The basics
When you book a place on a Reiki Evolution course, you pay a deposit in advance and then the balance remaining is paid to your teacher either (1) on the day of your course, or (2) a few weeks before the course date by direct bank transfer or other method (this varies from one location to another but is made clear on the course booking page).
What the deposit covers
The deposit that you pay holds a place open for you on the course date that you chose, and this deposit is non-refundable whether or not you attend on that date.
Rebooking fees
If you need to change the date of a course that you have already booked then we will charge a re-booking fee.
The fee is £40 for First Degree and Second Degree courses. For the Master Teacher course the re-booking fee is £70.
If only one person ends up booked on a particular course
If you end up being the only person booked on a particular date then the course may not go ahead because some of our teachers can prefer to teach at least two students, and it’s usually better for you to have at least one other student to go through the training at the same time as you (though some students very much appreciate one-to-one tuition).
We aim to give you about a week’s notice if we need to cancel your course, and we will then offer you alternative dates and locations.
If you decide to train one-to-one at our Harrogate location, there is an additional charge of £30 for this service, paid to the teacher.
If a student just doesn’t turn up, or cancels at the last minute
This hardly ever happens, but if you were to just not turn up for your course, giving no notice to the teacher (and thus messing the teacher around), or cancel at short notice, then the following will happen: you will be required to pay the rebooking fee of £40 *and* we would require the balance due for the course to be paid in advance (e.g. £80 for First Degree, £110 for Second Degree).
Those payments book you on a specified course date and would be non-refundable whether or not you attended on that date.
And if you did not attend on *that* date, you could only attend a further future date after we receive, again, the £40 rebooking fee and the balance due (£80 for First Degree, £110 for Second Degree). These comments also apply to the RMT courses but the rebooking fee and balance are different (£70 and £350).
Why we charge deposits
When we first started running Reiki courses we didn’t ask for deposits or anything like that, but we soon found that some people would not turn up for their course, or cancelled at the last minute, or kept on cancelling at the last minute and then re-booking, cancelling and re-booking.
This wouldn’t matter if we were running courses for 10 or 20 students, but we teach no more than 4 or 6 people at a time, and sometimes we had added extra course dates on the basis of courses that we thought were fully booked, only to find that students did not attend.
We find that requiring non-refundable deposits and charging re-booking fees means that most courses will go ahead with the planned number of students, which is better for everyone.
And finally
We reserve the right to decide whether a particular person is suitable for our Reiki training courses and if we come to the conclusion that our course is not the right fit for a person, or if a teacher feels uncomfortable about teaching a particular person, then the course deposit will be refunded in full and the student will not attend. It is important for us to be able to protect all our teachers.