will not be able to greedily grab the energy that is available, and prevent the person you are treating from being able to access what they need.

Certainly some people seem to be better channels for the energy than others, but that is a separate issue and is to do with their personal Reiki practice: how regularly they work with the energy, how practised they are in ‘getting out of the way’ and entering into a gentle, neutral, mindful state when they treat someone. That is what gives you ‘clear pipes’. But that’s a bit of an unhelpful metaphor because there are no pipes and there is no plumbing that travels into the practitioner first, with what’s left trickling into the client.

When you treat someone you are also treating yourself. You merge with the recipient and stand aside, there is no you and there is no them, and you are creating a energetic space that allows you and the recipient to obtain what they need in that moment. What you need is different from what they need, and what you receive is different from what they receive. What one person receives is not dependent on what the other person receives, so your state of health or otherwise does not affect what the client receives.

But if you’re ill, don’t treat people!

Look after yourself, get some rest, and if you have some sort of a virus… don’t infect others!

What do we do when we treat?

I heard of a Reiki student once, who decided that they were no longer going to learn or practise Reiki. The reason? They noticed that Mikao Usui wore glasses and concluded that if even the founder of Reiki was not able to ‘heal his eyes’ with Reiki, then Reiki wasn’t much of a healing system. And that got me wondering what people expect from a system such as Reiki. Do we expect all Reiki practitioners to live to be 150 years old, in perfect health? Do we expect Reiki to be a perfect cure-all, able to zap and eliminate any disease, with the thought that if this is not happening then we’re doing it wong in some way or perhaps we are not good enough as a practitioner.

While Reiki has, is and will continue to do produce some quite miraculous things for people, it is not a 100% cure-all and it will not resolve everyone’s ailments. I spoke earlier about how Reiki will not save you from a junk-food, couch-potato lifestyle, unclogging your arteries and strengthening unexercised muscles, but what it can do for us or for another person is to help that person’s body system to heal itself, as far as that is possible for that person. It will support that process, giving the practitioner or recipient its best chance to bring things back to normal, to health. But there are no promises made. There is no offer of a miracle cure. And sometimes the best that Reiki can offer is to provide some comfort, or acceptance, where a physical condition is not going to resolve.

I wear glasses. I have done since I was 21. I look at computer screens too much, and that certainly does not help. Reiki has not resolved my astigmatism for me. And at the same time, I think Reiki is wonderfully effective. The two things can live side by side: my lack of perfect eye functioning and my belief that Reiki can produce quite incredible effects in some people, and for most provide a sense of calm, of contentment, helping to release stress and tension and allowing people to feel more positive and better able to cope with whatever they are facing.

And that is a miracle, in my eyes!


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Photo credit: Kim Siever