Track Listings

Reiki First Degree CD/MP3 track details

What is Reiki?
Where did Reiki come from?
What learning Reiki can do for you
Following the original system
The precepts and mindfulness
The 5 precepts in Japanese
Reiju empowerments
Daily energy exercises
Self-treatment approaches
Giving and receiving treatments
Different treatment approaches
Full treatments: starting and scanning
Full treatments: the rest of the treatment


Reiki Second Degree CD/MP3 track details

Following the original system
Mikao Usui’s precepts
Reiju at Second Degree
Earth ki and Heavenly ki
Oneness and distant healing
Using symbols when you treat
Working with intuition: “Reiji ho”
Reiji ho meditation/instructions
The power of intent


Reiki Meditations audio CD/MP3 track details

Track 1: Hatsu rei ho
Experience the daily energy exercises used in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Japan. The track talks you through all the stages, with relaxing music to help you go deep.

Track 2: Self-treatment meditation
Experience one of Mikao Usui’s self-treatment approaches, with a musical backdrop, and discover how powerful intent and visualisation can be!

Track 3: Distant Healing session
We talk you through a simple distant healing session. You don’t need to worry about timing, because the CD takes care of that for you! This track can be used by people at first-degree level too, since distance healing is perfectly possible at this level.

Track 4: Symbol meditation
This track is mainly for use by second-degree practitioners and above, though first-degree practitioners can use it too. Learn how to ‘become’ the energy of two of the Reiki symbols, and echo Usui’s way of getting to grips with the energies.


Reiki Master Teacher CD/MP3 #1 track details

The Original System
Experiencing Energies
Symbols and Treatments
The Kotodama
Non-Reiki techniques
Reiju Empowerments
Western Attunements
Thoughts on Usui System
Teaching Reiki


Reiki Master Teacher CD/MP3 #2 track details

Reiju Empowerment Instructions
Reiki 2 Attunement Instructions
“Frequency Scale Meditation”
“Reiji Ho” Instructions