Tag Archives: Debbie McDougall

The Healing Age: Reiki To Go?

These days you find people searching, searching, searching. Looking desperately for the answer to life the Universe and everything. They can’t seem satisfied with their ‘lot’ in life. There must be something missing, something more, something that will make them feel whole, complete, happy.

We live in a fast food society where we want everything now and by golly we don’t want or expect to work for it either!

With the 2012 Era now in full swing, people are undergoing great changes, huge events in their lives that they would never have guessed could, or would, happen to them. Things that happen only to ‘others’ as they sit safely in their own little bubble of existence.

Well, here’s the latest news flash, if we haven’t already, we are all very soon going to experience our fears and our joys, our light side and our dark side, the good and the bad. This is unavoidable. We are all ascending, albeit at a different and individual pace. We are all part of that One Source that is experiencing itself in all its multi-coloured, multi-faceted glory!

So what does this have to do with Reiki?

Well, as with anything in this 21st century life of ours, there are sometimes some ‘fast food’ students who want it all and want it now. They want miracles in their lives to occur after just 1 empowerment or 1 or 2 self healing or meditation episodes and if it doesn’t work, then boy, they are mad, they feel cheated!

I will always tell students that the true learning (and miracles) come from Reiki itself after the training day.

Spiritual growth, which encompasses our personal healings, rarely comes with a flash of light and an epiphany! We are here to work, here to learn and this takes dedicated time and discipline from us.

Yes, we all know this and yet we still want it all now. We cannot believe we have to go through the mill to get what we want in life, good health, peace of mind and abundance.

I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but come on folks, if we could achieve spontaneous healings and enlightenment, then don’t you think we would have already?

Some people go to great lengths and elaborate rituals to induce a healing. The Truth is that all we ‘need’ is us and our trust in our connection to Source. In order to manifest our reality, we need now to draw on all our Spiritual resources, all our senses both known and as yet unknown.

We need to apply FEELING to our intentions whether we are healing or at a job interview. It goes even beyond mere human emotion stemming from ego. This is deep, deep Spiritual FEELING I’m talking about.  Feeling from that deep space within, that space which is Source itself. Knowing you are already healed and enlightened. Feeling that you already are.

‘Fake it ‘till you make it’ as the Americans say! SIMPLE

This is our path home, no matter which system you may decide suits you best, be it Reiki, Spiritualism, Shamanism, Buddhism etc and this takes your time and your patience with your own speed of growth, healing and change.

Reiki can assist us in getting to that deep place within. Simple connection and channelling of this high frequency energy can begin to turn our lives around, BUT, and there is always a BUT……this won’t happen if we pick Reiki up every few months (when we need it) and then we drop it again with reasons like:

“I just don’t seem to find the time”

“ I have too many other things to do”

“we were on holiday, you know how it is….”

NO folks, sorry but there really are no excuses. You either want change or you don’t.

Be honest with yourself at the very least 🙂

You cannot run a marathon without putting in some serious training.

So if you are truly serious about making changes for the better in your life, then put on your running shoes and get going!



Debbie McDougall is one of the Reiki Evolution team of teachers offering training in the beautiful city of Salisbury, Wiltshire.

Debbie began her Reiki journey in 2004, eventually leaving the NHS in 2008 after nearly 30 years as a Nurse, and more latterly, a Midwife. Debbie has also trained in other forms of Holistic healing and runs regular workshops and groups aiming to empower others to heal themselves. She also runs Munay Ki workshops to pass on the beautiful and profound Ascension Rites of the Incan Shamanic lineages and writes her monthly ‘Earth Change Updates’ available on her website.

Debbie’s website can be found here: www.heaven-wisehealth.co.uk

For the SoulGroup Facebook page click here




Tree Hugging Abroad

McRitchie Reservoir Singapore



It happened quite unexpectedly as I walked in wonder along the pathway in the warm, damp heat of the tropical rainforest. The foliage dripped with early morning dew and the soft sound of butterfly wings gently clipped my ears.

We were walking in the largest patch of green that Singapore has to offer, the MacRitchie reservoir. The walk itself is about 15km and a welcome break from the concrete jungle that is Singapore, as more and more construction work replaces mother nature.

My husband, Ian, is ex-military and generally likes to ‘yomp’ as opposed to walk. My regular reciting on our walks of the poem ‘what is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare…’ generally falls upon deaf ears! This time I was not going to be rushed and let him yomp on ahead with my 2 children Hannah and Alex.

We had already met the resident group of Macaque monkeys,  who have a penchant for grabbing anything that vaguely resembles a packed lunch and also the turtles in the reservoir who swim at speed to greet you in the hope you may have something edible for them too. I was rather disappointed at the humanisation of the local wildlife, but understandable on such a small island I suppose!

We were now venturing as deep into the rainforest as the small pocket of forest would allow. I was enjoying the warm shade that the trees allowed and delighting in the dappled sunlight as it split the trees and alighted on the footpath ahead of me. The birdsong was sweet and the exotic aroma of damp earth and leafy vegetation was almost good enough to eat.

As I walked I suddenly felt a very strong feeling of energy coming from a tree on my left. It was palpable even from a couple of feet away. I stopped and wondered if I was simply going mad. I’ve always loved trees but have never truly conversed with one before, but this one was definitely calling my name!

I had to explore this new phenomenon and, of course, I worked my way through the undergrowth toward it. Its strong buttress-style trunk allowed me to get quite close between its roots and I gently placed my hands upon its trunk and whispered my greetings. Immediately the sense of an energy exchange began, the Reiki simply poured through me into the tree.

As we shared this joyous exchange of energies, we spoke of nature and nurturing all life with reverence and Grace. This beautiful tree was revealing to me its sense of oneness with all creation and its delight in finding someone who was sensitive enough to share time and Reiki with it.

It taught me that Reiki is an energy that all nature knows of intimately. It is part of their daily sustenance, as one frequency amongst the plethora of frequencies that we, and all living things, require to maintain a healthy balance and equilibrium.  It told me that nature, as one cohesive consciousness, was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that so many humans were now awakening to their own Divine nature and that soon, very soon, we would all be singing the same song in harmony – the song of Ascension.

I felt so far removed as I merged with the essence of the tree, a blissful harmony of frequencies as we ‘danced’ together in time. But I was soon disturbed from my humbling and beautiful interaction with this amazing Being as a call to arms jolted me back into 3D reality. My family were waiting for me to catch them up and patience is not their strong point!

I bade my farewell to the tree and stepped back into my life.

But I will always remember this as one of the most truly amazing and powerful experiences of my life in a place I had not expected to feel such immense and Divine power where concrete reigns supreme.

My advice: always, always, expect the unexpected and be prepared to be amazed, particularly in these times of incredible changes on Earth and for humanity!


Debbie McDougall

March 2011 Salisbury, Wiltshire


Debbie McDougall is one of the Reiki Evolution team of teachers offering training in the beautiful city of Salisbury, Wiltshire.

Debbie began her Reiki journey in 2004, eventually leaving the NHS in 2008 after nearly 30 years as a Nurse, and more latterly, a Midwife. Debbie has also trained in other forms of Holistic healing and runs regular workshops and groups aiming to empower others to heal themselves. She also runs Munay Ki workshops to pass on the beautiful and profound Ascension Rites of the Incan Shamanic lineages and writes her monthly ‘Earth Change Updates’ available on her website.

Debbie’s website can be found here: www.heaven-wisehealth.co.uk

For the SoulGroup Facebook page click here