The Five Elements & Reiki: ‘Organ’ Correspondences

reiki five elements organ correspondences

I mentioned in my earlier post “An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine” that I have created a Reiki healing system based on working with the “Five Elements” of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In a series of articles I’m going to be talking about different aspects of the Five Elements and how they impinge on people’s lives: how imbalances in the five elements can show themselves as physical conditions and particular emotions and states of mind.

I have written about how the elements support and control each other through the nourishment and control cycles, I’ve spoken about the meridians and body organs that relate to each element, and in my recent articles I have been talking in a lot more detail about the emotions of the elements.

But elements do not just appear as physical organs, meridians and emotions: they appear as particular states of mind, and each ‘organ’ relates to a particular state of mind. That’s what I’m going to be talking about briefly today…

States of mind

Each element is represented by a couple of ‘organs’, and in the case of Fire, by four ‘organs’ – two of which do not have Western anatomical counterparts. The ‘organs’ for TCM purposes are much, much more than what we think of in the West.

Each organ has a number of correspondences attached to it, so when in TCM someone thinks of the Liver, they are not just imagining the anatomical structure, but also anger – as we have seen in a previous blog post – and the ability to plan ahead (as we will discover later).

The ‘organs’ operate on all levels of the body-mind-spirit, they are energy fields that resonate throughout our being and exhibit their characteristics in different ways.

The diagram below shows how the organs relate to the different elements, and their associated emotions and states of mind.


reiki five elements organ correspondences mind map

In a series of posts I am now going to go into a lot more detail about how imbalances in the energy of the ‘organs’ show themselves in our lives.


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Picture credit: Hey Paul Studios




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