The Reiki Evolution National Gathering

31st Aug and 15th Sept 2024 on Zoom

reiki evolution rainbow tree

Attend our National gathering from the comfort of your living room!

I am very pleased to be able to announce the launch of our Virtual Reiki National gathering which will be held *in your living room* on two mornings in August and September 2024.

This is a chance to spend some quality time with seven of our team of trusted teachers, learn new things, experience new things, and expand your horizons. 🙂

Don’t miss out!

There will be a morning session on both dates, lasting for about three hours, and we have a whole cascade of different talks and meditations, advice and guided energy work for you… all provided by Reiki Evolution’s team of talented teachers.

What can you look forward to? Look here…

  • Shamanic Reiki: attachments & cord cutting
  • A Qi Gong adventure
  • Living the Reiki Precepts, and Reiki as a Self-Development Path
  • Reiki Drum healing
  • Five Element Reiki
  • Breath Led Yoga
  • Reiki Crystal meditations

Day 1: Saturday 31st August

“Shamanic Reiki: Attachments and Cord Cutting” with Kay Gillard, Somerset
Approx 45 mins
Click here to read all about Kay and her “Shamanic approaches” and “Sound Healing” courses, and other fabulous offerings for Reiki people.
“Reiki Crystal Meditation” with Linda Vickers, Tyne & Wear
Approx 30 mins
Click here to read all about Linda and her special bespoke Crystals or Angel workshops, and Angelic Reiki.
Mid Morning Break
“Living the Reiki Precepts” with Jo Sumner, Wiltshire
Approx 45 mins
Click here to read all about Jo and her very special Holistic Retreats, RMT Online Support Group, and Reiki shares.
“About Reiki Drum | Experience Drum Distant Healing” with Annie Robertson, Edinburgh
Approx 30 mins

This is what people had to say about Day 1…

“I very much enjoyed the first half of the Gathering yesterday. Such a varied and excellent group of speakers and topics. I learned a lot and have much to ponder on now! I will definitely be listening to them all again several times and look forward to the second half. Congratulations, a great idea, and to the speakers and all involved.”

– Alice Rugheimer 

“Just wanted to give some feedback, but hard to know where to start because it was all so amazing.

Kay was so interesting. I enjoyed learning about the web of weird as a life force and the three cauldrons and how everything forms a connection. Definitely something I would like to learn more about. The cord cutting was very powerful. 

Linda’s crystal meditation was wonderful. Such a lovely voice to listen to, and felt amazing afterwards.

Jo’s session was a real eye opener! Put a whole new perspective on Living with the Precepts and how to work with them. The exercise Jo did with something you are really, truly grateful for made me so emotional! Looking forward to putting this all into practice

Annie’s Reiki Drum Meditation was awesome! 

Please pass on my thanks to them all and Zoe for such a wonderful morning!  Looking forward to the replay. And the next Gathering.

Thank you so much for organising such an amazing morning.”

– Jayne

Day 2: Sunday 15th September

“A QiGong Adventure” with Cathy Birkinhead, Bedfordshire
Approx 50 mins
Click here to read all about Cathy and her Tai Chi and Reiki Drum courses in The Chilterns, and other fabulous offerings for Reiki people.
“Five Element Reiki: Talk and Meditation” with Zoe Smith, Essex
Approx 30 mins
Click here to read all about Zoe and her special Five Element Reiki and Reiki Drum courses, and other wonderful offerings.
Mid Morning Break
“Reiki as a Self-Development Path” with Jo Sumner, Wiltshire
Approx 45 mins
Click here to read all about Jo and her very special Holistic Retreats, RMT Online Support Group, and Reiki shares.
“Breath Led Yoga” with Yvonne Cattermole, Bristol
Approx 30 mins
Click here to read all about Yvonne and her very special Online Yoga & Meditation courses, and Onine Reiki shares

Attend live, or stream later

You have the choice between attending live, and participating along with everyone else, or you can use the link we will send you after the event, so that you can watch later, at a time that is more convenient. So you can experience and benefit from both days’ offerings, even if you cannot do it at the pre-scheduled times.

How To Enrol Now