The Benefits of Reiki for Cancer Patients

Occasionally on this blog we will have a ‘guest’ blog post, and I have one here that was written by Emily Walsh who wanted to talk about Reiki and Cancer.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a very frightening and frustrating time in an individual’s life. The decision of accepting traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be an unnerving one considering the side effects associated with such therapies and, unfortunately, the diagnosis may require a moment to get one’s affairs in order.

All of these emotions can create a disturbance in the body’s natural energy and, coincidentally, make the journey to recovery all that more difficult. It is difficult not to experience such negative feelings, yet it is important to remember that, along with the traditional medicines, a strong mind and heart as well as positive outlook and the belief in survival is essential to beat cancer.

Many patients today turn to complementary therapies in addition to the traditional. Complementary therapies cannot cure cancer nor have their benefits been scientifically proven, but these natural therapies such as Reiki, have been reported to reduce and/or eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and joint pain.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese therapy in which a licensed practitioner attempts to repair the damaged energies of the ill patient by using his or her hands to transmit healthy life energy into the body. Sessions last approximately one hour and have been known to relax the patient and even create a warming sensation within.

The American Cancer society has even recommended including the practice of Reiki for Mesothelioma patients to ease the severity of side effects from chemotherapy and reduce the pain and discomfort felt after surgery. Due to the reported success of Reiki for cancer patients, many cancer treatment centers even keep Reiki practitioners on staff today.

The mesothelioma life expectancy typically peaks at four to 18 months, although there have been a number of patients that have lived for several years after diagnosis. Still, news of such an illness can be devastating and take its toll not only on the patient, but on friends and family. Reiki can help the patient find peace and reduce stress, but it can also be “sent” to loved ones.

For all cancer patients looking for natural relief to the pain of cancer and its treatments, Reiki is a complementary therapy that can provide natural relief and spiritual healing, making each day in battle an easier one to face and helping the patient look forward to tomorrow.

Emily Walsh

One thought on “The Benefits of Reiki for Cancer Patients

  1. Hi Emily
    Thank you so much for your insights into the horrendous effects of a cancer diagnosis and how Reiki can help in such a positive way.

    Reiki blessings

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