Reiki Drum Courses in Bedfordshire & Essex, and via Home Study

The Reiki Drum Technique is a powerful fusion of traditional Reiki and ancient shamanic medicine drumming, aimed at promoting deep healing and personal growth. By integrating the rhythmic sounds of the drum with the soothing energy of Reiki, practitioners can help clients shift blockages and rebalance their energy fields.

This technique is beneficial for Reiki practitioners who wish to broaden their healing repertoire and harness the documented benefits of drumming, such as improved immune function, emotional trauma recovery, and enhanced mental clarity.

Training in the Reiki Drum Technique offers not only professional development but also an opportunity for profound personal transformation.

We have Reiki Drum training courses running at two locations, in Bedfordshire and Essex, and you can find out more about these course by clicking on the links below…

Reiki Drum training in Bedfordshire with Cathy Birkinhead

Reiki Drum training in Essex with Zoe Smith

Reiki Drum training via Home Study

Cathy Birkinhead also offers a special Reiki Drum training course through home study, which you can read about by clicking here: Reiki Drum home study